Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 514 Camping on the Mountaintop

Xiu didn't say anything and released Casey.

"Let's go, find a place to spend the night as soon as possible, otherwise it's too dangerous."

After Casey came out, he opened his eyes and looked at the Poké Ball in Nanami's hand, and then he calmed down.

"Walk?" Nanami looked at the pitch-black surroundings and suddenly felt a little scared.

It's not that Nanami is timid, it's human instinct to resist darkness.

"No." Xiu shook his head and smiled strangely at Nanami, "Let's take a car."

"Huh! Come again?"

Nanami has been traumatized, she hasn't recovered yet, come again now?

"Don't be afraid, do something new this time." Xiu looked at Casey, and then the Water Drop appeared from the void.

"Isn't this still the same?" Nanami didn't notice any changes in this!

"Different." Xiu got on casually, then patted the seat next to him and shouted: "Come on, I'll drive slower this time."

Nanami looked around helplessly, then smiled bitterly and got on the black car.

I can only pray that this time it won't be such a bummer.

When Xiu saw Nanami coming up, he muttered a bunch of incomprehensible words.

"Night stealth mode, 300 meters above the ground, speed..."

As Xiu spoke, the water drop gradually reduced from its original blue glow to an almost invisible state. Nanami couldn't see it, but she could feel that it had a solid body.

"Let's go!"

Before she could react too much, Xiu gave an order, and the water drop floated directly into the air.

"Ah~" Nanami subconsciously called out, but found that it was unusually stable, without even a trace of fluctuation.

If she hadn't seen herself getting farther and farther away from the ground, Nanami would really doubt that she was on the ground now.

As the height rose, the ground was swallowed by darkness, pitch black, and nothing could be seen at all.

"At night, we are not afraid of being seen, and most of the powerful flying elves that can threaten us have returned to their nests to rest at this time, so there is no need to move around below. The sky is the real place for the water drop."

Because there are no obstacles in the sky, Xiu also has time to drive and introduce at the same time.

He really didn't drive very fast this time, especially there were no obvious reference objects in the sky, it was more like drifting with the wind.

Of course, Xiu didn't tell Nanami that the thickness of the Water Drop was reduced by half in order to reduce its presence. If it really hits something, it is likely to overturn.

But since Xiu dared to do this, it means that he is sure to solve these problems, so he didn't scare her.

"Look, the scenery of the moonlit night here." Xiu looked up and saw stars in the sky.

The night sky tonight is very face-giving. Although it can't be said to be cloudless, it is still clear and bright.

Nanami looked up as Xiu said.

The blue-black night enveloped the surroundings, and the thin clouds seemed to be a slowly drawn curtain, revealing the bright moon and stars on the stage. The two competed with each other in the night sky, both wanting to show their own beauty.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and her hair fluttered. Nanami subconsciously reached out to hold it down, and the other hand stretched forward. This touch actually found that there was a void in front of her, which made her look at Xiu.

"I just opened the top, I want to blow the wind."

Xiu also looked up at the sky at this time, with a relaxed expression on his face. After a moment, he asked: "The starry sky in this world is always so attractive, but how many people can be as leisurely as us..."

Nanami did not answer. She let go of the hand that pressed down her hair and looked at the moon that seemed very close but impossible to touch.

In this way, the water droplets turned into a boat, and the two slowly floated in the night sky.

In this environment, time seemed to have lost its meaning.

Nanami didn't know how long it had been. She seemed to be asleep. Thinking about something was meaningless, and she was extremely relaxed.

Until Xiu's words pulled her out of that state.

"We're here~"

Nanami can ignore everything, but Xiu can't. He has to control the boat, so he is destined not to feel her relaxation.

The top of Mount Tsukimi.

This is the camping site chosen by Xiu. It's small, there are no people or elves, and it's easy to defend.

"Where is this?" Nanami looked down. It was pitch black and she couldn't see anything. She had never been nearby, so of course she didn't know.

"The top of Mount Tsukimi, stay here tonight. It's safer here. I'll wake you up tomorrow morning."

Xiu said while taking out the tent and other tools.

He naturally didn't use a tent, this was prepared for Nanami.

"Come here, try to install it yourself." Xiu chose the location, right under the short tree, and then hung a lamp on the branch.

Next, it's up to her. Xiu is not a nanny, and he hasn't asked her to do everything.

"I'm going to cook." Xiu released a few elves with his backhand, but everyone except Jigglypuff was not very active.

There was no way, their living habits had become similar to Xiu's, and they usually rested during this event, so of course they didn't have the energy during the day.

Nanami saw this and learned to let Pibao out, and this little guy was very active.

"Go, don't walk around."

When Nanami assembled the tent and carried Pibao over, Xiu had almost finished dinner, and Casey and the others were eating.

Seeing her coming, Xiu put down the spoon that had been stirring the soup and joked, "How is it? Did today's feeling shatter your fantasy about the wild?"

Nanami did not answer directly, but asked back, "Then why do you still like to run outside? If you can stay and be Grandpa's assistant, with your talent, you may be famous all over the world in a short time."

Xiu did not answer either, just smiled and said, "Let's eat first."

Nanami was also a little confused, but she did not ask more questions when she saw Xiu's reaction, but just silently took the bowl handed over by Xiu.

And she found that Xiu also carefully prepared food for Pi Baby.

Dinner was very simple, steamed rice with thick soup, canned food, and finally a fruit, a combination of meat and vegetables, balanced nutrition.

Although Xiu was greedy for food, he did not have so many particulars in the wild.

He had a lot of appetite, and Nanami had been hungry all day today, so her fighting power should not be underestimated.

As a result, Xiu found that the extra meal he had prepared was still not enough, which exceeded his expectations this time.

Looking at the remaining half pot of soup, Xiu directly added another portion of rice and used the soup to cook the rice.

The flickering flame of the alcohol stove emitted a faint light, illuminating the small circle so that they would not be blinded by darkness.

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