But after the story was told, the atmosphere inevitably became awkward.

no way.

A man and a woman alone, the moon was dark and the wind was high, Xiu Huan really didn't know what to say.

"Go back to bed, it's getting late."

Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, but for some reason it sounded strange to Nanami, which also caused her to question.

"Why don't you accept me?"

Nanami also realized that she was impulsive after she said it, but she couldn't take back what she said, so she could only admit that she was wrong and make the matter clear.

However, as she expected, Xiu changed the topic and did not appear. Instead, she heard Xiu's words.

"The doctor definitely hasn't told you about me." Xiu looked at Nanami with a somewhat pitiful look in his eyes, "I can only live until about thirty years old, and I am already sixteen years old."

These words were like a bolt from the blue to Nanami. She was stunned on the spot, with an expression of indescribable confusion on her face.

After seeing her expression, Xiu seemed a little bored and stopped looking at her. Instead, he lay down on the ground and looked up at the stars.

"How...how could this happen?" Nanami muttered to herself.

Hearing this, Xiu didn't know why he got scared.

Xiu complained: "Don't be like this, people who don't know think I'm dead~"

But Shuu's words had no effect, Nanami was still like that.

Xiu could only say helplessly: "It's me who dies, not you. Just calm down first. It's not hopeless."

When Nanami heard Xiu's words, she punched her and shouted, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Xiu was directly immune to her light punch, and his attitude calmed down a little, and he said seriously: "So do you understand what's going on now? I don't have time to travel with you, and you are not suitable to be a trainer for fighting and killing. ”

"I just...just..." Nanami didn't know what to say for a moment, just murmuring back and forth.

"Remember when we were in the backyard?" Xiu interrupted Nanami's meaningless murmur.

"I said at that time that you were confused. You didn't know where you should go after graduation."

"Maybe~" Nanami said casually, and then followed Shu's example and lay down on the ground, looking at the sky.

"In that case, why don't you find a goal to complete first? After completing this goal, you may be able to find what you want to do."

"is that so?"

"At least that's the case for me. When I was in the orphanage, I vowed to escape, and then he completed it. Only then did I become who I am now, and I also found what I wanted to accomplish."


"The school is not your orphanage. Think clearly, you obviously know it yourself." Xiu didn't say it openly because she knew it herself.

If she didn't have this awareness, no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

Nanami didn't speak, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of the gentle breeze.

"Do you hate your parents?" Xiu couldn't help but ask.


"Then your first task is to enhance your own strength, and then you will be qualified to escape from their control." Xiu has already begun to design for Nanami.

"Go to the doctor. The doctor will help you. You don't have the ability to be independent yet.

Of course, I will help you too. "

Xiu turned to look at Nanami, and then realized that she had been looking at him before, but he was thinking about something and didn't notice.

"What's wrong?" Xiu looked at her curiously.

Nanami looked into Xiu's eyes and asked softly: "Why do you want to help me~"

Xiu smiled and joked: "Of course, because you are the granddaughter of Dr. Ohgi and the sister of the genius Shigeru Ohgi. As long as I help you, I will definitely be able to please these two big shots, and then I will be able to live a little easier."

"Be serious!" Nanami didn't know why she laughed when she saw Shu's playful smile, but soon she felt it wasn't serious enough, so she stopped her laughter and asked, "Tell me why!"

"Because we are friends!" Xiu curled his lips and complained: "There are so many reasons, do friends still need reasons to help each other?"

Nana was stunned for a moment and murmured: "Just... friends..."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I just think it's great to have you as a friend." Nanami smiled lightly.

"Really, I also think I'm really good." Xiu also smiled and took over.

"You are so shameless, how could anyone praise you?"

Nanami teased slightly silently. She originally wanted to pretend to be serious, but she didn't know why she was always pulled to laugh in front of Xiu.

"Okay, now that you've figured it out, let's go back to sleep. We have to travel tomorrow." Xiu Jian Nanami calmed down and slowly brought the topic back.


"Okay, okay, it's getting late, I want to go to bed." Xiu stood up and pushed her back to the tent.

Nanami just teased Xiu for a while, but instead of continuing the fuss, she followed his wishes and went back to the tent.

Xiu's expression suddenly fell as he climbed back into his sleeping bag.

No wonder Nanami was so awkward when she came. It turned out that she really had an idea for herself. Fortunately, she reacted, otherwise she would definitely suffer.

Now that Xiu recalled Dr. Ohki's attitude at that time, I'm afraid he knew something.

Fortunately, he was not a vegetarian. At least he managed to trick him this time, but he was forced to let Nanami know about his lifespan.

It was a card played, but it worked.

But I don’t know why Mr. Xiu feels that the matter has not been resolved, but has become even more outrageous?

"Forget it, if the soldiers come to block you and the water comes to cover you, I won't be able to outplay a little girl."

Xiu quickly cleared his mind and slowly fell into a deep sleep.


"Wake up!"

Xiu patted the tent and shouted something. Not long after, Nanami climbed out of it with a tired look on her face.

"Is it so early?" Nanami raised her head and glanced at the sky. The sun hadn't come out yet, and the surroundings were still dark.

"It's getting late. It's already past four o'clock. If we don't get up, it will be dawn. Then we will have no way out."

"What kind of road can't be walked until dark~" Nanami complained with a big yawn, but she reacted as soon as she finished speaking and asked: "Again by car?"

"Otherwise? Why did I choose this place? It's because it's high here. When the time comes, I can just slide down and get out of the mountainous area."

While talking, Xiu dismantled the tent, not forgetting to ask: "Now go and solve the needs, don't hold back the problem."

"I got it~" Nanami blushed when she heard Xiu's words and hurriedly ran to the side. However, Xiu's words came back after she didn't run a few steps.

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