Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 519 Sunrise

Time will not stop because of their conversation, and what Xiu has been waiting for has come.

"Look." Xiu suddenly relaxed his expression and looked into the distance.

Nanami turned and looked over.

The sun was rising, and a beam of light composed of thousands of rays of light shot out from the other side of the mountain, constantly tearing the darkness between the sky and the earth.

The clouds floating in the mountains also became thinner because of the appearance of the sun, and were also quickly pierced and melted by the sunlight.

Nanami didn't know why she felt a huge and majestic force.

No matter what stood in front of her, it was vulnerable.

The breeze blew in her face, and Nanami closed her eyes naturally. She could feel that there were many emotions mixed in it.

The sun awakened not only them, but also the elves in the mountains.

For some reason, Nanami felt that her ability had improved a little, and the feeling that was originally dormant in her body began to slowly awaken.

"This is impossible..." Nanami opened her eyes, slowly reached out her hand, looked down, and a trace of astonishment appeared on her face.

In the past, I could only feel the power that resided in my body slowly fading away, but why would it happen today...

Nanami looked at the man beside her.

He was facing the sun, and the golden sunlight shone on him, gilding him like a sculpture standing between heaven and earth.

His face was no longer clear, almost completely hidden in the sunlight, and only some lines could be seen, but for some reason, Nanami knew that he must be smiling now.

Was it because of him?

Nanami didn't know.

But the sunrise was indeed beautiful and shocking.

"Get up and stand over there." Xiu raised his hand and pointed to the edge in front.

"What for?" Nanami woke up from her mind and looked at Xiu in confusion.

"I'll take a few photos for you to commemorate." Xiu took out the illustrated book and shook it in front of her.

"Oh~" Nanami didn't feel anything, and stood on the edge of the mountain as he said.

It was just that there were some weathered rocks under her feet, which made her feel a little dangerous.

"Look at the camera." Xiu fiddled with the illustrated book and helped her take a few photos.

"Okay." Xiu waved at her and handed her the atlas, "See how it's taken."

"It's a bit blurry~" Nanami flipped through it and complained: "And your shooting technique is very stiff, you didn't take such a good picture at all."

"Isn't it just a photo? Isn't it enough to put everything you need in the camera~" Xiu didn't pay much attention to her words.

"Let me help you take the photo." Nanami didn't know why she was interested and pulled Xiu to the edge.

"Hey! No, no, no." Xiu showed great resistance, "It's a bit unlucky to go with hiking and taking pictures."

"Then why are you still letting me go?"

"It's me who's unlucky, not you. Are the two related?"

"It seems so~" Although Nanami said this, she still pulled Xiu over.

In the end, Xiu still gave in. Between unlucky and getting into trouble on the spot, he chose unlucky.

And with the help of Casey, he was pulled by Nanami to take a few photos.

When they finished playing, the sun had risen high.

"Why do you look so reluctant?" Nanami looked through the photos in the illustrations and found that Xiu's expressions were mostly reluctant.

"I have seen this scene dozens of times. What's there to be happy about~" Xiu took advantage and took the illustrations from her, "Okay, finish eating quickly so that we can hurry on our way. There is not much time left."

Kathy and the others also came out, eating the breakfast Xiu prepared in advance, and did not come to care about the two of them.

Nanami's baby was taken care of by Jigglypuff.

Xiu found that Jigglypuff liked to take care of children, which might be due to his nature.

Nanami did not make too much trouble. After listening to Xiu's words, she ran to eat breakfast honestly.

"Are you staying to watch the sunrise with me?" Nanami suddenly came over and asked while eating breakfast.

"No!" Xiu glanced at her and said calmly: "Obviously I was too nice to you before, so I let you have so much free time. I decided to let you experience the hardships of the jungle. Don't fall behind later, I won't care about you."

"Slightly~" Nanami stuck out her tongue mischievously, and then ignored him.

Nanami knew that Xiu was lying, otherwise he wouldn't have asked her if it was her first time in the wild.

But what happened next was completely beyond Nanami's expectations.

Originally, I just thought Xiu was joking, but I didn't expect him to be serious.

After breakfast and resting for a while, they set off, but this time it was more difficult to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain, and the inclination of the mountain here was steeper than the mountain they climbed before.

Xiu had no intention of helping her, but just buried his head in the front to open the way. He didn't say a word after walking such a long distance. Obviously, he was really going to make Nanami suffer a little.

But Nanami is not a person who gives up after a little setback, otherwise she would not have lived to this age.

On the contrary, her years of alternative life made her will particularly strong. She did not ask Xiu for help, or ask him to slow down and wait for her, but followed Xiu.

The mountain road was not easy to walk on, and it was normal to fall while chasing, especially for a rookie like her.

But when she fell, Xiu just glanced at her at first, and then continued on his way. Later, he didn't even look at her, but just walked forward, as if there was nothing behind him.

Every fall puts distance between two people.

And Nanami couldn't care about other things. She could only get up and rush forward, hoping to find his back again before the distance became wider.

But the reality is often not what people want...

Each fall would create distance, which would then lead to Nanami chasing her. In her condition, chasing in this mountainous area would only lead to more falls, and then the distance would widen again.

It’s a beautiful story of a strong and brave girl who keeps going.

But the reality is not like the story, it is more cruel.

She stepped on the soft leaves and fell again. However, when Nanami stood up, she could no longer find Xiu, and there was only the vast forest in front of her.

Looking back, it's the same thing, the way we came has disappeared.

The surroundings were eerily quiet.

Nanami stood there blankly. She knew this moment would come, but when it really came, she didn't know what she should do.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xiu's voice woke up Nanami. She looked up and saw that it was him standing in front of her.

Nanami couldn't care less, so she punched him twice on the chest, crying, "Why did you leave me!"

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