Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 545 Communication (Added to commemorate the first helmsman

Although the townspeople were surprised to see the mayor come back, this did not stop them from wanting to leave.

And many people were cursing at the mayor, and the words were as bad as they could be.

Xiu followed slowly, looking at those people calmly.

"They just came here to do business, why are you worried about them leaving~"

Xiu observed roughly, and most of the people who were packing up were from the store, and they were originally outsiders. If they left, they would leave, so why panic~

But the mayor did not think so, "These people were recruited by me with great difficulty. If they leave, the town's tourism system will collapse, and the number of winter tourists will be greatly reduced without corresponding services.

Our town is surrounded by gravel land. If we lose tourism income and cannot farm, it will be really over."

Xiu suddenly thought of something and communicated with the mayor.

Then he set his sights on those shops.

Apart from those souvenir shops, the remaining shops, whether hotels, food, or snow mountain toy props, are indeed very important.

The mayor here cried to Xiu, saying that he had managed to keep these shops with great difficulty, and all of them were given great discounts. Some shops even borrowed money just to keep this basic system from collapsing.

But now it seems that it is definitely over, and I don’t know how many of the remaining townspeople will leave.

The old mayor sat aside dejectedly, looking at those people with endless sadness in his heart.

"There are so many people in the town, can't you do it yourself?"

"Most of the people here have never been to school, and they don't even know how to write. How do you think they can manage those places?"

Xiu reacted after hearing this.

This town really doesn't have a school.

Xiu looked around, and then chatted with the mayor about the town.

According to the mayor, before the ruins were exposed, the town had been growing steadily in recent years, especially in winter. This is one of the few places in the Kanto area where you can ski, and the snow scenery is very beautiful, otherwise there would be no name for the snow-viewing mountain.

But after understanding the situation, Xiu felt that the mayor's vision was still too short-sighted.

Only the snow-viewing mountain in winter was developed, limiting the entire town to winter.

But they forgot the summer feature brought by the unique location here, which is to escape the heat.

The temperature here is a little lower than other places in Kanto, and it is a pity that there are grasslands and lakes but they don’t know how to use them.

These are just appearances. Xiu found that the geographical location here is very interesting~

Tokiwa City controls the main road into the Quartz Plateau, and Nibi City is a large city on the road into the Dark Gray Mountains.

Both have important strategic significance.

And the snow-viewing mountain here is actually the junction of the Quartz Plateau and the Dark Gray Mountains, which also has a specific meaning.

There are many benefits to taking this place~

But now is not the time...

Xiu did not intervene, but stepped aside and left Mint Town, and turned to the grassland.

"Big brother is back!"

As soon as Xiu approached the ranch, he was discovered by Ryota who was wandering nearby. He hurriedly ran over here, followed by the Meli sheep.

"I've done what I promised you. Did you listen?" Xiu walked over and squatted in front of Ryota, "Your dad should be back."

"Dad is back!" Ryota jumped up excitedly, but the next second he said sadly, "But dad said we're moving when he came back~"

When Xiu heard this, his expression fluctuated a little, but he calmed down instantly, and smiled and said to him: "It's okay, I'll go see, Ryota shouldn't have to move."

Xiu got out and went into the house. At this time, the students and researchers were not in the house. They were all playing on the grass. Only Dr. Endo and the others were there.

And Xiu also saw a tall and thin man. From his face, he vaguely looked like Ryota. He should be his father.

At this time, several people were discussing, but Xiu was not afraid at all and spoke to intervene.

"Hello everyone~"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Xiu kept his own rhythm and looked at Xiaogang.

"I think Xiaogang has already said that I have dealt with the elf on the ruins."

"What exactly is going on?" Dr. Endo looked solemn.

Earlier, Ryota's father came back to warn everyone, and then Xiaogang ventured up, but soon came back and brought back a message.

That is, Xiu has dealt with the problem and can go up.

This series of reversals really made it difficult for them to decide.

Xiu started to explain casually.

"The evil spirits they are talking about are actually just ghost-type elves that occupy the ruins. Those treasure hunters who visited the ruins naturally alarmed it, which led to the subsequent things. Now I have dealt with them, but the ruins have been visited many times and the damage is a bit serious."

Xiu's words implied that the treasure hunters damaged the ruins and cleared himself.

However, Dr. Endo and the others didn't care about this thing at all, and said lightly.

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Xiu didn't know what Dr. Endo was thinking. He glanced at Xiaogang and then shrank aside.

After a brief discussion among the few people, Dr. Endo decided to move forward directly, but asked Xiaogang and another teacher to check first.

As for what Xiu was going to do, Dr. Endo did not mention it. Obviously, he also realized that Xiu was very proactive. At the same time, this guy was special and could not be used as an ordinary researcher.

Of course, he also wanted to take a vacation. After all, he had just solved the problem of the ruins.

Xiu naturally felt the other party's intention and left there without staying too much.

Ryota's father also left like him.

Xiu tried to communicate with him and found that this person could not say a complete sentence for a long time. He was so silent that he was outrageous.

However, this also meant that Dr. Endo and others did not get more information from this person.

Thinking of this, Xiu had no intention of continuing to communicate and separated from him.

At this time, Xiaogang chased him out and couldn't wait to ask.

"What happened up there?"

"Just as I said, that ghost-type Pokémon can penetrate walls, so normal attacks are useless, so when I went over there, all the treasure hunters were dead.

But I finally lured that Pokémon out and killed it."

Xiao Gang had no doubts about this, he just nodded and went to lead the team, all got in the car and headed towards the mountain.

Thanks to Xiu Buyu for the reward.

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