Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 55: Handling Methods

Xiu smiled when he heard this and said, "This is a rare piece of good news."

It was hard for Baoba to understand why Xiu could still laugh, especially when he heard what happened next and was even more shocked.

"If possible, please ask the director to help me take care of them both."

Xiu stood up and bent towards Baoba sincerely. This frightened him, and he quickly stood up and moved forward to support Xiu.

Even Hu Di, who was beside Baoba and ignored the world, looked a little surprised and looked straight at Xiu.

"No, no, no! Just wait a moment."

Baoba lifted Xiu up and said helplessly: "What are you doing?"

"As the principal said, this is not just my problem, I always have to take care of other people's feelings." Xiu explained with a wry smile: "My ignorance has already implicated the two of them before, and if this continues it will only Will hurt them.

What's more, they all have very good qualifications and should enjoy better breeding conditions. However, they have endured hardships and hardships while following me, which is also bad luck. It would be better to separate here.

As for Cathy's matter, I have responsibility, so I must shoulder it. I believe there must be a solution to this. "

The Flying Mantis is not as smart as Casey, so it took him a while to figure things out, but the words Xiu said here made him confused again.

What is going on? Why are they separated?

For a moment, the flying mantis became confused and showed a very irritable state. Different parts of its body seemed to have independent consciousness and moved uncontrollably.

Out of its instinct, the Flying Mantis subconsciously identified Baoba and Hu Di as enemies, and its obvious hostility was immediately revealed.

Fortunately, Xiu also noticed its condition and quickly calmed it down.

"Okay!" Xiu raised his hand and put it on Feitian Mantis's shoulder, "This has nothing to do with the director, it is my own decision."

Xiu Shuo connected telepathically with the Flying Mantis and explained the situation in a few simple words.

The Flying Mantis also stayed at this time.

Just the next second, Xiu felt a strong emotion rushing into his brain. It was the flying mantis...

"So now while you two are not greatly affected, leave me and Casey first, otherwise the situation will get worse if it drags on."

Xiu finished speaking, but the Flying Mantis had no intention of leaving.

"You promised to let me stay!"

"You said we would work together!"

"You said we would stick together!"

The strong emotions of the Flying Mantis impacted Xiu's brain through telepathy, and Xiu's own image was retransmitted to his mind through the Flying Mantis' perspective.

At this time, the side effects of telepathy were revealed. The large amount of information and emotional interaction in a short period of time caused Xiu's mental state to decline rapidly.

"The situation has changed now. Staying will only bring harm to you." Xiu's face became haggard at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he still smiled and said to the Flying Mantis: "Forgive me..."

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to touch the flying mantis.

However, Flying Mantis did not accept such an apology and took a step back to avoid Xiu's hand.

There was also a hint of unknown emotion in the eyes that looked at Xiu, like anger or fear...

"That's it~" A voice interrupted the conversation between them, as if it was ringing in their minds.

On the side, Casey slowly floated up and conveyed through telepathy: "You don't have to do this, this is my business, I will leave."

Xiu Na's smiling face immediately fell down, he turned to look at Casey and said sternly: "I am the boss, listen to me!"

But the next second he switched back to telepathy.

"I have my own discretion in this matter. Don't worry, you all have to listen to me."

"You should know that me leaving is the best solution, and you taught us to choose the optimal solution." Casey did not waver in any way because of Xiu's words, he still looked calm.

"Are you leaving?" Xiu was a little excited, completely losing the calmness he had at the beginning. "What can you do after you leave? Wait to die?"

Xiu waved his hand slightly irritably, then walked up to the flying mantis and reached out to grab its shoulder.

"Listen! Casey can't be alone in his current situation. I have to stay with him. But you and Xiao Fudan will still have a bright future even if they leave us. Don't worry about us two. Trust my ability. me take good care of the little lucky egg. "

After saying that, Xiu turned around, picked up the little lucky egg, and forced it onto the flying mantis.

As for the Flying Mantis, he didn't even react yet, so he had to hurriedly bend his arms and point the blade outward, temporarily hugging the little lucky egg.

But the panic it showed became more intense.

And Casey didn't mean to argue. He actually got up and flew out of the window while Xiu was explaining to the flying mantis.

By the time Xiu reacted, it had flown out of the window.

"Hey!" Xiu cursed secretly when he saw this, and hurriedly leaned down by the window and shouted at it: "Come back! Listen to me on this matter."

But Casey ignored his meaning and drifted further away.

Xiu looked at the retreating figure, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the expression on his face faded. He actually climbed up to the window and shouted to Casey: "Casey, catch me!"

After saying that, he immediately jumped outside.

At this time, even Baobaba behind him jumped up from his position, his eyes widened. He had never seen such a madman!

The second-floor window was only four or five meters above the ground. Xiu had just jumped out and felt like he had stepped on the ground before he even felt the falling sensation.

And Casey, who had just flown out, was floating in front of him.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't come back?"

Xiu stood in the air like this, with the corners of his mouth raised, and said confidently: "Because I know you will catch me."

Feeling the attitude conveyed by Xiu, Casey said helplessly: "This is unfair to them. Leaving alone is the best solution."

"I know the consequences of all choices better than you do." Xiu said sternly to Casey: "Or do you think you are great? Will we be very happy after you leave?"

Casey fell into silence, but Xiu kept talking.

"You need me more than they do. Please believe me, I will find a way to solve your problem. There is no absolute dead end in this world. Humans have different methods and ideas than elves."

"But you will die." Casey looked at Xiu, her eyes dim, as if to penetrate Xiu's heart.

"Oh! Who wouldn't die?" Xiu said with a nonchalant look on his face, "I've already died once, do you think I'd be scared?"

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