Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 556 Obtaining Information

"I didn't expect this place to have such a story."

"This may be why humans can survive in this dangerous world~"

Both Xiu and Dr. Oak are not the kind of people who are sad about the passing of time, and they quickly led the topic to the main business.

"Does that mean you want to limit or even seal Casey's ability through the seal?"

"You have to give it a try. It is very likely to be achieved based on the effect."

Xiu's expression was serious and his tone became serious.

"I hope to get the doctor's help, check the doctor's relevant information on the seal over the years, and also want to find out if the doctor knows any experts in this field."

"Good guy! You want everything when you open your mouth. Sooner or later, my little stuff will be emptied by you."

Dr. Oak seemed to be at a loss for words. He asked so many questions at the beginning. There are really few people in the world who dare to talk to him like this.

"How much does the doctor know about this?"

"In fact, the so-called seal is essentially the power of the elves. The most prominent one is a kind of elf called the unknown totem. Here..."

Dr. Oak's lectures are rare, let alone this kind of one-on-one guidance. Ordinary people don't have this opportunity at all.

So Xiu called Casey directly, so that even if he missed something, he could ask it.

Xiu would never think that he had too much knowledge, and only by learning could he escape from the ordinary world.

This basic science lecture lasted half an hour. Professor Oak listed a general outline with relevant types and specific methods as the context, so that Xiu would have a guide when he learned it, and he didn't have to learn randomly like before.

"I have been to many ruins, all kinds of them, but if it is really dangerous, this kind of sealed ruins is the most dangerous.

Not only are there various methods left by the sealers, but also the sealed elves.

The former is easy to say, but most of these sealed elves are very special, either they do not exist in reality, or they cannot be killed, or they have special meanings, anyway, they are not easy to mess with."

Professor Oak seemed to remember something, and from the expression on his face, it can be seen that these are not good things.

"I will not go to these ruins for no reason, please rest assured, doctor." Xiu could also hear that Professor Oak was reminding himself not to get too excited.

"To be honest, most of the events I have experienced were after the seal was broken, so I don't have very detailed information here. There are more research institutes in the alliance in this regard.

There are very few researchers in related fields. Even if there are, they are restricted by the alliance and it is impossible to reveal relevant things to you."

"That's right~" Xiu understood the situation after hearing this.

From the incident of Murasame Linzi, we can see what style the alliance is. This special power must be blocked and mastered in our own hands.

"But there are still articles and books that mention this aspect."

Dr. Oak suddenly stopped talking, and then typed on the keyboard with both hands. After a while, he smiled and said: "Okay~"

Then Xiu received a long list of article titles and book titles sent by Dr. Oak.

Xiu glanced at it. There were more than ten papers and two books. It would take a certain amount of time to finish reading them.

Speaking of which, Dr. Oak is really terrible. He even remembers the titles so clearly. What kind of brain is this!


"But I think some of the things inside may have been deliberately released by the Alliance. You should be careful to identify them."

"I understand. I won't bother you with this. I will handle the rest."

This Xiu still understood that Professor Oak really treated him as a relative. Helping him to this extent was already a great favor. He just needed to do it himself.

Xiu was in a very good mood after getting the relevant information. Even the little depression just now disappeared with the wind.

It's just that he owed another debt of favor. What's more troublesome is that Professor Oak has nothing to lack and has no special hobbies. There is no place for him to use his skills.

I don't know when he can pay it back...

Seeing this, Xiu simply took out the harvest from the snow mountain and asked Professor Oak to identify it.

Anyway, if there are too many lice, they are not afraid of itching. It doesn't matter if I bother him again.

"How did you get this thing?" Professor Oak wanted to laugh when he saw the stone mask.

"I got it from those hunters. Is there any problem?"

"This is a good thing. It is a prop used in some ancient rituals. It is usually played by important characters such as shamans. I heard that there is a mysterious power on the mask."

"Then you can study it when you have time. I will send it back with this." Xiu did not hesitate to send it when he heard that Dr. Oak was interested.

He had no interest in antique valuables.

"No~" Dr. Oak knew that Xiu had misunderstood, waved his hand, and smiled:

"I am not studying this, and my research route is towards the future rather than history."

After chatting for a while, the two of them turned the topic to the illustrated book and the phone.

This world is outrageous. There is no civilian phone at this level of development. Not to mention mobile phones.

But Dr. Oak said that the company is now fully invested in the development and improvement of the illustrated book, and there is no spare energy to do these things.

Xiu did not say anything about this. This is all a small matter.

If the company does not have time to do it, he can arrange it elsewhere. For Dr. Oak, the illustrated book is indeed more important.

"By the way!" Dr. Oak suddenly showed a trace of curiosity on his face, and asked: "Did you suggest that Xiaomei come to the institute to help?"

"Yes, I did suggest that she do so. Is there any problem here?"

Xiu did not intend to say anything nonsense, but directly admitted it. This is a very simple thing to find out, and Xiu did not think that Nanami could deceive Dr. Oak.

Moreover, this is not a very troublesome thing.

"I don't care. I will support Xiaomei no matter where she works, but her parents..."

Dr. Oak looked at the screen with a smile, and Xiu on the other side also understood the hint.

But who is Xiu~ He doesn't care at all.

"Don't worry, doctor, if her parents ask you, just push it to me, anyway, they can't find me."

"No need, as long as the child likes it~"

Dr. Oak seemed to have something to say, but Xiu didn't understand the meaning.

Because Dr. Oak's time is precious, Xiu didn't dare to say too much nonsense and said goodbye.

The rest of the time Xiu handled some affairs on the computer.

Xiu briefly glanced through the email and dealt with it, then gave Xiaoyuan a development plan for Mint Town and asked her to find someone to arrange it.

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