Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 576 Transaction

Xiu stood there and looked at the broken bodies and limbs on the ground. Driven by his thoughts, the soil on the ground began to roll, slowly swallowing the mess until it returned to the ground.

This look was really weird, but they didn't care much.

"You did a good job, and you fully exerted your strength."

Xiu took out various things to replenish the physical and energy consumption of the giant claw mantis, and communicated with it about the situation just now and some of its mistakes.

Xiu was not used to deceiving or concealing anything about his elves.

If there is something, just say it, and then everyone will find a solution together.

Of course, this kind of thing is based on the fact that his elves are relatively smart.

Otherwise, no matter how much he says, it will be useless.

Some things are just like that. In fact, he didn't pay special attention to that elf, and he treated them all equally.

To sum it up in one sentence: "You are all my wings!"


No matter what, they have been fighting on the territory of the alliance for so long, even if they deliberately cover up the movement, it is impossible to delay for a long time, especially when the alliance knows the existence of these people.

Anyway, he and the giant claw mantis didn't wait long before the alliance came to find them.

And this person was the Du that Xiu had met before.

In fact, it was the flying Dragonite who found him earlier, and then the dragon-riding Du.

"It's you!"

Du saw Xiu sitting leisurely on one side, and there were people lying on the ground on the other side.

It seemed that those people were still alive, and this scene was really hard to believe.

After all, it would be difficult for him to do this alone.

It's not that he can't beat these small fish, but it's difficult to catch them without injury. Even if all of them are subdued, there will definitely be some missing limbs.

It's much more difficult to do the same as Xiu than to defeat them.

Not to mention that there are not many traces of attacks around, which makes Du pay more attention.

This person is very strong, and it is dangerous to be uncertain about his situation.

"You also subdued that person before, right?"

In fact, Du has already confirmed that it was this person who dealt with the hunter before, after all, they were both used in the same incomprehensible way.

But he needs a reason to open the topic.

"Yes, that's a small gift from me to you~" Xiu agreed generously.

If he wants to contact Team Rocket, he'd better contact Du and get the relevant authority if he doesn't want to cause a conflict. Otherwise, the iron fist of the alliance will hit him.

Just Xiu's weird words made Du a little confused. Before, this person showed that he didn't want to get involved in these things, but how could he change in just one day?

This contrast made him doubt Xiu's purpose.

As if he noticed Du's vigilance, Xiu explained directly: "I am a traveler for the purpose of recording, exploration, and research. I heard that there is a breeding base established by the alliance in this area and I want to go and see it."

In Scarface's memory, Xiu saw that there was a breeding base of the three families here. This was their next target of attack, but now it became Xiu's target.

If there is a chance, of course I have to go and observe it. There must be many uncommon elves in it to complete the data of the illustrated book.

Du frowned when he heard this. You know, he was transferred here because he needed to protect this breeding base. If he brought anyone in casually, there might be too many problems~

What if he was a hunter in disguise?

Xiu didn't feel strange about not being able to gain Du's trust.

If he really wanted to dispel his suspicion with just a few words, then Xiu would have to doubt whether Du's IQ was at a normal level.

It's impossible for someone who can become a king or even a champion to be so simple~

"I'm just for observation, and I won't participate in the fight between your alliance and those people. If you agree, I can tell you a very important news."

Xiu didn't need Du's trust either. He just wanted to get a chance to observe the Bulbasaur population.

At this time, nothing is more effective than a deal~

Du didn't say anything, but it seemed that he was not struggling with whether to agree to Xiu, but thinking about the information in Xiu's mouth.

"Let me tell you something first." Xiu smiled slightly and said calmly: "These people are not hunters, but Team Rocket."

The key word "Team Rocket" mentioned by Xiu immediately aroused Du's vigilance. He looked at Xiu with a big change in his eyes, full of oppression.

"How do you know this? Who are you?"

But this had no effect on Xiu at all. He still answered slowly:

"Didn't you see my ID? Make a decision quickly. I'm just visiting the breeding base. The longer you delay, the more troublesome the problems may be.

As for my source of information, you have to promise me to tell you."

Xiu's words sounded a bit threatening to Du.

But it must be said that Xiu really pinched his life.

Because he had personally experienced the Pokémon riots provoked by Team Rocket before, Du didn't want that situation to happen again.

"I promise you! Now tell me what you know."

Du agreed at once, but the subsequent questioning seemed a little unhappy, after all, he was threatened.

Kuailong, who was flying aside, seemed to sense the trainer's emotions, and looked at Xiu with a hint of evil, as if it could swoop down and take care of this man with just a single order from Du.

However, the giant mantis standing next to Xiu glanced at Kuailong calmly, showing no fear at all.

Its power is gained through little training, so it believes in its own strength very much. Even if it has not fully recovered from the battle just now, Kuailong is still known as a quasi-god.

When Xiu saw Du agreeing, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he continued on the topic just now.

"You have had many conflicts with those hunters, and you must have noticed that the purpose of these people's actions is not for the elves, but to harass you, while constantly causing injuries and burdening you and consuming manpower.

This is obviously not the way hunters think, and hunters will not waste resources on this. So the only ones in Guan who have this ability and reason to do so are Team Rocket. "

Du pondered after listening to Xiu's words, and asked his question: "Do you have any evidence for this?"

"That's not the news I want to say. Don't wait to hear me out~"

Unlike Du's serious expression, Xiu looked very relaxed and casual, with a slight smile on his face.

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