Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 607: Inheritance

On the contrary, when Banmu realized that Casey's condition was beginning to decline, he pretended to be calm and directed Chaomeng to counterattack Casey.

There is nothing fancy about the superpower confrontation, it's just a head-to-head confrontation. Casey's skills are better, but Chaomeng has been learning Casey's operations, but he can reverse the operations of Casey in just a few minutes.

Seeing this kind of scene gave Xiu Xiu a brain hemorrhage. He even suspected that Chaomeng was stealing his teacher, but there was nothing he could do. If Chaomeng finished learning, he would be dead~

But when Xiu focused his attention there, a vine suddenly tied his waist and dragged him to Bulbasaur.

"Do you know why I lived so long?"

Xiu looked at the Bulbasaur strangely and found that the wound on its body had actually healed, but what grew out of the wound was not flesh and blood but plant fibers.

But it doesn't matter anymore, but what does it mean?

"That was God's gift, which gave me strength far beyond that of my kind, but today we are destined to only leave one person..."

After saying that, another vine pierced Xiu's heart, instantly tore through his clothes and penetrated into his body.

Xiu didn't expect Bulbasaur to actually attack him. He subconsciously grabbed the vines with both hands and looked at Bulbasaur with confusion in his eyes.

"Make good use of this power~"

But the next second the vines glowed with emerald green light, and Xiu could feel a strange force rushing towards his body. His body, which had been left with countless hidden wounds due to long-term hard work and the influence of super powers, was like a long-term drought. Like a rain of rain, he is grabbing this power in an uncontrollable craziness.

He feels no pain at all now. It feels like he is soaking in a cool mountain spring on a hot day, and the breeze brings the smell of the forest...

Banmu quickly noticed Xiu's situation, and walked out involuntarily, shouting at the top of his lungs: "That's mine! Stop it!"

But this did not interrupt the ceremony between Xiu and Bulbasaur. A steady stream of power was being input into Xiu's body, and emerald green light was also emanating from his body.

"Don't worry about it, stop that person quickly!"

Banmu completely lost his sense of squareness, and he didn't know what it was that made him care so much.

After hearing this, Mewtwo finally stopped fighting with Casey and wanted to attack Xiu, but Casey was not stupid. It knew that it would be difficult to stop Mewtwo, so it simply attacked the trainer directly. Raising his hand and pointing a few fingers, Banmu wanted to hang on Chaomeng.

Come on, I'll switch houses with you, do you dare?

But Chaomeng also has long-range attacks. He raises his hand and shoots a beam of light, forcing Casey to defend. Fortunately, with the meteorite in hand, it is difficult for this kind of attack to cause damage.

But after returning here, Casey also lost the opportunity to attack the board.

The two superpowers collided again, but this time Casey lost Xiu's assistance, and after several previous bursts and consumption, he was a little unable to withstand it.

He lost to Chaomeng directly in the confrontation, was hit by the blast wave, and fell from the air.

Seemingly sensing that Casey was in danger, Xiu suddenly opened his eyes and turned around just in time to see a tree root emerging from the ground, rolling up Casey and pulling him back to Xiu.

Holding Casey, I shared the situation through spiritual communication, and found that Casey was just exhausted of his superpowers. With the meteorite in his hand, he was not seriously injured.

But Chaomeng was like a machine that never rested, giving them no buffer time at all.

And Banmu's angry shout came earlier than Chaomeng's attack.

"Catch that person quickly!"

The two forces of Bulbasaur and Chaomeng collided. Bulbasaur, which had lost its unknown power, not only did not show signs of decline, but the energy fluctuations around it became more intense. The energy it spit out and the tree roots dancing all over the sky all showed... Extremely strong.

But Xiu noticed some changes in Bulbasaur. Its body was rapidly moving towards plants, which was obviously not a good sign.

"Stop fighting and come with me." Xiu took out a Poké Ball and wanted to take Bulbasaur away, but the answer was just one sentence.

"Like you said, this may be inheritance~"

"Go to TM's inheritance, I will take you away today!"

After saying that, Xiu took out a tube of red potion from his body, but before he could drink it, several tree roots suddenly appeared from the ground and snatched the potion away. Then he was bundled up and turned into a bud and escaped underground.

Xiu had no room to resist and disappeared from the spot.

Banmu had a brain hemorrhage when he saw this scene. How could he let him escape after planning for so long?

"Quick! Catch that person!"

Banmu shouted so hoarse that he wished he could get into the mud. Chaomeng directly used his super power to pour downwards, easily breaking through a large amount of mud.

But Bulbasaur on the side controlled the vines and threw the potion directly into his mouth and crushed it. The bright red potion flowed into Bulbasaur's mouth.

The originally vegetative Bulbasaur had dense roots sprouting from its skin all over its body, dancing in the wind. Its standing limbs had lost their original shape and turned into tree roots rooted on the ground. A dark green light began to appear on its body, and these The light flowed towards the flower on the back, and the leaves became more and more beautiful. The branches and leaves shook gently and the strong fragrance began to spread.

"Have you seen the flowers?"

Banmu couldn't understand this, but Mewtwo could, and there was a momentary pause in its movements.

At this moment, the giant flower behind Venusaur burst into dazzling white light, and instantly turned into a sphere that swallowed up a hundred meters in radius. There was no sound inside, only vast white light, as if everything had lost its meaning.

Then there was a deafening explosion, and a mushroom cloud rose directly on the spot. After a delay of a few seconds, a wave of wind swept towards the surrounding area, and the trees closer to it were blown down directly, and some even broke the crown and flew away, leaving only the treetops.

The elves living near here all ran for their lives like crazy, and along the way, you can see the bodies of some elves blown away by the shock wave formed by the explosion.

When the light and heat dissipated, the original grassland disappeared, and the surrounding land was at least cut off by one meter, and some were left with only charred soil.

As for Venusaur, there was naturally nothing left. You can see that there is an exaggerated pit in the center of the explosion, and the soil over there is directly condensed into a rock under high temperature and high pressure, with glass light spots formed by melting on it.

Mewtwo and Banmu fell far away. Although Mewtwo reacted at the last moment and used his maximum super power to resist the explosion.

Even with the protection of super power, the power of that moment was hard to resist. Mewtwo's skin on the front was burnt and cracked, and it seemed that he had lost consciousness and fell to the ground. It was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

Banmu had Mewtwo blocking in front and super power shield, so he didn't suffer the first and most severe damage, but the aftermath of Mewtwo's fall still tore his clothes, and the mask exploded, and the fragments cut his face, and several blood marks appeared on it.

The situation was not very good, but at least he was still conscious, struggling to get up and look at the original place.

For a while, anger, helplessness, depression and many other emotions were entangled together, but in the end, he just put Mewtwo into the Poké Ball with a cold face and staggered into the forest and left.

The explosion was so powerful that even the base could feel a slight vibration. Du, who was dealing with things, suddenly stood up and looked in that direction, with a worried look on his face.

Xiu should be fine...

After being pulled into the ground by the tree roots, Xiu only felt a bump, but some changes in his body told him that he was diving deeper into the ground, and he didn't know how far. The vines seemed to have penetrated something.

What was that sound?

Xiu sensed the situation around him, but before he could find out more, the vines loosened without any warning.

Xiu instinctively reached out to grab the tree roots to prevent himself from falling, and used the other hand to save Casey.

And only then did he understand what those sounds meant.

This is an underground river!

Listening to the surging sound of water below, Casey also recovered a little at this time. He used his superpowers to take a simple look here and found that there were many low-hanging tree roots, which meant that Bulbasaur or the big tree before had already touched here.

But before he could study it carefully, a violent vibration came, and fine rocks and soil fell directly from above and hit his face.

At this moment, Xiu seemed to realize something, and the whole person was stunned, and his hand loosened, and he fell directly into the water flow, and then he was carried away by the water flow uncontrollably...

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