Fearing that Mewtwo would catch up, Xiu, who was caught in the water, did not dare to stay for too long. He supported Casey on the water and drifted along.

In this dark place without any light, he could only rely on Casey's sight to avoid the hanging rock pillars and the strange rocks blocking the way.

I don't know how long he floated. After Casey recovered a little, he had the opportunity to find a place to leave the water and let Sandshrew dig a narrow foothold.

When he stopped, Xiu felt that his body was seriously hypothermic. He had to take off his clothes and take out the alcohol stove to keep warm, and boil some water to drink.

It took a long time to save his body.

Xiu looked at his chest with the weak firelight, and there was no scar on it. He raised his hand to check, which made Xiu feel even more strange.

Obviously, Venusaur pierced his chest, and he felt the pain very clearly at that time, but now... it seems like the previous one was just a dream.

Xiu turned to look at Casey, and used his superpowers to scan his body. As expected, he found the power hidden in his body.

But this thing was not controlled by him, and he just stayed there quietly. Even if Casey attached superpowers to him, he could not interfere with it.

He had no idea about this thing, and Xiu had no intention of touching it since he was not out of danger yet, so it was best to stay there quietly.

After eating and drinking, Xiu finally recovered a little, but Casey had not.

Overdrawing superpowers is not a one- or two-day rest.

"Tmd! This matter is not over~"

Xiu cursed inwardly, and the resentful voice echoed in the cave, which seemed even more gloomy, but was soon defeated by the water flow and disappeared into thin air.

After cursing, Xiu quickly calmed down. It was useless to say more, and he couldn't curse Sakaki to death. Now he knew what he should do was to escape from here.

Taking out the lamp and turning it on, Xiu's eyes swept over this underground river and the cave washed out.

This place is already far away from the original place. He was drifting with the current and he didn't know the direction and specific location.

In other words, he now has two options.

Either go back along the road, or continue to follow the current to an unknown place.

According to his habit, he must choose the first one, which is more conservative but safe.

But the problem is that he doesn't know the situation outside. You must know that Sakaki will definitely catch him. Facing Mewtwo, he can't raise the desire to fight at all.

At least now...

The gap in strength is too big. If there is no Bulbasaur, he may be crushed to death~

But this matter is definitely impossible to calculate like this. He must make Team Rocket and Sakaki pay the price!

Holding Casey, he huddled on the short platform to rest. After recovering a little, he took out his equipment, which was an inflatable rubber boat.

After finishing these, Xiu took Casey and floated directly along the current.


As time went by, the surrounding landscape began to change. The surroundings were no longer the landscape of the cave, but a narrow passage.

The water flow suddenly became turbulent. Fortunately, there were no annoying stalactites here, so there was no need to dodge, which made it easier.

But the problem was that the space here was getting smaller and smaller, as if it was in a narrow canyon without sunlight. He needed to use a stick to keep the two sides open to keep the kayak drifting in the middle to avoid being scratched by the rocks on both sides and causing damage.

Moreover, the kayak became unstable after the speed increased, and it almost flipped over several times. It was only thanks to Casey's help that it stabilized again.

But this also caused Casey to fall again after just recovering.

Xiu knew that he couldn't go on like this, and was about to put away the kayak and dive with all his strength, trying to try his best, betting that the exit was not far ahead!

At this moment, Casey, who was resting in the kayak, suddenly spoke.

"There's a problem up there."

Before Xiu could react more, the next second, his superpower lifted the kayak out of the water, and the kayak, which was moving fast, suddenly stopped in the air.

Xiu turned on the flashlight and shone it above, and found that it was actually a gap formed by a collapse.

And following the image transmitted by Casey, Xiu could see that the cave entrance extended to a long and narrow space.

"Let's go up first." Xiu knew Casey's condition, and hurriedly pulled out the air plug to deflate the kayak, and then took it into the cave entrance.

This place is very narrow, but fortunately Xiu's body is not too strong, so he can barely squeeze in.

The first thing Xiu did after entering was to release the Sandshrew, and use this guy's ability to widen the cave.

"Huh~ I finally survived." Xiu pushed all the dirt and gravel into the river, and then fell backwards.

To be honest, it was really tiring~

Both Xiu and Casey.

But after a few seconds, he got up again to give Casey some food, and then put it back into the Poké Ball.

The effect of hibernation recovery is better inside, and the Sandshrew is left outside to prevent emergencies.

"Don't walk around, I'll take a rest."

After Xiu gave some instructions, he lay down on the ground and went to sleep.

The Sandshrew looked at Xiu on the ground, then looked up at the surrounding environment, and simply curled up next to Xiu to rest.

When Xiu Youyou woke up, he looked at the time. It was about three hours later, but he was full of energy, which was completely different from the effect of resting in the past.

"Is it because of this?" Xiu raised his hand and pressed it on his chest, but there was no further reaction.

The sandshrew beside him was also awakened, but it did not react much and just stood up, as if waiting for Xiu's instructions.

"Stay alert, follow me up to see if we can find a way out."

Xiu took out the lamp and began to explore the surrounding situation, while the sandshrew waved its claws to expand the passage so that Xiu could pass through it, at least he could walk with his back bent.

Walking along the passage and passing through the underground passage, Xiu found that this was not facing upwards, but rather felt a bit like the underground world.

And the gap should have been revealed by the water flow.

The deeper Xiu went, the more he felt that the passage was constantly expanding. Originally, he could only move forward with difficulty while half-crouching, but he could stand up as he walked.

There were also smooth cave walls indicating that these passages should not have been dug by elves such as sandshrews and Rada.

Soon as he went deeper, Xiu found traces of elves, and those walking traces showed that they were traces of digging by moles.

These reminded Xiu of some very interesting things.

In the game, there was once a shortcut from Nibi City to Vermilion City.

That thing is called a mole cave.

This route could theoretically circumvent most of the terrain restrictions and the elves in the forest, as well as the ranger outposts dotted throughout the Everpan Forest, and avoid contact with Alliance personnel, such as rangers, by traveling through the entire Everpan Forest underground.

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