Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 611 Earthquake?

The pangolin couldn't wait to get in. Seeing this, Xiu could only follow him. At the same time, he didn't forget to remind Casey.

"let's go."

After a while of crawling forward, they escaped from the cavity.

"Let's start, the general direction is southeast, first screen the way out."

Xiu said as he handed a compass to Casey and warned: "Be quiet and don't disturb the aborigines here."

Subtle superpowers were blowing by like a breeze. If it weren't for an extremely sensitive person like Xiu, he probably wouldn't be able to sense what it was.

Xiu also stood aside and closed his eyes at this time, and based on Casey's feedback, he outlined the direction and route of the passage in his mind.

After a moment, Xiu opened his eyes, called the pangolin who was still in a daze, and walked towards one of the passages.

"Set off!"

The mountain rat sprang out in response and entered it one step ahead of Bixiu.

Casey, on the other hand, followed calmly and slowly floated over.

The passages are unreasonable because they were dug by elves, so in many places it is simply torture for humans like Xiu.

Have you ever seen a passage that was uphill one second, but then turned into a vertical tunnel after passing the corner?

Or as you walk, you find that the road ahead is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end you can only forcefully dig through it or turn around and find another way out.

Or maybe while walking, I didn’t know when I came to a certain kind of elf’s cave.

Or there may be many small passages hidden in a large passage, going back and forth, going in circles.

This situation is not bad. It is a little troublesome at most, but not a very serious problem.

The problem is that when they climb to a certain height, elves will appear in the passage from time to time.

Gophers and three-headed gophers are the most common.

Or maybe Xiu only encountered these two kinds of elves.

But fortunately, there are pangolins exploring the road ahead, so even if they encounter one, they won't immediately start a conflict.


I don’t know how much time passed since they came in, but the group stopped in a passage.

"Let's get some rest first." Xiu flipped the switch on the head-mounted lamp, and a bright yellow light suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Although I was mentally prepared and closed my eyes, the moment I opened them again, my eyes still felt sore and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

But Xiu didn't cry out, he just raised his hand to adjust the brightness and murmured in a low voice: "Is it still too bright..."

But the brightness adjustment has been completed.

However, with the time buffer, his eyes gradually adapted and he looked at the surrounding environment with his naked eyes, feeling a little dazed for a while.

I have seen this environment countless times along the way, but it is still the same, and the air is full of the smell of earth.

Staying in such a place without natural light for a long time will also affect various functions of the human body. It is already difficult to sleep peacefully due to endocrine imbalance.

The environment is the same whether you open your eyes or close your eyes, as if the passage of time has lost its effect.

And it is located an unknown number of meters deep underground, completely cut off from outside sounds. You can only hear the sounds you make. The only other sounds that ring out from time to time are the vibrations caused by the wind pouring into the passage.

To put it simply, if you stay for a long time, you will really go crazy.

The biggest problem when walking is not water, light, food, etc., but personal psychological quality.

Another person who could bear it would have gone crazy.

He came in with full confidence, but he didn't expect this to happen. It seems that he underestimated the power of the underground cave and overestimated his ability to withstand it.

On the contrary, the pangolin was very active, much better than Xiu. As expected of someone who grew up in a similar environment, Xiu felt better with its company.

"Let's eat something first." Xiu checked the surroundings out of habit, then took out the night light and adjusted it to a suitable brightness before releasing the Giant Pincer Mantis.

As soon as Geely Dan came out, he took over Xiu's job and was helping the elves distribute rations. Xiu also took advantage of this moment to sit on the ground, leaning against the cold earth wall, taking out the same cold dry food and gnawing on it.

In fact, you can feel it. The further you go southeast, the underground structure transitions from rock to soil.

Moreover, the humidity has also increased. If you go up the channel, you can still find some tree roots extending down.

Moreover, plants such as moss and mushrooms appear in some places.

Only the Viridian Forest has such surging vitality, and its gifts can be received even more than ten or even a hundred meters underground.

"Uh! What's wrong?" Xiu suddenly stopped, and he found that the lucky egg was looking at him.

"Hey~" Ji Lidan didn't try to hide his intention, and looked at Xiu with a worried face.

"It's okay. It was normal when I first came in. Just give me some time to adapt."

Xiu didn't seem to care much when he heard Geely Dan's words, but smiled and talked about the past.

"You were still young at the time, and you may not remember how embarrassed I was when I first went into the forest. I was always ashamed and disgraced, and the conditions were very ordinary and I didn't have so many tools, so it took me a long time to get used to it..."

As Xiu spoke, his face unconsciously revealed a look of reminiscence. He indeed looked like a fool at that time.

But soon he turned around and smiled and said: "But didn't everything get better later? As long as you are here, it doesn't matter what the environment is to me."


"Okay~ I'll take a good rest."

After seeing Xiu's perfunctory answer, Jigglypuff could only helplessly return to his seat to eat.

The other Pokémons were not surprised by this scene.

Xiu was fine. After a slight smile, he continued to chew on his dry food. His eyes were blank again, and no one knew what he was thinking.

But this peaceful and peaceful atmosphere was suddenly broken by the sudden tremor.

The first one to react was not Casey or Xiu, but Sandshrew. It immediately made a hoarse cry, bared its teeth, and its body language also showed great aggressiveness.

At this time, Xiu and the others also reacted, but Xiu's first reaction was that there was an earthquake. Strong emotions rushed to his brain in an instant, but were forced back in an instant.

And he already had two Poké Balls in his hands, which was a subconscious reaction.

"Come back!" Xiu shouted and took back Jigglypuff and Giant Claw Mantis, and Casey on the side had burst into a dazzling light, and the whole passage seemed to be covered with a thick layer of light film.

Xiu also pulled Sandshrew back, hugged him, and then curled up in a corner and shouted to Casey.

"Don't worry about that, come here!"

Xiu knew very well that if it was really an earthquake, such a force was not something Casey could withstand, even if Mewtwo came.

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