Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 618 Second Attack on the Crystal Cave

Returning along the original route, when there was still some distance to the entrance, Xiu didn't know why he was getting more and more nervous.

There was no way. He had been in the wild for so long, but this was the first time he suffered such a big loss due to environmental problems. It would be fine to be cautious this time.

He checked his equipment again and nodded to Casey after confirming that there were no omissions.

Both of them were wearing masks and communicating by telepathy, so Casey understood what Xiu meant by nodding and directly used his superpowers to pull Xiu over.

This was the second time to attack the dungeon [Crystal Cave]. Although it was not at the same time, it was the same...

No, no~

Xiu shook his head to drive out the picture in his mind and gather his spirit.

It only took a few minutes for them to come to this place again.

There was no difference from when they left.

There was no way this place would change because of him alone.

"The depth is more than 350 meters."

When they came to the entrance again, Casey passed on the approximate data to Xiu.

"Give the light, and use superpowers to cover the camera later, otherwise I'm afraid it will break."

While communicating with Casey, Xiu took out the things he had prepared long ago.

Casey cooperated very well and used his power to light up the surrounding area with his superpowers.

The sound of "click, click, click" continued to ring, and Xiu didn't care about any messy composition at all, just took pictures from different angles.

After taking more than a dozen photos in a row, Xiu put away the camera.

"It feels okay, let's go down and try."

Xiu tried to feel his physical condition and found that he didn't feel as uncomfortable as the first time he came in. It was certain that this protective suit and gas mask worked.

Then Xiu was not polite. He fled in a panic the first time he came in, so this time he naturally had to study the situation here carefully.

Casey naturally had no reason to object, and pulled Xiu down.

Xiu observed the surrounding situation and found a very strange phenomenon. There were few entrances and exits to the passages around. He only saw a few along the way, and they were all very small, not enough to accommodate an adult like him.

And judging from the traces around, it should have been a long time since the elves entered or left.

But it was also true that the elves couldn't stand such an environment.

The further down Xiu went, the more he felt the temperature was rising. It was already 50 degrees at the top, and at least 55 degrees below, and it was still rising.

Xiu didn't know if his equipment could withstand it, so he stopped going down slowly and sped up instead, apparently wanting to explore more places in the shortest possible time.

Of course, the camera in his hand kept making noises during this process.


Xiu raised his hand to wipe off the water droplets on the observation window of the gas mask, and found that it was not caused by his breathing, but by the change of the external environment.

"Speed ​​up!" Xiu took out a flashlight while communicating with Casey and shone it towards the dark hole below, but the light was blocked by white mist before it went far.

Looking at the white mist below, Xiu noticed that the situation had changed.

He seemed to remember something at this time, and shook the flashlight to look around, and found that the crystal columns here were indeed thicker and larger than those above, and those above were grayish white, while those here were hazy and translucent.

"Give me sight, let's go down."

As the superpower spread, Xiu's sight directly broke through the thick fog, and his body flew directly to the origin.

Originally, these water mists were very stable, but Casey took Xiu down so quickly, disturbing the air here, causing the fog that had not changed for thousands of years to move.

As if passing through the clouds, Xiu suddenly opened his eyes and found that there was no water mist around him, but the temperature was higher.

No, it's not that there is no mist, but it's invisible.

Xiu pointed the flashlight upwards, then looked up and found that the fog above his head was indeed the same layer of fog just now, but the disturbance just now made it draw a long white line, and the entire flat layer became a funnel shape.

And below...

Xiu turned the flashlight upside down, then looked down, and it was indeed the water surface.

"I'll give you some cooling water first." Xiu said, taking out a bottle of water and pouring it on Casey's head, and then taking a bottle for himself.

The water moved around the body under Casey's control, and then took away the heat.

After making enough preparations, Xiu continued to descend with Casey.

"Stop! We can't stand it if we go down any further." Xiu didn't know what the temperature outside was, but it must be exaggerated.

The lower part of this crystal cave of unknown depth was really water, and it was boiling hot water.

Although there were no bubbles, a trace of water vapor was constantly evaporating, but it just rose slightly and disappeared.

Xiu didn't care about so much. He couldn't stay in this environment for long. He could only take a few photos randomly, and then he was about to call Casey to run away.

But at this time Casey found something and raised his hand to push downwards.

Xiu certainly knew what Casey's gesture meant, but here...

Xiu didn't know what caught Casey's attention here, but he was sure that this grabbing gesture was not wrong.

With Casey's control, the water surface below began to ripple, and a "gurgling" sound was heard. A series of small bubbles floated up, then broke on the water surface and turned into a wisp of water vapor and dissipated.

Then something floated to the surface of the water and was immediately pulled in front of Xiu.

Xiu looked at the item that Casey had fished out and was a little surprised for a moment.

This is a polygonal crystal half the height of a person. Its material is transparent, which is better looking than the translucent and grayish white ones above.

But this is not the point. What is really unique is what is inside the crystal.

It is a curled up Zubat.

From the outside, the Zubat is well preserved. The crystal layer is like air. You can even see the hair on its body when you get close.

It's just that the Zubat has a strange face, and combined with its posture, it is very likely that it suffered some kind of painful torture before death.

It should be the same as before. It accidentally entered here, then inhaled excessive poison gas, fell down, and after a long time of evolution, it finally became like this.

"There are many more below."

Kathy's calm thoughts came over, as if this scene did not cause any impact on it.

Xiu looked down with Kathy's sight, and there were indeed countless elves of all sizes under the water.

There are many elves, and there are different kinds. It is hard to imagine how they got here.

However, the wonder of nature is full of all kinds of bizarre surprises, and there are always some coincidences that create this scene.

The crystal shell cannot be seen underwater. If Xiu observes with the naked eye, he will see that they all seem to be sleeping in the water.

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