Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 633 Sweet Bait

"Purge?" Lan was a little confused. Regardless of whether the news was true or not, she couldn't figure out why Xiu told her the news.

Especially with the strange questions before, this dinner party didn't seem so ordinary...

In theory, the relationship between her and Xiu was very weak. She was restricted by the handle and was forced to help him.

But she was still a member of Team Rocket.

She and Xiu were from two different worlds.

Lan didn't believe that Xiu would choose to defile his identity for her, so she guessed that Xiu was probably testing her when he said this.

"Don't you know what it means that you will be transferred to Rainbow City? This is not a coincidence. Instead, it means that Team Rocket is ready to invest most of its manpower in Rainbow City. Just think about the recent actions of Team Rocket."

Xiu guided Lan while observing her reaction and extracting the information he needed from it.

In fact, he himself was not sure whether the alliance would take action, but he could see whether Team Rocket was prepared for this through Lan's reaction.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you need this information more than I do, and I don't think you will tell anyone~"

While speaking, Xiu grinned, suddenly giving people a sense of evil charm.

"What do you mean by this!" Lan's voice rose involuntarily, but he lowered it halfway through.

Xiu raised his hand and knocked on the table, saying leisurely: "How can you get up if there is no vacant position above? You get promoted, and I get heads. This is a win-win situation."

Xiu's words obviously want her to sell out the people above, but she is already the team leader, and the ones above her are core cadres.

Selling out these people, if something goes wrong, it will be...

"You are too greedy, be careful of broken teeth, and even if there is a vacancy, it is impossible for me to get promoted, and there are still many reserve cadres." Lan looked at Xiu with a sudden fear in his eyes.

What if this guy fails and betrays himself?

"Don't worry, my teeth are fine~ Don't forget that I have someone above me." Xiu pointed upwards with the chopsticks in his hand, and then said in a bewitching tone: "And as long as enough people die, there will naturally be a position for you. Promotion and salary increase, and greater power, isn't this what you want?"

Lan did not refute this, but fell into deep thought, obviously thinking about the possibility of Xiu's words.

Xiu saw that she was wavering and immediately added a sentence.

"Don't worry, our plan is independent of the alliance's actions. You have a one-way contact with me, and I will never betray you. After all, your survival is the highest benefit to me. After excluding me, naturally no one will know about this.

And with me here, even if you are unfortunately caught by the alliance, I have a way to get you out. As for being exposed, come to my side, money and status are not a small matter. If you want to retire, I can also arrange for you to go to other areas, you can choose any place."

Xiu's words were full of pride, sounding like bragging, but Lan knew that Xiu was indeed capable of this. He had made a lot of money in the previous few times he asked him to work.

But she knew very well that the premise of getting the promise from Xiu was to complete the task and realize the value.

"Let me think..." Lan was not fooled by the bait thrown by Xiu. After all, no one who could get this position in the Rockets was a fool. She knew the hook behind it.

But Xiu gave too much! Even if her reason told her that she couldn't agree to it, she still didn't refuse directly.

So she could only let it go and wait for the opportunity to make preparations.

Xiu didn't mean to force her to agree.

He knew very well that Lan was thinking about preparing a way out for herself first, and only after she completed it would she cooperate with him.

That's right, the relationship between the two is cooperation, not Xiu holding a handle to threaten her.

The risk of doing so is too great. Once the other party plays with his life, everyone will be finished.

So the first few times Xiu asked her to deal with some things, he gave her enough money afterwards.

Blindly squeezing will only consume the other party's patience, and appropriate benefits are the way to drive.

Let's put it this way. If Xiu hadn't given real benefits in the previous few times, Lan wouldn't be in this situation now. She would either refuse on the spot or be forced to agree, and then turn against him or run away after returning.

Because she would not agree with the conditions given by Xiu, and would only see the dangers brought by this plan.

After things were basically settled, it was easy to handle. Everyone had a good meal afterwards.

After Lan left, Xiu was still in the private room.

"I don't think this matter will be done in the near future. This woman doesn't believe me yet."

Xiu said to himself, while Casey sat cross-legged on a chair with an expressionless face.

Sakaki made him suffer, so of course he had to return the favor. He had to take advantage of the time when the alliance took action to disrupt the Rocket Team's arrangement in Rainbow City.

After all, he also had his eyes on this place~

Since he chose Rainbow City as his base, he naturally had to expand his power and eliminate certain unstable factors, such as the Rocket Team.

He had mentioned some speculations about the alliance in his previous conversation with Professor Oak, but they were only speculations.

What Xiu had to do now was to push the plot in the direction he needed.

This is a plan to drive the tiger to devour the wolf!

Using Blue's hand to push the Rockets to disrupt the environment of Rainbow City, and then using the Alliance's hand to deal with the Rockets, and of course I will clean up the mess and take down those I want.

Originally, these residents were deeply afraid of Team Rocket. If they come again in a short period of time, this time...

But Xiu didn't care about these. He just wanted to take down Rainbow City, at least the South District.

But before that, a lot of arrangements were needed, and there was no rush.

Xiu had the patience needed as a hunter.

After he turned the plan around, he came back to his senses, looked at his elf, and asked with a smile: "Are you full? We'll go back after we're done."


Xiu, who was busy in the laboratory, suddenly stopped. Listening to the "beeping" signal, he turned to the computer, casually turned on the surveillance, and then saw someone coming outside the door.

It was the middle-aged man.

"It seems that what I want is here~" Xiu said casually, and then went outside to open the door.

The door opened, but Xiu did not want anyone to enter. Instead, he walked out and asked, "Where are the things?"

The middle-aged man handed over the document he had already held in his hand and said, "Everything has been arranged. This is the land ownership certificate here."

Xiu took the document and saw the words "Land Ownership Certificate" written in large letters on it.

Opening the first page, there was some basic information about this place.

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