Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 635 Carp Lake

Just thinking that he would have to hand over this task after the school started, he was more or less reluctant.

Fortunately, he did not forget when it was, and shouted before those people calmed down.

"Let's start!"

This sound was like a switch, and the students walking on the edge of the platform threw the rations in their hands into the air, and a strange scene formed in the air for a while.

The dense rations blocked the sunlight and became a black shadow projected into the water.

But the next scene was something Xiu did not expect.

When the rations were fed out, the originally calm water surface splashed, and the whole lake seemed to be boiling, with waves of red waves.

Almost all of the red figures of Magikarp were in sight.

What surprised Xiu even more was that the Magikarp did not wait for the rations to fall, but took the initiative to jump out of the water and fly towards the sky.

Countless Magikarp used all their skills, and one move [Water Splash Leap] could jump out of the water several meters, just colliding with the falling rations.

The scene was really spectacular.

Xiu had never seen such a density of Magikarp, nor had he seen such a large range of Magikarp jumping out of the water.

It was simply too exaggerated!

This spectacular scene did not end immediately, but continued one after another. As the students threw out the rations one after another, the Magikarp kept jumping out of the water.

Some exaggerated ones could even jump out of the water five or six meters high, which was higher than the rations thrown by the students.

The scene was also accompanied by fierce shouts, and the splashing water also added a touch of cheerful atmosphere to the crowd.

The young man on the side also explained the situation here to Xiu.

Those who were feeding on the platform just now belonged to the same club. The usual task of this club was to feed the Magikarp in the lake and monitor the situation of the Magikarp.

Xiu did not expect that the artificial lake was really called Magikarp Lake, and these students generally called it Carp Lake.

It's OK, concise and meaningful.

The school pays for the club's funding, and the rations for feeding are provided by the Cultivation Academy.

In fact, most of the members of this club are students of the Cultivation Academy, and there is a very important assignment in this academy, which is to complete a Magikarp observation report.

According to the young man, this is a homework that must be completed in the first grade, and it is also one of the characteristics of their school.

Joining their club is one of the best ways, after all, the club's mission is to contact Magikarp.

To be honest, Xiu's understanding of Magikarp is definitely not low, after all, he has seen too many.

This is a little elf that can survive in any water area, and its vitality is amazing.

There are actually many river basins in the outside world, and there are more or less traces of Magikarp in them. Xiu has experienced this personally.

But there are also little elves in the outside world that prey on Magikarp, such as Pidgeot and the like. In particular, Magikarp's competitiveness is originally low, so like Caterpillar and Rattata, although the number seems to be large, it is still controlled within a range.

But the Magikarp here is different. There are no natural enemies, no competitive pressure, and people feed them every day.

It feels like there is no longer fish in the water, but water in the fish.

Xiu even thinks this is a "conspiracy" of the school cafeteria. When there are too many, they will be sent here, and then there will be steamed Magikarp, braised Magikarp, Magikarp head soup and other dishes...

Don't say Magikarp has no meat anymore. Xiu has studied it. He probably encountered hundreds of Magikarp remains during his travels, and he also dissected a Magikarp that was eaten to the point where only the head was left.

The scales of Magikarp are indeed very thick, and the head almost occupies half of the whole body, but with a body length of almost one meter, once the scales are broken, there will be plump fish meat.

Xiu witnessed this with his own eyes, which also changed his perception of Magikarp.

Xiu investigated the dietary structure of the wild Popo tribe and found that only Popo's staple food is green caterpillars, and there are also grass seeds and fruits.

However, the evolved Pidgeot and Pidgeot don't like to eat green caterpillars very much, but eat Magikarp more.

The main reason is of course that the caterpillars can no longer provide enough nutrition, and Magikarp is a good substitute.

As for why Pidgeot doesn't eat, it's naturally because Pidgeot's claws and beak can't break Magikarp's scales, but the evolved Pidgeot can.

Another thing is that Magikarp is about six or seven times heavier than Pidgeot, but the evolved Pidgeot can catch Magikarp and take it to the sky.

This is a very interesting phenomenon. Xiu also found that their way of eating is very unique through studying the wreckage.

To a certain extent, they didn't break the scales.

Generally, Pidgeot takes Magikarp to a high altitude, then puts it down, and breaks the outer armor through the strong impact brought by gravity.

Here Xiu also discovered a very interesting little knowledge, that is, they will deliberately aim Magikarp at hard objects, such as stones.

Sometimes they even use Magikarp as a weapon.

Usually the first mouth will peck at the eyes to kill it, and then use the claws to pry open the cracks that were knocked open, and finally stretch the head in to peck at the muscles.

After eating, the scales on the back half of the body are intact.

Some prefer to eat directly, which is the ability of Pidgeot. Their strength can tear apart the scales of Magikarp and then eat the meat.

The whole set of steps has methods, which shows that Pidgeot has been "exploiting" Magikarp for a long time.

If someone is killed by a Magikarp falling from the sky, Xiu doesn't think it's strange.

The reason may be that Pidgeot treats his head as a stone.

Or it's just bad luck...

After a series of questions, Xiu found that this school has a deep connection with Magikarp, and many activities are related to Magikarp.

For example, the Magikarp jumping competition is held every year. Participants will select Magikarp from the lake in advance, and then train them. When the time comes, they will take them to participate in the competition. The winner can get rich rewards, and there will be special rewards if they break the records of previous years.

And that Magikarp will become a star of the school, and its value will skyrocket.

According to the young man, the highest record is more than nine meters, and that Magikarp later evolved into Gyarados.

It also became a good story at the time.

There are also similar Magikarp racing competitions, anyway, it is a competition to select the strongest Magikarp!

Of course, no matter how strong Magikarp is, there is a limit. As long as it does not evolve, it is at the bottom.

It is impossible to replicate the game where Magikarp fights the mythical beast.

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