Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 639: Being a Guest

Xiu slowly observed the area. The people here seemed like zombies, with no hope for life in their eyes.

Seeing this, Xiu also felt inexplicably irritated.

If the West District was just a pimple back then, then the disaster caused by the Rockets would have directly squeezed the pimple, and the pus was forced to flow everywhere, forming more pimples around it.

This metaphor may seem uncomfortable, but it is the truth.

Although the current Rainbow City is still bright and beautiful, its core problem has not been solved, and it is just delaying the time of the outbreak.

Xiu has a hunch that if the people in power in Rainbow City do not solve the problem, I am afraid that this trend will be provoked by the Rockets.

No matter what the consequences are, ordinary people will be hurt.

The girl walking next to him suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Xiu.

"I'm here!"


Xiu was still thinking, and he woke up after hearing this, looking at the crooked house in front of him.

It can't even be called a house. It's just a wooden frame with iron sheets and plastic film on it. The whole house can swing with a little movement. If such houses are not connected in a piece, they may be blown down by a gust of wind.

Especially when the girl opened the iron door, the swing was so large that Xiu really thought it was going to collapse.

But it swayed and calmed down again. The magical stability made Xiu laugh and cry.

The noise of opening the door was a bit loud, which obviously alarmed the people inside.

Before the girl went in, two cheerful voices came from inside.

"Sister! Sister!"

The two children came out excitedly with innocent smiles on their faces.

"Hey~" The girl smiled and answered, and then said to Xiu: "This is my brother and sister."

The older one is the brother, who is estimated to be about eight or nine years old, and the younger one is the sister, who is about four or five years old.

The clothes they wore were loose and didn't fit them at all. It can be seen that they were altered from adults' clothes.

Although it was a little old, and the color faded a little due to long-term washing, it was still clean.

And when the two children laughed, it was very healing, and Xiu's irritable heart was calmed down.

The only strange thing was that the girl actually introduced her family to him.

This was something he didn't expect, causing him to be stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and smiled at the two children: "Hello! I am your sister's friend."

Who knew that the two children were not afraid of strangers at all, and immediately walked in front of Xiu to look at him.

In just a moment, the older boy turned around and said to the girl: "Sister, you finally brought a man back!"

Xiu was dumbfounded immediately, the smile on his face froze, and the look he gave the girl became more and more embarrassed.

The little boy turned around and looked at Xiu, with a scrutinizing look, and commented: "It's just that you look too thin, Dad said you should be stronger~"

And the younger one also followed the booing, turned around and ran back to the house to shout, and Xiu, who was outside, had already heard the voice.

"Dad! My sister brought a man back..."

Seeing his sister running back, the little boy also ran back, leaving Xiu and the girl standing at the door.

Although Xiu was speechless when he heard this, he didn't react after adapting to this rhythm. Instead, he thought the two little guys were a little cute.

Strangely, the girl didn't react much, and it seemed that she had guessed this situation.

Just when Xiu looked at her, the girl actually took the initiative to walk towards Xiu, and after a little hesitation, she whispered: "Well... Can you do me a favor, just say you are my friend, tell them that I am doing well outside~"

After hearing this, Xiu also smiled bitterly, and finally understood why the girl brought him back.

"No problem! Leave it to me!" Xiu had no reason to refuse, and agreed immediately.

The girl didn't say much, just went in.

And Xiu was not a shy person, so he followed in immediately.

The eaves of the door were low, and Xiu had to bend down to walk in.

And the space after entering was extremely narrow. Xiu could see it all at a glance. It was estimated that the place was not even ten square meters, at most seven or eight square meters.

There was no furniture or anything like that inside, only two wooden beds, a table with some sundries piled up on it, and a desk lamp.

These alone were almost filling up the space.

There were a few curtains hanging from the ceiling, which should have divided the narrow space again when sleeping at night.

As soon as he entered, he smelled a strong smell of medicine, but even so, it couldn't cover up the stench.

Xiu was very sensitive to this and confirmed the situation immediately.

It was a man lying on the bed, and both smells came from him.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back."

Xiu heard a weak voice in the slightly noisy voices of the two children.

"Your mom is out~" The man lying on the bed struggled to sit up, and the girl saw this and quickly put down the things in her hands, and then went over to support him.

Xiu didn't bother to observe carefully, so he had to walk forward.

The man lying on the bed had a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, which gave people a very positive feeling. However, at this moment, his face was pale and he looked haggard, and there was always a sense of sadness between his brows.

The man reluctantly sat up with the girl's help. He immediately looked at Xiu who was standing next to him with a critical look.

It's just that Xiu's aura was already strong, so he didn't lose at all when they faced each other like this. On the contrary, when they looked at each other, the man didn't know why, but there was a hint of timidity on his pale face.

"I'm sorry, the house is a little messy..." A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on the man's face when he said this.

But when he smiled, he suddenly looked ten years older, revealing a helpless feeling.

When Xiu heard this, he naturally sat on the bed on the other side. He didn't mean to be formal at all and answered casually: "It's not messy. Everything is tidied up. I can guess that Auntie must be a housekeeper." Those who are wise are really lucky."

"Mom is the best! In the past, my mother would always bring me food..."

The youngest sister understood Xiu's words and said with a smile, but was complained by the little boy beside her.

"You want to eat, right?"

"No! You eat the most."

When Xiu heard this, he took out some snacks from his backpack and gave them to the two playing children.

"Here, take it and eat it."

It's just that neither of them had any intention of picking up. Instead, they looked at their sister beside them.

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