Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 667 Negotiation

This is just a meaningless question. The original intention is just to knock her. For someone with such a strong self-esteem, it would be meaningless to force her to bow her head.

When Saori heard this, she didn't even say anything, as if she was afraid that Xiu would catch her again.

"Tell me what you want to do? Or tell me where you came from?"

"What do you mean?" Saori also felt that Xiu was difficult to deal with, so she lost the scornful aura she had at the beginning and became a little more dignified.

"A smart person would never do something like you, a lion. If such an abnormal situation occurs, it means that your origin is not simple. Maybe there is some reason that forces you to do this.

And you went to Dr. Omu to seek asylum, otherwise I don't think you really want to participate in those boring experiments. It can be seen that you are not the kind of person who takes time off. "

Xiu could actually feel the eagerness she exuded intentionally or unintentionally, as if something was pushing her forward.

Faced with Xiu's questioning, Saori didn't say anything, but everything was written on her face.

"Okay~ Since you don't want to say it, forget it." Xiu shrugged and spread his hands, looking indifferent, and then said: "Then I wish you a good night~"

"You're right, I do need to obtain certain assets or accumulation in a short period of time." Saori finally gave in. Obviously she didn't care about this as she said before.

This also shows from the side that this person is deeply scheming, and there is no truth in what he says.

"Then what? Won't you tell me the reason?" Xiu temporarily gave up his intention to leave and sat on the sofa waiting for Saori's words.

From now on, it is cultivation that takes the initiative.

"There's nothing to say about this. Anyway, even if you fail, it won't affect you." Saori obviously had no intention of continuing. It was hard to see the charming smile on her face now, but she was very tight and serious.

"If you want me to help you, just make it clear how much time you have left and what goals you need to complete."

Xiu was trying to find out, because he knew that if he asked the other party directly, he would definitely not tell him, but he could use a roundabout way to slowly enter through the hole just opened, and then continue to expand until the other party's psychological defense line was broken.

And after knowing the bottom line, it will be easier to force the other party to submit. Will Shaori just let him play with her?

It's just that Saori is not a fool, and she easily noticed Xiu's little moves, but she still gave her bottom line.

"Give me a chance and we'll see the result in three months."

Listening to such vague conditions, Xiu estimated that if she could gamble with herself for three months, she would have at least a year.

This margin makes it difficult to do anything by yourself.

"What can you do? I don't need you to raise elves."

"I know everything." Saori said this in a calm tone.

Xiu also smiled knowingly after hearing this. This child refuses to admit defeat~

"Okay! I'll give you this opportunity, just because I'm afraid your ability won't keep up."

"Then let's wait and see~"

Xiu just smiled and didn't say much nonsense.

Speaking of which, Xiu admires her character very much. Young people should be arrogant and not become a salty fish at such a young age like him.

"Get ready, I'll come pick you up tomorrow."

Once Xiu was determined, he always acted vigorously and resolutely, but he didn't expect that this Saori was even more anxious than him.

"I'll go directly with you, and I'll stay at your house tonight." Saori seemed to have regained her previous confidence, and her movements and words were full of vague temptation.

Xiuneng felt that it was not her intention to do this, but more like an instinct.

"Then clean it up quickly." Xiu agreed directly.

Logically he should refuse, but who is Xiu? He doesn't care at all, he has to pick it up anyway, it's better to go together now than to come again tomorrow, right?

Is it uncomfortable to stay in bed for this period of time?

"I'm going to change clothes first~" Saori stood up, without even wearing shoes, and walked on tiptoes on the soft carpet. Her steps were brisk and agile, and her loose pajamas were floating freely, making her look unique.

Xiu looked over generously this time, without any attempt to hide it.

It was only when Xiu loaded several large boxes into the car and paid for the room that he realized how much that glance was worth.

"By the way, why do you have so much luggage?" Xiu sat in the driver's seat and looked back at the two large suitcases placed in the back seat.

What's even more outrageous is that this is not all, there is another one in the trunk of the car.

It’s almost like moving instead of traveling.

The things inside are so heavy that I don’t know what they are.

"Girls must bring more things with them when they go out~" But Saori didn't care. She looked at Xiu from the passenger seat and asked, "Why aren't you setting off yet?"

"By the way, you haven't paid me the room fee yet."

"I have no money." Saori said it directly without any awkward reaction.

"You don't have money to stay in such a high-end hotel? Aren't you afraid of washing dishes?"

"There are many people who want to help me pay the bill~" Saori smiled slightly and glanced outside.

"Sooner or later you will suffer a big loss with this idea." Xiu was speechless about this. He could only shake his head silently, start the car slowly, and said: "Remember, you spent 6,410 yuan in the hotel. , seeing you come here for the first time, wipe out the change, you still owe me six thousand. "

"Okay, I'll give it to you when I get paid."

"Why do I feel like the uncle is the one who owes money..."

Xiu casually complained after listening to his words, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all. The vehicle soon left the city and headed towards the outer suburbs.

"This place of yours is quite special~" Saori looked at the strange manor in front of her with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, keep your own things." Xiu laboriously moved the boxes out of the car, and then pushed them toward her.

Saori stretched out her hand to stop the suitcase. Seeing Xiu like this, she smiled and joked: "According to Dr. Ohki, you should be pretty good~ Why don't you even have a driver's assistant? And you drive such a car."

"Don't even think about it. If I drive a sports car, can you still send your luggage back?" Xiu also complained directly without giving any face, "What's more, Dr. Ohmu doesn't need a driver, so what am I doing here? It's a waste of resources."

Xiu said as he pushed the third suitcase into the house.

"Come on, don't waste my time."

Seeing this, Shaori could only push the box and follow...

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