Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 669 Bad Taste

It has to be said that from basic research to theory to practice, Xiu was really tired these days.

However, he also temporarily understood some principles and styles of the seal.

In the final analysis, the seal is fundamentally derived from the power of the elves. Its principle is to store or consume the power of the elves with the help of some carriers.

The specific function is related to its style, texture, structure and other aspects. Xiu is not yet able to fully explain the details.

But this thing is too difficult~

Xiu just slumped on the computer chair, lying on his back with his eyes closed, his limbs drooping weakly, looking like a salted fish that has been dehydrated for a day.

Just a moment! Xiu, who was lying dead, suddenly opened his eyes, reached behind his back and grabbed the hand that was stretched out.

A low voice sounded.

"What are you going to do?"

Xiu just took a look and let go of her hand, and sat up slightly.

"Nothing, just that you look like you are very tired?" Saori took back her hand angrily, and her face was a little stiff.

The hand that Xiu had just grabbed was twisting slightly behind her.

The moment Xiu opened his eyes, his eyes were like a hungry wolf, revealing a strange chill, which made Saori's heart tremble.

"Have you done your work?" Xiu turned around in the computer chair, propped up one hand on his cheek, and looked at the person in front of him sideways.

Xiu did not mean to hide the underground research institute from her, anyway, she could not enter the really important places.

"Oh! I was just about to say this." Saori raised her hand to hold her hair to hide her embarrassment, then turned back and took out something and handed it to Xiu.

Xiu flipped it a little, then handed it back, and said casually: "Then go and implement it, I will give you the support you deserve."

Saori took the plan, but she didn't react much.

She thought she was just making a plan, but she didn't expect Xiu to just give it to her to implement.

To be honest, she was a little confused about Xiu's hand.

There has never been such an outrageous boss.

Seeing Saori standing there in a daze, Xiu asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is there any difficulty?"

"Nothing!" Saori finally realized that what Xiu said was true. She forgot what Xiu had said to her just now, and an excited expression appeared on her face.

Xiu was very rational. He had not lost his ability to think, nor was he corrupted by beauty.

Xiu had actually been paying attention to Saori's actions in the past few days. She was able to organize the information in such a short time, and borrowed his car to go to those places for investigation and research for a long time, and finally came up with this plan.

Xiu thought it was completely okay to let her try and confirm whether she had the ability.

To employ people is to let go boldly, otherwise covering up will only waste their talents and abilities.

And Xiu was also testing her. During this period of time, he found through contact that Saori had a very abnormal obsession with power.

I don't know what kind of growth environment created her weird personality.

Saori left the laboratory excitedly, and Shiori, who had just finished recording the data of the elf egg, just returned to the door.

Then she saw the radiant Saori coming out of the laboratory, and when she looked inside, she saw Xiu lying on the computer chair like a salted fish.



The two passed each other, and although Shiori felt a little puzzled, she didn't say much, but walked in.

"Boss, according to the data here, it won't be long before those eggs will hatch." Shiori handed over today's data honestly.

These days after get off work, I often go to Xiu's room to have a private lesson, and she has a strong learning ability, so it is not difficult for her to learn by herself through the materials.

Now she is no longer a fool, and her understanding of Pokémon has at least reached the level of a normal trainer.

Xiu took the file but didn't look at it. Instead, he asked Shiori: "What will happen when the eggs hatch?"

"These are Beedrill eggs, and the ones that hatch are of course Hornets." Shiori thought Xiu was testing her, so she said it naturally.

"Then introduce the unicorn beetle."

"The unicorn beetle is the lowest level of the giant bee evolution chain. The average length in the wild is 0.3 meters, and the weight is generally 5 to 8 kilograms. The body is worm-shaped, the skin color is generally khaki, with a pink nose, and pink gastropods on the abdomen for movement.

The most special thing is that it has a long conical horn on its head and a hook-shaped spike on its tail. These two are the main weapons of the unicorn beetle to attack, and they are both poisonous."

"Yes, I remember it very clearly." Xiu did not mean to let her go, but continued to ask: "What about the living habits and eating habits of the unicorn beetle?"

"Unicorn beetles generally live in trees. They can climb trees, have a keen sense of smell, and can even identify the leaves they like to eat. Generally, there are giant bees near the places where hornworms appear.

Hornworms eat a lot of leaves every day to maintain their body consumption and store nutrients for evolution. "

"Then do you know where the poison in hornworms comes from?"

"I know this! The toxins in hornworms and giant bees are accumulated by eating some poisonous food, so hornworms especially like some poisonous plant leaves..."

Shiori got into the mood as she spoke, and even blurted out some knowledge points that Xiu had not mentioned.

Seeing her like this, Xiu smiled gently.

No wonder teachers like smart and excellent children. Shiori is a perfect student.

"Okay~" Xiu stopped her and added casually:

"I want to remind you here that studying elves is not just mindlessly piling up other people's descriptions. We must start from practice and don't just listen to books or other people's words.

Just like you said something wrong just now, unicorn worms will indeed eat poisonous plants, but you have to pay attention here. unicorn worms' favorite staple food is non-poisonous, and unicorn worms are not very resistant. , will only eat some slightly poisonous food, and then stop eating it when it reaches a certain level. Only when the poisonous food is digested will it continue to eat poisonous food. Most of the time, it will eat some nutritious leaves. "

Xiu meant to stop when he said it, and immediately shared an interesting piece of knowledge with Shiori.

"I also discovered a very strange phenomenon during long-term observations in the wild, that is, some unicorn beetles will be poisoned to death by themselves."

"Huh! Why?" Shiori was considered an academic, so of course he couldn't understand such an over-the-top question.

But Xiu's bad taste came again. He did not explain, but said: "If you want to know, just observe and practice by yourself. Reading cannot solve all problems."

Seeing Shiori's tangled look, Xiu's mood, which was still a little depressed just now, suddenly improved a lot, and the corners of his mouth tilted up slightly involuntarily.

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