Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 678 Incubation and Selection

"Don't feel sorry for them. You should have read their information. What about the workers who died or became disabled because of their negligence? Don't those workers have relatives? It's a bargain for them to die so easily.

Don't tell me it has nothing to do with family. Their families enjoy the benefits brought by him, so they naturally have to take responsibility for it. Don't you even understand such a simple truth?"

Xiu will not let go of those people's families just because of Shizhi's words.

His kindness is reserved for those who need it, and will not be wasted on such people.

Shizhi did not speak, and was silent for a while.

And Xiu did not mean to continue talking. Some things are often more effective than words. When she sees the true face of this world more in the future, she will naturally understand why Xiu did this.

And some Xiu has not told Shizhi in detail~

Before picking her up, he had dealt with those salted fish who hired murderers.

Sometimes what is more terrible than death is disappearance. A corrupt and bribed person "absconds" as long as Xiu does not pursue him, he will disappear, and his assets will be accepted by the company according to the contract to compensate for the loss.

I have to say that this world is too free, so human life is worthless. As long as it is not seen with one's own eyes, the crime is equivalent to nothing.


Saori's ability is okay. After obtaining Xiu's authorization, she investigated and cleaned up this matter, and it can be said that she gained a lot.

However, as a large number of termites were cleared, some troubles also appeared, but Xiu didn't care much about them.

There will be pain, but the body will be healthier after cutting off the rotten flesh.

The investigation is still going on... and Xiu put his mind on the elf.

The Sandshrew evolved into the Sandshrew during the battle. When he came back, Xiu conducted a series of examinations on it and determined that its body structure was indeed different from that of an ordinary Sandshrew.

In particular, it can be seen from the energy that it is not an ordinary pure ground type, but a mixture of steel and ground types.

In other words, this Sandshrew is indeed a unique mutant.

Afterwards, Xiu spent time and Sandshrew to train it to adapt to its new body structure.

Now when it rolls up, its hands are no longer retracted as before, but folded under its belly, and then its long claws are extended outward. Once it rolls up, the lethality of the four long claws is not low at all.

The new form requires a lot of training to adjust and stabilize.

There are also new ration formulas, ability development, training plans, etc. that Xiu needs to solve.

So he has been accompanying it most of the time these days, and of course he has to take care of Casey's affairs~


"Boss! It's born! It's born!" Shiori rushed in with an excited look on her face.

"Okay~ It's the egg hatching, why do you say it as if I gave birth to it..."

Xiu's slightly helpless voice echoed in the study, and he looked up at Shiori standing outside the door.

"Boss, the first one hatched!" Shiori was very excited. She had been taking care of those eggs for so long and finally saw the results after so many days.

"Then let's go and see."

"I'll go and see too!" Saori on the other side also walked over.

Xiu turned his eyes to look at her and said lightly: "I asked you to come back to work, not to play~"

During this period, under Xiu's promotion, she has almost completely mastered part of the company with that incident.

And she continues to promote the development strategy set by Xiu and has completed part of the integration.

It must be said here that she is still capable and can complete the tasks given by Xiu very well and free Xiu from the heavy work.

It's just that after learning that Xiu was assassinated, she insisted on staying in the manor to work. After Shizhi occupied the office, she also occupied the study, so Xiu could only study on the side.

Xiu probably knew that she was very decisive and was afraid of being retaliated, so she was like this.

Thinking of this, Xiu retracted his gaze and said lightly: "Let's go."

The two came to the incubator.

What Shizhi said was not accurate. During the time she was away, several more hatched and were crawling around in the glass tank.

This batch of eggs were from the same batch, and the development level was probably not much different. The two of them hadn't been there for too long when an egg in the cabinet burst into a dazzling light, and then another unicorn worm hatched.

The light of life was born, and those eggs hatched one after another, and soon the yellow unicorn worms crawled everywhere.

Xiu approached, and those crawling unicorn worms intentionally or unintentionally moved away from him. That was biological instinct. Even without the guidance of parents, these were engraved in the blood.

Xiu didn't care much about this. Anyway, he didn't need to care. The joy of slacking off was unimaginable to others.

I saw a smile on his face, and then he turned to Shiori and said: "Choose one, this will be your starting point."

"My...?" Shiori didn't react and asked: "Does it make any difference?"

"Of course!" Xiu raised his voice, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Shiori was no longer casual. He said seriously: "You are choosing a companion to accompany you, and the training method is naturally different from the others."

"Then how should I choose?" Although Shiori is not ready, obedience is also her advantage.

"You chose, not me. How do I know you~" Xiu stepped back a few steps to the corner, then looked at the unicorn beetle in the glass cabinet and said, "According to your inner choice, you need to know that it will accompany you for a while."

In theory, most girls don't like these insects, especially in such a dense situation, it should be more terrifying, but Shizhi didn't feel uncomfortable at all. It seems that long-term psychological preparation is still useful.

Shizhi walked forward woodenly, leaning against the glass and looking inside, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Originally, she wanted to pick the strongest one, but Xiu's words were confusing, and she didn't know how to choose for a while.

The newly born unicorn beetles were not big, and their body sizes were similar. With her entry level, she couldn't see any difference, so she was stunned for a while.

Shizhi looked over and over again, but she couldn't find the unicorn beetle that Xiu said was suitable for her.

Such a big man appeared in front of her. Regardless of whether Shiori had the deterrent power or not, it would inevitably put pressure on the unicorn beetles, forcing them to move away from here and crawl around.

At this moment, a unicorn beetle broke away from the team and crawled towards Shiori.

And Shiori didn't know why, looking at it, she blurted out: "Should I choose it?"

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