Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 69 Secret Training

While the two were talking, two projections suddenly appeared on the floor of the studio. Xiu looked up and found that they were indeed Casey and Hu Di.

"You've been training hard today." Xiu walked up, took out the food that he had prepared, and then communicated with it about today's training through telepathy.

During this period of time, Hu Di took Casey to train. Xiu didn't know the exact training content, but Casey did seem to have changed a lot. The erratic aura gradually stabilized, and the whole feeling became more restrained.

After Baoba and Hu Di had a brief exchange on the other side, Hu Di disappeared from the place with a [teleportation], and he didn’t know where he went. Then Baoba turned to Xiu and said:

"Hu said that's all it can do. Now that Casey's condition has basically stabilized, it depends on your own efforts."

"Understood~" Xiu looked at Casey and nodded slowly.

But Baoba was still a little worried when he saw him like this, so he casually warned:

"Even if it has stabilized now and there are very few super power fluctuations, the impact is still there. You'd better not have too much contact for a long time, otherwise you will be in trouble if it causes irreversible damage."

"I know~" Xiu turned around and nodded towards Baoba, indicating that he was clear. At the same time, he did not forget to say: "I plan to go to Zhenxin Town to seek help from Dr. Oak."

"So fast!" Baoba looked at Xiu strangely.

Hearing this, Xiu could only reply with a wry smile: "Just like the director said, even if the impact has been reduced to the minimum, the impact is still there."

Baoba understood that Xiu was referring to his grandchildren, so he didn't say anything else immediately.

"Help me take care of them for a few more days. I'm going to deal with those things." Baoba paused for a moment, and the expression on his face returned to that indifference.

Of course Xiu knew what Baobaba was talking about, and frowned, "I think with Yuto's character, he will definitely contact there again to seek redemption."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiu finished speaking, Baoba looked at him with a hint of complaint in his tone.

"Why else do you think I asked you to stay?"

Xiu immediately reacted and knew that he was under Baoba's arrangement, so he quickly asked: "What does the director want to do?"

"Get ahead of your plans for Kana and find something for Yuto to do."

"It's just..." Xiu looked a little embarrassed and added: "Shirley's current situation is completely impossible to overcome."

When Baoba heard this, he calmly took out a potion the size of his index finger and handed it over.

"Let Vulpix eat this before the battle. Its abilities will be greatly enhanced within half an hour, but it will enter a period of weakness in the next period. The battle must be resolved within half an hour. Also remember not to let Shirley know."

Xiu looked at the orange potion in his hand, and after thinking for a few seconds, he reached out and took it, his face a little solemn.


After the two people finished talking, they went back.

In the guest room, Xiu sat blankly on a chair, staring at the surroundings as if his eyes had lost focus, and slowly rubbed the hand holding the potion.

Suddenly there was a sound from the door lock, and the sound penetrated the door before anyone came in.

"Please help me find out what this means!"

Then the door was pushed open, and Shirley walked in holding a book.

The sound of kicking slippers brought Xiu back to his senses. With a clever twist of his fingers, the potion disappeared from his hand. He turned to look at the visitor and said with a hint of helplessness:

"Why didn't you knock on the door~"

"The door is unlocked." Shirley looked back and said casually, then quickly turned to Xiu, put the book in front of him and asked eagerly: "Why is this like this?"

"Okay~" Xiu could only accept the book helplessly, glanced at it briefly, and then started to explain.

"You have to look here first. It says here..."


"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Xiu's voice became more urgent, constantly urging the Vulpix on the field.

But the movement of his hand showed no intention of stopping, and stones kept ejecting from his hand.

Unlike Shirley's parallel import, Xiu's accuracy and strength are terrifying. Once hit, Vulpix will definitely suffer.

It's just that the training these days has allowed Vulpix to adapt to this high-intensity rhythm. Although he is a little embarrassed, he can always avoid Xiu's attacks at the critical moment.

Just the grass in the backyard was a bit pitiful, with flying turf and many burnt spots.

Xiu fired the last shot. The Vulpix, which was running in a straight line, seemed to have noticed something and turned around suddenly. The next second, there was a muffled sound on the path it had just passed.

"Okay! Rest."

Xiu shouted, and the Vulpix gradually slowed down, but his expression was still nervous and his eyes were shaking back and forth.

Shirley on the side saw this and quickly moved forward to pick up the frightened Vulpix. At the same time, she looked at Xiu and complained: "You are too cruel. What if you really hit Vulpix?"

"If you want to make progress, you definitely need pressure. If you really grind like you do, you will never catch up with someone who started earlier than you and works harder than you."

Xiu turned around and walked away, saying something casually.

"You handle the follow-up for Vulpix, I'll take it out later."

"Taking Vulpix out for training again?" Shirley's expression changed when she heard this.

"Hmm~" Xiu didn't have any unnecessary emotions. He picked up the water and took a sip.

Shirley walked up to Xiu Shen with Vulpix in her arms and asked, "I can't go?"

"You'd better not go, it will affect our training." Xiu said expressionlessly, as if he was stating some fact.

"Why can't I, as the Vulpix's trainer, participate in Vulpix's training?"

"This is a secret, you will know it when the time comes." Xiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the water glass in his hand swayed.

"I'm going to go too today." Shirley looked at Xiu, eyes fixed on him.

"You have things you should complete. Have you completed the homework I left for you?"

Xiu's expression calmed down and turned into that cold look again. Even his words brought a bit of pressure to Shirley.

"Do I have to go?"

"Then I won't care about this. You can find a way to defeat her yourself."

Sure enough, when Xiu brought this out, Shirley fell silent as if she had been silenced.

"Time waits for no one." Xiu put down the water glass in his hand and looked at Vulpix in Shirley's arms, "Let's go."

Xiuya didn't talk nonsense, turned around and left.

The originally tired Vulpix actually listened to Xiu's words, struggled to jump out of Shirley's arms, and followed after him.

"What's wrong with you two? Why do you seem to be a different person?

One is listless all day long, and the other is pretending to be mysterious..."

Shirley was a little confused when she saw this, but no one paid her any attention.

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