Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 694: Putting Learning into Practice

Because there are people managing the bar, if a conflict breaks out, it will inevitably attract the attention of those people.

Even though he is in a very bad mood now, he doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

Then it is obvious that deterrence is a good choice.

Using Casey's ability to have a certain impact on their brains, this is the ability he tried to develop after seeing the [sense of oppression] of Bulbasaur, especially after having experimental subjects, this progress has been greatly improved.

At least it can be achieved like now, a glance can deter the enemy.

In other words, Xiu has learned [staring] or [intimidation].

Of course, this will only work a little for ordinary people, and it will not work much for some people who have been trained or have strong wills.

Sensing the gaze, Xiu turned his head to look at the woman sitting below, and he actually felt hatred from it!

Is this inexplicable?

And that Xiu looked over like this, even if he didn't use any extra abilities, but still scared the woman and immediately shifted his gaze.

When the man saw Xiu looking at the woman, he immediately pulled his hand away, then pushed the woman away and said, "Brother, take it if you like it."

I didn't expect him to be a coward~

Seeing this, Xiu curled his lips and said with a look of disdain, "I'll leave it to you."

After that, he turned around and left, without any intention of continuing to talk nonsense.

The girl paused for a moment when she saw this, and then hurriedly followed.

The farce here did not alarm more people. After all, in this environment, no one would hear you even if you shouted a few times.

The only people affected by the scene were Xiu and those people.

Xiu sat back in his seat and ignored the girl who followed him, still sitting in a daze.

The girl looked at Xiu, carefully sat next to him, and did not speak, but just shrank her head and secretly looked at Xiu.

As soon as Xiu left, the emotions over there immediately broke out. They did not dare to do anything to Xiu, a man, but they were extremely domineering when dealing with women.

The man stood up and slapped the middle-aged woman, then said something, and the woman tried to defend herself, but soon she was beaten again.

Fortunately, another man knew where this place was, and quickly stood up to hold the man.

Xiu didn't pay attention to that place, they were not worth Xiu's attention.

He and Casey were now urging their superpowers to sweep the entire ship, trying to find the remaining elves and the real vault.

"As long as we keep an eye on the transportation of the casino, they will definitely deposit money into the vault. Don't worry about this. First find a way to find the imprisoned elves."

But they scanned around and didn't find a similar place.

When Xiu calmed down and analyzed this matter again, he remembered something.

"By the way, do you still remember the fluctuations you felt when you first entered?"

The scene just now was so shocking that he forgot some things.

If it was just this kind of activity, there would be no need to use lead plates. As long as it was strong enough and soundproofed, it would be fine.

And it was obvious that they arranged the largest bar nearby, which meant that the sound was already covered up.

"Go again." Xiu quickly followed Casey's perspective and dived in again.

This space almost occupies half of the floor, and there are countless rooms inside. Xiu can't look at them one by one. Fortunately, there is the energy fluctuation as a guide.

There are no lead plates on the walls inside the space, so the superpower can easily cross the wall and get there.

But when Xiu really saw that thing, even his expression in reality changed.

It was a ball of light that emitted strong energy fluctuations like the sun.

The superpower was offset as soon as it got a little closer, and it was difficult to find out what was inside.

He quickly reacted. It was obvious that the lead plates were not just for defense, but also to prevent the power of this thing from spreading out.

Of course, these were just his guesses, after all, he didn't know the specific function of this thing.

However, Xiu naturally had no intention of giving up since it could emit such strong energy fluctuations. This thing would be his sooner or later.

This discovery eased his mood.

Coming back to his senses, Xiu found that the girl had not left, but was half lying on the seat, with a strange flush on her face.

It was obviously because of the alcohol.

The people at that table had already left, replaced by another group of people.

"Hey! Wake up."

Xiu shook her, but she sat up like a spring, dazed, her lips moving slightly, as if she was saying something.

Then he reached out to take the glass of wine that Xiu had placed on the table, but before she could pick it up, Xiu raised his hand to hold down the glass, and then gently patted her face with his other hand.

"Wake up!"

This had some effect, and the girl gradually woke up, but her face was very ugly, her facial features were twisted together, and she looked very uncomfortable.

Xiu saw this and could only shake his head helplessly and asked her: "Where do you live? I'll take you home."

But the girl was still "Aba Aba", and it was impossible to hear what she said.

But who was Xiu? He immediately raised his hand to carry her to the bathroom, supported her with one hand, and then grabbed her throat with one move.

The girl's face suddenly twisted, and she couldn't help vomiting in an instant, all kinds of messes, it seemed that they had eaten before coming to the bar.

It was not until the last dry heave that Xiu lifted her up.

"Are you feeling better?"


This burst of vomiting also helped her recover a little, and she stood up against the wall.

"Go wash your face." Xiu didn't care about her anymore, but went to the sink to wash his hands.

Just now, she was just forced to do that.

But when Xiu turned around, he heard the sound of vomiting again, and he could only shake his head helplessly.

Back to the seat, this time she was much better than before, at least she had recovered her normal thinking.

"Hey~ Drink some water and you'll feel better." Xiu took out a bottle of water and handed it over, with a candy.

The girl must have been very thirsty, so she took it and unscrewed it and drank it in big gulps, not curious about why there was water here.

After taking a few sips of water, she put the bottle down and held it in her palm, and said to Xiu cautiously: "Um...thank you."

"Oh!" Xiu came back to his senses and said casually: "Go back and rest if you have nothing else to do. It's getting late now."

The girl didn't say anything when she heard this, but just looked at the bottle in her hand.

Xiu didn't care too much. He had a lot of things to do, so he didn't have time to care about her thoughts.

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