Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 701 Take Action

Compared to the carnival on the first day, after two days of buffering, those people have recovered a little bit of rationality.

There is no way, after all, many people's bodies really can't stand it, and they need to slow down. And even if it is exciting, they will get tired. There is still time on this long journey, so there is no need to rush.

And Xiu spent the whole day hanging out with Ying, and the two of them played on the boat.

But usually Xiu watched Ying playing, and he sat aside and communicated with Casey.

"How are the preparations?"

"I have found the communication system for the ship to communicate with the land, and there are positioning devices, a total of three."

"Control a team leader of the Rocket Team and two..." Xiu hesitated for a moment, and then quickly continued: "Just the two men in the bar, these three will destroy, and then control one person to break into the Rocket Team's base."

Xiu arranged it one by one, and at the same time prepared to deal with those people who had met him.

On the one hand, Xiu was really narrow-minded, and he would never delay revenge for a long time. On the other hand, these people had a grudge against him, and letting them live would only cause trouble for him.

After Xiu made the decision, a waiter walking on the boat suddenly stopped, and then started walking again after just one or two seconds, but his movements were a little stiff.

If anyone could see it, the waiter's expression changed greatly in those two seconds, from fear to pain to numbness and a stiff face.

It's a pity that no one would pay attention to one of the hundreds of waiters on the boat.

There were two other people on the boat in the same way, but no one would notice their changes.

Then the three of them had a brief handover at a certain place, and then they all had something in their hands.

Then the three of them walked in different directions.

Xiu controlled the man.

This is the [Puppetry] developed by Xiu and Casey. The principle is to analyze the human brain, use superpowers to invade the brain to control their bodies, and simulate the movement trajectory of this person.

In fact, what Xiu wants to achieve is the state of sleepwalking, and it would be best if he can remain normal after waking up.

But Xiu and Casey have been studying for a long time and have not been able to achieve that effect.

At this stage, this kind of control is very strong, and the whole person is useless after it is done.

In the physical sense, some of the people in the experiment have become vegetative, some have their brains burned out and died, and the best is that they have become mentally retarded.

Of course, we still have to thank those who have devoted themselves to science, otherwise he would not have perfected it so quickly.

Back to the topic.

Now the situation is simply that Casey controls three people to destroy the communication, and Xiu controls people to provoke Team Rocket.

Casey did not control the actions of the three people at the same time, but arranged the three people near their respective targets, asked two of them to stop, and then controlled the waiter to go to the control room alone.

I don’t know if it’s because of the individual control or because he just got familiar with it a little bit, now the waiter’s movements seem very smooth, without that kind of uncoordinated feeling, and the muscles of the face steps have begun to mobilize, and even the eyelids can be controlled to blink, but these unfocused eyes look a bit problematic.

“Don’t do it yet, come and cooperate with me.” Xiu stopped Casey’s idea of ​​doing it, “Help me make him speak.”

Casey’s attention shifted, and the waiter’s movements over there became sluggish again.

"Ah... I..."

Kathy controlled the man's vocal cords and tried to speak. Not long after, he was able to speak. It was a terrifying learning ability.

Xiu was controlling this man to break into a private room in a theme bar. After a quick glance at the people inside, he turned around and shouted.

"There's Team Rocket!"

At this time, there were not many people in the bar. There were only a few people sitting here and there, and there was a security guard on duty. He heard the man's words and reacted very quickly to take out the Poké Ball on his waist and released the Pokémon.

The man also walked over there very tactfully, but the next second, the Zubat released by the security guard flew over the man, knocked him to the ground, and then bit his neck with its big mouth.

After a while, he gave up struggling, and his face showed a horrified and pale expression, but there was no blood flowing out of the bitten wound. Instead, the Zubat excitedly circled over the bar, making a short and harsh sound.

The remaining few people in the bar, including the bartender, watched all this happen without making any movement.

At this time, the people in the room also came out, looked at the corpse on the ground, and then looked at those people.

"Deal with it, disperse immediately."


Kathy just controlled and shouted and returned to the other side. With the convenience of this outfit, the waiter swaggered into the space that only the crew could enter, and then entered the location of the ship's communication system without difficulty.

"Why are you coming here?" The crew who was working inside asked a little strangely when they saw such a person suddenly coming in.

"You ordered food." The waiter raised his hand and held up a lunch box.

The man didn't think much when he saw this, but asked another colleague: "Who ordered the food? You are not afraid to eat here..."

But before the man finished speaking, the waiter shouted without warning: "Long live Team Rocket!"

Then he rushed towards the machines and threw the lunch box in his hand before those people intercepted him.


After a loud bang, the scene was in a mess. Most of the machines that were originally erected in rows were destroyed by the explosion, and those wearing crew uniforms fell to the ground. Some could still groan, but most of them lost consciousness.

The waiter also died directly in the explosion.

After the man was knocked down by Zubat, Xiu lost his attention, and then looked at Ying on the field, raised his hand and shouted to her:

"Okay~ It's almost time, let's go eat."

When Ying heard this, she turned around and walked towards Xiu with a smile.

Just at this moment, a shocking explosion sounded from outside, and the whole hull shook slightly. Many people on the field were unsteady and swaying, and Ying was no exception.

But the next second Xiu supported her.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened? Why is there an explosion?" Ying, like an ordinary person, showed a panic expression on her face, and instinctively grabbed Xiu's arm with both hands.

Xiu looked up at the sky, his expression calm.

"Don't worry, it's probably just a mechanical malfunction, the people on board will take care of it."

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