Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 717 Situation

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, the task assigned to him by the organization was still completed.

"Immediately count the battle damage and then seize the top. Be sure to fully control the entire ship."

"Yes!" Xiaobing hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Then we need to turn off the jammer and contact the response?"

"Well... don't wait until the search is complete. If one of them is missed, it will be troublesome to leak the information. And even if you send the information, it will take time for them to come over. It's better for us to go there and follow the route. We can see it the day after tomorrow. them."


"Hey! Wait a minute."

The soldier was about to withdraw, but he was stopped by the man and could only stop.

"You can't open the vault until I arrive. You know what the money is used for. If something goes wrong here, the organization won't let us go."

"Don't worry, sir. It's already occupied. They are all trustworthy brothers. They will only open it when you arrive."

"Do a good job and I'll take credit for you when you get back."


After waiting for the soldiers to come out, the commander went to the front desk to open a bottle of wine, poured himself a glass, and drank it all.

"Huh~" After taking a long breath, his heart finally calmed down.

Things happened suddenly, and then such a big change occurred. One can imagine the pressure he was under as the person in charge of this operation.

Not to mention what he will suffer if he fails to complete the mission, even if he takes it now, he will still lose blood.

Those who can come here are not just soldiers. They are already considered the elites of Team Rocket. They are the backbone members of the organization. Now that he has explained so much here, it will be difficult for him to explain it back.

Moreover, one of the combat powers at the bottom of the box was almost lost, and he was now seriously injured. It was still unknown whether he could fully recover after being dragged back for treatment.

It is not easy for an organization to cultivate such a fighting force. If he really fails to save him, he will have to bear a lot of responsibility. After all, this is the property of the organization, not his personal property.

All he could do now was pray that the amount in the treasury was larger than he thought, so that the people above him would be satisfied and he could offset the accusations of incompetence.

That's right, what he is thinking about now is not that he can receive rewards when he goes back or anything else, but he just wants no punishment. That would be great.

After all, there were too many mistakes in this operation, and he would definitely not get any good results if he really wanted to pursue them.

He didn't know why, but he felt a little restless as soon as he sat down for a while. He always felt as if he had missed something important, but he couldn't remember it.

After thinking about it again and again, he couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked out of the bar.

The vault is located on the upper floor, just above the club, and its entrance is cleverly hidden in those ordinary hangars. No wonder Casey didn't notice it at first, and later found it after searching one by one.

Originally there were supposed to be two guards here, and there were two three-person teams outside for rotational defense. That is to say, if something went wrong, five people would appear here in a short time.

But now the people standing guard have been replaced by two people from the Rockets.

There are also some "professionals" who are studying how to open it.

The protection level of the hardware used at the entrance is completely that of a bank vault. If the hidden metal door does not have a password and two keys, then it is integrated with the vault, and there is no extra way to open it.

Unlike the iron plates on the hull walls, the metal used in the vault is resistant to high temperatures and corrosion. It is not bad in terms of hardness and strength, and it is placed here with this thickness.

Even with the power of the elf, it might be difficult to open it, especially if the Boss Cordora they were planning to use to break into the vault was seriously injured.

"Hello, sir!" The two Team Rocket soldiers shouted hello as soon as they saw the commander approaching.

The commander just nodded after seeing it, then walked over and looked at the metal gate.

"How long until it opens?"

"We got the password and a key, but another one is missing. We are trying to open it now, but if it doesn't work, we may have to force it."

The commander frowned slightly, but didn't say much. He just asked them to continue their efforts and then went to patrol elsewhere.

He knew very well what Team Rocket members were. It was a little better just now. They were all obedient under pressure, but now after taking the Pearl, some people will definitely run to relax and secretly swallow some good things.

This is all understandable. After all, everyone worked hard just now, and they should enjoy it a little, but there must be a limit. Once he crosses the line and causes any trouble, his role will come out.


Xiu Xiu was watching a movie with Casey. When he saw the scene in the vault, he broke away and rummaged through his bag to find a special-shaped key.

This was touched on the captain. At first he thought it was a room key, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a vault key.

This is a headache. How can he give this to the Rockets without attracting their attention?

"Go through the ventilation duct and help me return this key to the captain's room."

Xiu took a brief look at their progress. He hadn't reached the captain's room yet. Just after he finished speaking, Xiu remembered that he had already searched the place. The appearance of a key was a bit unexpected. He immediately changed his words and said, "Just find a corpse." Put it away.”

As soon as the voice fell, the key came out of his hand and disappeared into the darkness at an extremely fast speed.


Now the Rockets walking on the Pearl have all changed their uniforms. They are all Rocket uniforms. The difference between different levels lies in the color and some subtle decorations.

For example, the uniforms of ordinary Rocket members are all black, and there is a red letter "R" on the chest. In order to facilitate movement, this set of uniforms is close-fitting, with a hat and a metal belt that looks very technological, with a Poké Ball hanging on it.

However, the main color of the higher-level uniforms is white, and the design concept is obviously modified according to the suit. The "R" is not printed in front of the body, but on the chest like a badge, and it is embroidered, which looks more like a brand name, which is very different from those ordinary ones.

At this time, the commander in white uniforms is standing on the stage, and below is a large group of Rocket members.

It seems that he is educating them to be more restrained, emphasizing the importance of the mission to the organization, and not to make mistakes at the last minute, otherwise he will not let them go...

They had just experienced a big battle, and by now, the excitement of taking over the Pearl had passed, and everyone seemed very tired, especially having to listen to the boss' nonsense, so those people were not very interested, and instead felt drowsy.

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