Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 721 Take it Back!

And Xiu, who was hiding in the back, was quite happy to see it.

He couldn't let the bodyguards continue to expand their advantage, otherwise, if this continued, the Rockets would have no chance to fight back.

He had to fight and create chaos so that he could fish in troubled waters.


"No! No!"

The soldier slapped the door of the suite frantically. Soon, the commander in simple clothes opened the room, looked outside through the gap, and scolded: "What happened! What's the matter with such a mess?"

"Those bodyguards are coming! We can't resist them at all~" The soldier had no intention of calming down. He was almost dying, who could calm down!

"What!" The commander was furious. He immediately opened the door and grabbed the soldier and asked: "How could this happen? Aren't they afraid that those people would get into trouble?"

"No~ Those people were rescued by the bodyguards."

Hearing this, the commander felt dizzy and let go of the soldier, raising his hand to support his forehead.

The soldier fell to the ground and saw a woman in a gauze pajamas lying on the boat and looking at this side, her skin faintly visible.

"Go! Pack up and get ready to go." The commander knew very well that once he lost those people to restrain the bodyguards, the scum under his command would not be able to threaten them at all. Anyway, he was going to die now, so it was more important to run away.

"Yes." The soldier didn't care to look at those things and ran out.

The commander also turned around and put on his clothes and took his equipment.

Just when he was about to leave the room, he seemed to remember something and turned back to the bed.

The woman was trained to be a member of the club, so of course she was very good at dealing with men. Seeing the commander come back, every move was extremely charming.

"What's the matter~ Can't bear to leave me?"

"Of course I can't bear to leave you~" The commander had a serious face just now, but now he walked over with a smile, then hugged the woman, buried his head between her neck, and then breathed greedily, as if he wanted to suck the woman into his stomach.

The commander leaned close to the woman's ear and sighed.

"What a pity~"

The woman's face changed drastically when she heard this, and then her expression seemed to freeze.

When the commander let go, the woman fell on the bed, her neck showing a twisted angle.

After the bodyguards ensured the safety of their employers, their strong combat effectiveness was revealed, and on average they were stronger than the Rocket Team.

Especially when they had an advantage in numbers, they pushed forward all the way and were approaching the top.

The commander, who was wearing his equipment, came out of the room at this time, looking at the Rocket Team who were desperately resisting the bodyguards around, and shouted: "Integrate the troops! The gas bomb exploded, and we must stop it."

After saying this, he took out a Poké Ball and released the Pokémon inside.

The huge figure of Boskodora appeared in the corridor, and opened his mouth and roared towards the front.

Boskodora was a Pokémon with thick skin and flesh. Although he was burned and injured after avoiding the frontal attack, he still looked very deterrent.

This roar made the members of the Rocket Team excited.


"Gas bomb, self-destruct!"

"Go forward, bite the opponent."

"Spray out the venom."

For a moment, Team Rocket actually blocked the attack of the bodyguards, and even pressed them back to some extent.

But the Rocket soldiers didn't know that the commander who had just released Boskodora and looked like he was going to fight to the end had disappeared at some point.

Of course, he was running away. After releasing Boskodora, he took a few confidants with him.

There was no way. At this time, he had no choice. Someone had to hold back the bodyguards and buy them time to run away. Otherwise, if they were defeated, they might not be able to get away.

Anyway, now that the things have been obtained, it is considered to be some explanation when they go back, but they will definitely have to bear the negative impact of the huge losses.

But compared with his own life, it is all worth it.

As long as the confidants are still there, the foundation is there, and there is still the possibility of a comeback.

A confidant was exploring the way ahead, saying as he walked: "Hurry! Go to the starboard side, the lifeboat on the port side has been released by us."

"What a lifeboat!" The commander couldn't help but curse when he heard this: "Do you want us to be living targets?"

Yes, although the lifeboat is also powered, it's just that... it's very reluctant. Once it is launched into the water, it is equivalent to seeking death. When the other fire dragon flies up and sprays it to death.

"What should we do now?"

"Jump off the boat, and then rely on your ability. If you are lucky, you can escape. Anyway, if you stay here, you will die. Don't forget how we treated those people. They will not let us go." The commander said this without any expression on his face, and his tone was extremely flat.

In fact, he didn't say one thing, but he had a water elf on him, so even if he fell into the water, the chance of survival was very high, but it was hard to say for the others.

In fact, the commander brought them with him not only because they were his confidants, but also to attract firepower. Even if the bodyguards dealt with the rocket team on the ship and came out to chase them, who would be able to find him in the vast ocean at night if a few people were scattered?

And he just had to make sure he ran faster than others.

But they didn't run long before they found that the Rocket Team behind them could no longer hold on and began to flee.

He was powerless to do anything about this, so he could only run forward.

Because they were running away, they didn't dare to go down from the front, but fell between layers, constantly shortening the distance from the main deck.

Jumping off the ship is not something you can do at will. The height and posture are both important. If you jump too high, it's almost like hitting the concrete floor. The impact alone can knock people unconscious or even kill them directly.

"There's movement here, come quickly."

There were shouts from the corridor outside, which scared them into a panic. One of them accidentally let go and fell down, and his body collided with the steel, making a loud noise.

The commander looked down and saw that the man had fallen to death, lying motionless on the deck, and blood began to seep out from under his body.



The huge sound immediately attracted the bodyguards to come and watch, and also exposed the position of the commander and several others.

"Shit! You're still causing trouble for me even if you die." The commander wanted to kill him in advance, but there was no way out at this moment. He could only shout at the other people, "We have no choice. Let's fight to the death."

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