Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 726 The End

But the rescue was finally completed, at least from the results.

As for the hundreds of Poké Balls found later, they were not opened, because Xiu also knew that they should be dormant and not life-threatening. It would be difficult to deal with them if they were released, so it was better to keep them.

"It's okay, we have tried our best." Xiu sat on the ground and said with some emotion when he looked at the Jigglypuff next to him, "We can't save everyone, we can only do our best, don't think about it anymore~"


Although Ashwood Town has a port, it is not very prosperous due to its geographical location. It is only a larger town, and most of the ships here are connected to Honglian Island, and there are also some ferries between Kanto and Johto.

Some large ships and tourist ships like the Pearl do not pass here, after all, Binu, not far away, is both a famous tourist resort city and a deep-water port.

Although the docks in the town are not prosperous, there are still ships. Those who live by the sea are very sensitive to this aspect. When Xiu sent a signal, they had already taken action.

When the first ship came back, still full of people, the whole town became lively.

Then one after another, ships kept sending people back.

The dock was still brightly lit until the evening.

A small passenger ship docked, and even from a distance, you could see that it was full of people.

Strictly speaking, this is a cargo and passenger ship. Because there are not many people traveling to Honglian Island, it is usually used for transporting goods. As long as the warehouse and extra space are used, it is precisely these modifications that the original 70 seats can carry about 500 people.

And this is still a bit reluctant for the more than 4,000 people. From the afternoon to now, this is the third batch.

There are still some speedboats that are also picking up and dropping off, and the speed is much faster, but there are less than ten people at a time.

And they are all rich people who pay priority.

"Found it~"

Xiu looked over and slowly looked at Ying's current state.

After such a long time, it was impossible to tell whether the clothes on her body were wet or dry. She was wearing an orange life jacket. She looked lost and was sitting at the port looking at the dock.

"Are you okay?" Xiu walked over and asked.

Ying looked up in confusion. When she saw that it was Xiu, she suddenly grabbed his arm excitedly and asked, "I haven't found you! They all said they didn't see you... I thought you..."

Ying became depressed again and sobbed, "I thought you..."

"I'm fine~" Xiu listened to Ying's anxious and confused words, and felt helpless for a while. He could only comfort her softly, "I swam over after I fell into the water. I'm sorry to make you worry."

Ying touched Xiu's body with both hands, as if she was still confirming whether the person in front of her was real.

Xiu saw that she was in a strange state and quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go to the town to eat something and change clothes first."

Xiu didn't give her time to think, and directly pulled Ying to the town and took her away from the crowd.

It took a lot of consolation on the way to calm her down again, and then I found that she had already exhausted her physical strength. After eating a little, she fell asleep directly.

That's right, she was exhausted from running around for half a day, and then soaked in the water, even iron would be tired.

Xiu took the opportunity to go out for a meal, but when he returned to the room, he found that Ying had woken up at some point and was sitting on the bed in a daze.

"Are you okay?" Xiu went over and asked.

Looking at her dazed look, why did Xiu feel that this child was scared silly~

Xiu's words startled her, and she suddenly looked up and rushed towards Xiu.

This action scared Xiu, and he directly pushed her down on the bed with his backhand. His other hand had already touched the Poké Ball to release Casey, and he shouted in a vigilant manner.

"What are you going to do!"

Xiu was most afraid that this person was controlled by something, or that there was something wrong with him.

Casey glanced at her lightly, then closed her eyes and meditated, not wanting to intervene at all.

Ying, who fell on the bed, lay there without making any more noise.

This made Xiu even more confused about what was wrong with this person.

Looking at her face, Xiu realized that she was crying for some reason. He was helpless in this situation. He instinctively wanted to leave, but reason told him that avoiding would not solve anything.

He had to bite the bullet and help her up again and asked gently, "Can you tell me anything?"

"I saw that person struggling on the water and then slowly sinking..."

Xiu listened briefly and found that she was afraid because she saw several people drowning. She would think of that scene as soon as she closed her eyes.

The experience of the past few days was too... outrageous for her~

She had experienced life and death several times and touched death, so it was normal to have this reaction.

It's just that Xiu didn't have this thing. He killed quite a few people, but he never had this emotion. He had no problem eating and drinking.

Of course, Xiu could understand her reaction. After all, this was the normal situation of a normal person, the awe of life and the fear of death.

Xiu could only comfort her and then divert her attention by asking questions.

After chatting for a while, Sakura fell into a deep sleep again, which was of course also caused by Xiu.

After looking at Casey, the heavy superpower instantly spread throughout the room, and then Xiu took out a box from his bag and opened it.

A faint light appeared out of thin air, and a wave that normal people would not notice slowly spread out, and soon acted on Ying.

Ying, who was lying on the bed and was a little restless, fell asleep soon after Xiu took out the Crescent Feather.

She had accumulated too many negative emotions, and she did not have the ability to adjust like himself. Xiu concluded that she would definitely not fall asleep so easily. Whether it was to test the ability of the Crescent Feather or to help her heal her pain, he had to try it.

And now it seems that the effect of this thing is indeed magical.

But in such a place, Xiu did not dare to be too obvious, and closed the lid in less than a minute.


Ying slowly opened her eyes, and in addition to the laziness and casualness of just getting up, there was also a faint smile on her face.

But when she saw the ceiling, she quickly reacted, then sat up and looked around, recalling her previous experience.

The next second, she swept her eyes to find Xiu's trace.

Unfortunately, there was nothing around, only a note left on the bedside table and a stack of money on it.

Ying quickly took the note and saw the words that Xiu left for her. She turned her eyes to the window. It was a sunny morning.

When will I be able to see him again...

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