Ibrahimovic flew forward, revealing its small but sharp fangs as it opened, biting hard at the neck that Vulpix had exposed when it turned around.

Once bitten by Ibrahimovic, Vulpix would have no chance of struggling in the face of its absolute physical advantage, and the results of its previous efforts to dodge would seem like a joke.

Chana seemed to have noticed something, and her face suddenly changed drastically. She no longer looked confident of winning, and shouted forward.


Ibrahimovic suddenly heard a cry of surprise, but the familiar voice did not shake it. Its eyes were full of the coldness of hunting, because the prey was already in front of it.

The next second, Ibrahimovic saw Vulpix twisting again. At this moment, the two looked at each other. Ibrahimovic did not see the panic of the prey in Vulpix's eyes, but instead revealed a sense of teasing.

And what came into view was the orange light that had been brewing in its mouth for a long time, and this light continued to expand in front of its eyes until it completely swallowed up its vision.


A sudden explosion sounded on the field, attracting the attention of the audience. People only saw a fireball rolling on the field for a few rounds. When the flames went out, a figure with a charred front half of its body struggled to get up from the ground, but its originally fluffy hair was burned out, leaving only ugly charred skin.

The figure just now was still the winner recognized by the audience, but in the blink of an eye, it became so embarrassed.

And what about the weaker party just now?

It was squatting on the spot, slowly dancing its tail, looking coldly at the charred opponent.

From time to time, one or two sparks would be brought out during breathing.

Baobab looked at the situation that had changed in an instant and couldn't help asking, "Is this your trump card?"

"I call this move [Looking Back at the Moon]." Xiu explained with a rather smug expression on his face:

"I know very well that Vulpix can't do enough damage to Eevee with either its claws or teeth, because Eevee has a thick coat of hair, especially the mane on its neck, and it can't bite anything but hair.

But these dense hairs can resist such physical damage, but they also have a weakness, that is, once they encounter fire, the situation is reversed. Not only can the hair not protect, but the ignited hair will cause further damage. To some extent, Vulpix still restrains Eevee.

It's just that Shirley is too lame. She hasn't developed Vulpix's potential for such a long time, which led to Vulpix only knowing how to spit fire a few days ago... er~sparks, not to mention the time required to release it."

Babab, who was standing by, couldn't help but twitch his face when he heard Xiu complaining about Shirley, but he didn't say anything and let Xiu continue.

"Because there is a pre-release swing, and Eevee reacts faster than Vulpix and moves more nimbly, if you release it carelessly, Eevee is likely to dodge, which will also further consume Vulpix's physical strength.

So in order to hit the target with one blow and cause the greatest damage to Eevee, I must constantly improve Vulpix's proficiency, shorten the preparation time, and reduce the noise of preparation."

Speaking of this, Xiu sighed and said slowly: "Alas~ Unfortunately, the time is still too short~"

Baoba did not respond, and Xiu did not respond, and continued to talk to himself

"So I must take shortcuts and find ways to buy time and space for Vulpix."

At this time, Baoba took over the topic.

"So you hid it from Shirley from the beginning and designed this scene with Vulpix?"

"The director should know that if Shirley knew, she would definitely not be able to bear that moment, and all my arrangements and preparations are for this moment."

Baoba has completely lost interest in the situation below, and instead looked at Xiu and explained with interest.

"Hide the true strength of Vulpix to reduce the opponent's defense, consume the opponent's physical strength and patience by dodging and delaying, and then gradually lead the opponent into the scene that has been prepared long ago, sell the flaws to lure Eevee to take action, let it take the initiative to close the distance between the two, and at the same time hide Vulpix's actions through the perspective of the position, and then finally explode, at this time Vulpix has completely lost the physical strength and reaction distance to dodge.

It can be said that you thought of the reactions of Chana and Vulpix at every step, and then set a sweet trap to lure it into it."

As he said, Baoba suddenly asked curiously: "What if Vulpix doesn't follow your idea?"

"I still have a backup plan, but doesn't the current situation mean that I did nothing wrong?" Xiu looked at the situation below and didn't say much.

Eevee was still able to stand up despite such a heavy blow, which shows that its foundation is good, but Vulpix did not give it time to recover, and kept trying to harass it, using crazy fake moves to affect Eevee's body that was already tortured by pain, forcing it to tighten its nerves.

There was absolutely no chance.

When Shirley saw her advantage, she naturally taunted the opponent crazily, and did not give Chana any face at all.

Chana could only stand there with a sullen face, staring at the situation on the field.

From the way Vulpix looked, she knew that she had no chance of winning, and if it dragged on, Eevee would definitely lose.

But it would be more painful for her to admit defeat to Shirley than to kill her.

This was impossible!

Sure enough, Eevee was dragged down by Vulpix's harassment tactics in a short while, closed his eyes, and fell to the ground in exhaustion, with only his still rising and falling chest proving that he was still alive.

When the referee saw this scene, he directly raised the red flag in his left hand.

"Eevee has lost his ability to fight, and the red team wins!"

The victory was decided, but instead of the usual cheers, there was silence in the audience.

From the perspective of outsiders, this battle is not entertaining at all. It is just delays and tricks, and there is absolutely no passion that an elf battle should have.

In the eyes of those students, Shirley, a low-achiever who often skipped classes and could not be beaten by anyone, could actually defeat the top student Chana.

This is too...

But Shirley couldn't care about that and rushed onto the field, raising Vulpix and cheering heartily.


"We won!"

"We won!"

Defeating Chana brought her endless joy. At this moment, she cleared away the long-standing haze in her heart, and her whole person seemed to be a different person.

Kana put away Ibrahimovic expressionlessly, glanced at her opponent, and then left the place without saying a word.

But even Xiu in the audience could feel the resentment in her eyes just now.

"Director, this Chanel doesn't seem to have let go of this matter. It's a bit difficult~"

"You'd better go see Shirley, this guy..." Baoba got a headache when he saw Shirley's crazy look and hurriedly left his seat.

Seeing this, Xiu could only curl his lips and walk down.

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