Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 748 Strategic Retreat


Casey answered, and the Sand King shook his head.

"Thank you for your hard work. Come back first."

The expression on Xiu's face was a bit solemn, but he still put the Sand Mountain King back into the ball first, and then checked the situation of the channel back and forth, but in the end he found nothing unusual.

"That's not right~ This passage is so secret, there's no reason for it to be so simple..." Xiu whispered a few words to himself, but in the end he said to Casey: "Let's go down, be careful."

As he said that, he climbed in first with a flashlight.

That's right, the entrance to this passage was extremely narrow, and Xiu could only barely climb in.

But after passing the entrance of the passage, there was a staircase going down diagonally, which was about the same size as the one he came in from.

Xiu judged his position and found that it was directly under the stone tablet.

In other words, the stone tablet has some purpose of attracting attention and hiding here.

This judgment made Xiu even more nervous.

The left and right sides are laid out directly for you to see, without any traps. According to Xiu's understanding of this place, those two places are the most important.

And the one that appears now is obviously more important in the eyes of the people who built it than the two places next to it.

The first thing Xiu thought of was not something good, but something more terrifying than those two giant elves.

Otherwise, why would a more secretive seal be needed?

But he wasn't willing to go in and see what was going on after he found out...

With an anxious mood, Xiu cautiously explored the front, and every step was carefully monitored.

It's just a short stretch of road and I didn't find any traps or anything like that after completing the repairs.

"Am I too worried..."

There is no door or anything like that at the end of the passage, it just leads directly to a new space, and the space is larger than the two small rooms on the left and right.

Xiu scanned the room with his flashlight and found no golden patterns such as seals. There was also a stone platform in the center of the room with several things placed on it.

Xiu carefully walked to the middle and looked at the things on the stage, suddenly feeling a little strange.

The things on it are all strange items.

A square about the size of a fist, made entirely of gold, with many straight lines engraved on the surface. The corners of these lines are all ninety degrees, and the lines do not intersect.

A gold plate with the fonts of the Pocomonian civilization engraved on it. It can be seen at a glance that the content is definitely different from the stone tablet above. The fonts are small, but the depiction is very clear, and it is very pleasing to the eye at a glance.

The third piece is a fist-sized triangular pyramid, made entirely of gold, with some strange concave patterns on it, and thin line-like cracks at the bottom of the grooves.

Only when Xiu saw this did he realize that this should be the triangle that appeared in the mural, but what is its function?

There is also the last piece, a key made of gold, used with the Golden Eye.

After careful observation of these items, Xiu found that they had nothing to do with the surroundings and existed independently.

And there's nothing unusual about it.

But Xiu still didn't dare to move, he just took a photo of the words on the golden board and left.

After confirming everything, Xiu left the ruins.

Just when I stepped outside, the giant rock snake couldn't wait to ask: "Why don't I feel any signs that the danger has been removed?"

"Because I still need to make props to contain it, I'm just checking the situation on the ground today." Xiuya didn't mean to make excuses to drag the big rock snake, but said it directly, "The good news is that the seal inside is well preserved, and our There is still a lot of time.”

"You didn't tell me this before!" The giant rock snake sensed the deception and looked at Xiu with a cold look.

The relationship between them is only a very fragile cooperative relationship, not a partnership. This happened when they first cooperated. It is no wonder that Big Rock Snake behaved like this.

"Don't worry, I will explain this." Xiu said, asking Casey, who had regained his strength, to show it the two seals, and explained on the side: "See, I can't pick this up casually, Otherwise, we cannot bear the consequences. I have to see these before I can create a container and finally take him away."

Big Rock Snake is not a fool. When he saw the complicated situation inside, he knew that it was impossible to just take these two things away, so he asked for a solution.

Upon hearing its words, Xiu immediately threw out the arrangement he had already thought of.

"The things I need can't be built here, nor can the information be deciphered. I want to go to the city. I'm not sure how long it will take, but you can come with me to supervise me, and I will send you what you need. I will provide you with a large amount of steel and fulfill part of the agreement in advance to express my attitude."

"Okay~" The giant rock snake agreed after thinking for a while.

"Then let's seal this place first." Xiu took a few steps back, away from the hole dug by Chuanshan King.

When the big rock snake activated its ability, the gravel that fell to the ground floated up, then reattached to the edge of the cave entrance, gradually expanded, and then filled the entire cave entrance.

It is easy to damage but hard to repair, but Big Rock Snake has not lived in vain for so long. It can easily do things that Chuanshan King cannot do.

After the restoration was completed, the entire cliff was completely integrated, and no trace of damage could be seen at all.

Because time was tight, Xiu was almost always rushing along the way, and he didn't even stop to rest.

The result was that he appeared in Viridian City again just one day later.

It was better to go to Pallet Town for research, and Professor Oak must be interested in this. With his help, his research would be much smoother.

But based on Xiu's judgment of Professor Oak, he would definitely persuade himself to give up this idea.

After all, this is next to Pallet Town. If something unexpected happens...

Although it is a bit unethical, he is willing to take the risk to solve Casey's problem.

In addition, Xiu did not want Professor Oak to know about the ruins of Pokmonian civilization. This involves some deeper problems.

And don't forget that Chiyo is in Viridian City. With her help, Xiu feels that the difficulty of deciphering Pokmonian characters will be greatly reduced, even faster than Professor Oak.

After all, it took Dr. Oak a week to get started with ancient characters, while Chiyo only took half a day.

As for Xiu... it's better not to say~

Xiu is deeply rooted in Viridian City. If he wants to do something, he just needs to contact the people below to help him deal with it.

Xiu stood on the side of the road. A car drove over and stopped in front of him a moment later.

A middle-aged man got out of the car and said to Xiu as soon as he saw him: "Boss, your instructions have been arranged."

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