Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 786 Farewell

"We're going to separate."

"So fast?"

Geely Dan has a sentimental character, and he seemed uncomfortable after reacting for a moment. He walked to the big rock snake, stretched out his small hands to hold it, and rubbed his face against the big rock snake, "You must be good in the future too."

"Goodbye." Giant Pincer Mantis stood there without moving and just replied.

"Look! Look! I learned." Here, the Sand King stretched out his claws towards the ground, and the rocks were controlled by it like rubber. Soon a twisted long object appeared on the ground.

And King Chuanshan also showed off to the big rock snake and shouted: "Do you think I did it right?"

Xiu looked at the unknown thing on the ground and complained with a smile: "Just your half bucket of water, don't be embarrassed."

The big rock snake looked at the horrible clay sculpture, resisted the idea of ​​​​slapping it away with a whip, and immediately used its power to pull up a rock the size of a human head from the ground.

The accumulation and training that came from hundreds of years are clearly revealed at this moment. In terms of its huge body, that stone is like an ant in human eyes.

But the stone began to be slowly stretched and shaped.

First there was a desert with many strange rocks, and a mountain rose from the ground. Then the rocks kept crawling on the mountain to form a big rock snake entrenched on it. But it was not over yet. The big rock snake leaned forward and looked towards below.

A tiny human figure also appeared below, standing in the middle. His head was slightly raised, as if he was looking at the big rock snake.

The depictions are exquisite and the images are lifelike. Just looking at Xiu is like going back to the time when the two met for the first time.

This was obviously shaped by the environment at that time, but it is a pity that the person is too small, and even the big rock snake can only be limited to clothing, and there is no way to depict facial features and other details.

"This is for you." The big rock snake controlled the stone sculpture to float to Xiu's hand.

Xiu naturally stretched out his hands to take it with joy on his face.

"Thank you, I like it very much!"

He looked at the stone carving in his hand and couldn't help but sigh when looking at the details: "Good guy! It would be a pity if you don't make the figure."

When King Chuanshan saw the work of the big rock snake, he quickly secretly kicked his own work to scatter it, and then pretended to have done nothing.

The big rock snake here didn't say much after seeing Xiu accept it. Instead, it looked at Casey who didn't say anything.

Of course, Casey also felt its gaze, and slowly opened his eyes to look at it.

But soon the big rock snake looked away, and Casey returned to that look.

"Okay, there is still a chance to meet in the future. After all, this is an island." Xiu probably told it about the situation of Honglian Island and about the volcano.

"There is a trainer who specializes in fire elf on the island. He is an old man. He is very powerful. You have to be careful not to be discovered by him. If he discovers it, you can try to communicate with him. If it doesn't work, report it to me. name.

Once a fight starts, don't hold back. If you can't beat him, run away. He can't do anything to you if he goes underground.

Of course, this is a volcano. You have to be careful not to get into the magma. If you accidentally detonate the volcano, I can't afford it, so be careful not to cause an irreversible disaster. "

Xiu finally explained some of the situation on the island to the big rock snake, and agreed to come over to see it in a year, and to help it find a place to hibernate. Finally, we found a rock wall below that was still some distance away from the magma surface, and dug a hole there.

Even though the superpower shield blocked most of the heat, it still made Xiu feel very uncomfortable. The rock wall was so hot that if someone touched it with human hands, it would be immediately cooked.

However, the big rock snake didn't react at all, and easily controlled the rock to seal the entrance of the cave, making Xiu feel a little better.

"I knew you would need steel before, so I brought some with me." Xiu took out fist-sized steel ingots from his bag and piled them on the ground. "I'll go to town to buy some later, I guess. It’s enough for you to consume.”

The big rock snake here has already coiled up its body, with its head resting on its body.


After the big rock snake said this, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a defenseless state of sleep.

When Xiu saw this, he didn't say much and disappeared into the cave.

The next second he appeared on the top of the mountain again.

Seeing Chuanshan King still tinkering with his abstract art, Xiu smiled and said, "Let's go, the matter has been taken care of."

At this time, Xiu felt something, glanced at Casey, then walked to the edge and looked down.

It was discovered that the Rhinoceros had not left, but was climbing the volcano as he said before.

It's just that Xiu is not very optimistic about it. Not to mention that its current physical condition has not fully recovered, so it is considered injured.

And for a huge elf like the Rhinoceros, the steeper the hillside, the more difficult it is to move forward.

The road to this volcano is relatively flat before the mountainside, with an angle of less than 45°, but once it passes the mountainside, the situation begins to get steeper.

Xiu's original intention was to use this steep mountain road to force it to use energy to build or change the rock structure in order to go up.

Instead of being so reckless now~

Sure enough, it is difficult for some elves to turn their heads without human guidance...

The horned rhinoceros was crawling hard, the claws of its hands and feet had been inserted into the rock, and every step could bring up falling gravel.

Finally! What Xiu worried about happened.

When the diamond-horned rhinoceros was climbing, the foothold under its feet was damaged by the insertion of its claws, causing the place to break directly because it could not bear its weight.

Another foothold of the diamond-horned rhinoceros also broke due to the sudden increase in pressure, and it was in danger of falling off at any time, and its situation became precarious.

Casey was the first to notice it, and directly zoomed in to project the specific situation into Xiu's mind.

But he did not react too much to this, but instead told Casey not to take action.

"This is its own way, we can't interfere."

Just as Xiu finished speaking, Casey replied faintly.

"Now we can't interfere~"

Just as Xiu was confused, the image of the diamond-horned rhinoceros came into his mind.

Rocks are just rocks after all, and they will not change because of your behavior.

That's right, another foothold also cracked, causing it to slide down.

Fortunately, its two hands were tightly clasped, so it didn't "roll" down.

But it also scrapped its half-day efforts and returned to the mountainside.

"Let's go, it can only rely on itself." Xiu gave up continuing to pay attention to the diamond-horned rhinoceros.

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