Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 790 Go Deep Into It

Xiu was quite open-minded. In fact, he knew very well what the effect would be. But why did he release the Sandshrew?

The reason was that it needed to calm down.

These few times, both training and fighting were a bit too smooth, and this guy was not bad-headed. For example, he had killed the Circle Bear by trapping it.

Originally, Xiu just wanted to let it delay for a while and give it some practice. Anyway, the Circle Bear couldn't do anything to it.

But when Xiu said to be careful of the Circle Bear's arms and attack the difficult-to-defend lower body, it was able to change its mind directly, dig a pit to restrict the Circle Bear, and then dig out its intestines.

It was even faster than the Giant Claw Mantis, and it was very wild and cruel.

Being smart is naturally good, but being too smooth can easily turn into being clever, which is not good.

So as its guide, Xiu must shoulder the responsibility besides training, that is, to guide it on the right path.

This naturally requires to wear down its gradually inflated mentality.

"Come on, let's chisel it open together." Xiu took out two ice picks from somewhere, and then chopped them hard on the ice wall, leaving two marks of medium depth.

Seeing this, the Sandshovel King could only follow, raising his hands and waving them more vigorously.

For a while, the sound of hard objects colliding echoed in the cave.

Of course, Xiu would not be stupid enough to really chisel out a path. In fact, he had already analyzed a path to the lower level based on Casey's perspective.

It can be seen that these ice walls are indeed the defenses built by the residents here knowing that they came down.

It's a pity that Xiu needs to go in, so he can only break through.

"You've worked hard, come back and rest first."

After smashing the ice wall that was more than one meter thick, Xiu put the Sandshovel King away.

Even though it was not afraid of the cold, the chiseling of the ice just now made its wrists, which had not been hit much, tired.

There was no need to dig further, but it would hurt its claws and wrists.

However, it is also necessary to teach it some techniques of exerting and releasing force, otherwise such brute force will not go far.

Behind the ice wall is a maze made of ice. These do not seem to be intentional by the elves. It feels more like the roads opened by the elves to pass through it.

However, there is no pattern at all, and only the elves who grow up here can know where some roads lead to.

Xiu has already found it, squatting down and getting into it.

After a long time of groping, Xiu walked out of the ice palace, twisted his aching neck and murmured: "The whole cavity is probably filled with ice. The strength of such a structure is about the same as that of steel, and ice will not rust, which is especially important at sea."

Of course, ice will melt, Xiu must know this, and now he is going to find the reason for the ice here.

After Xiu went down the passage, he soon found that the environment had changed, and it was not just a little change. There was no trace of ice on the last floor.

More importantly, Xiu found an underground river, and the surrounding structural pillars also changed from ice pillars to rocks, and the rising rock walls blocked most of the vision.

Xiu looked at the sink in front of him, squatted down and put his hand in, and found that although the temperature was still a little cold, it was not below zero, and he could smell the fishy smell of the sea when he got a little closer.

Yes, this is an island, how could there be fresh water~

"Stop pretending, let's get it done quickly."

The emergence of this abnormal situation made Xiu completely lose the desire to explore slowly.

He is now like a viewer who is looking forward to spoilers, because there must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

But suddenly Xiu pulled his hand out of the water, and in the next second a figure jumped out of the water and jumped to the ground.

It was a little sea lion.

It looks similar to a young sea lion, with a protrusion on the top of its head, two sharp teeth on its lower jaw, and a tail that is split into two halves.

However, this little sea lion was not polite to Xiu who broke in. As soon as it came out, it blew a stream of cold air mixed with some small pebbles at him.

However, these pebbles fell down before they got close to Xiu.

"We are not here to fight. I need to see your leader." Xiu and Casey were just passively defending and had no intention of attacking.

After all, he broke into someone else's territory first and disturbed the other party. It was normal for wild elves to attack intruders, but he couldn't fight back blindly unless he wanted to fight all the way.

These little brothers didn't have good brains, so he still had to find their leader.

As soon as Xiu finished speaking, a blue figure suddenly appeared on the waterside.

It looks similar to a seahorse, with a long columnar mouth, three needles on both sides of its head, and red pupils.

The dorsal fin and abdomen are light yellow, and there are stripes on the abdomen.

The black seahorse is a common Pokémon in the sea, but it usually lives in the deep sea. When did it come here?

Before Xiu could figure it out, the black seahorse sprayed a ball of black liquid at Xiu, which was easily stopped by Casey.

However, more and more water Pokémon emerged from the water below.

Little sea lions, black seahorses, starfish, and even giant crabs also crawled out of the water and shot bubbles at Xiu.

In less than five minutes, a bunch of Pokémons surrounded him.

It's a pity that their attacks did not cause any harm to Xiu. Those weak attacks could not even shake the defense that Casey had set up before he was released.

How to say it, these are just a group of babies, and they only know some [bubble rays] and [water guns].

Xiu estimated the time and said, "It's almost time, shock them."

As soon as he said this, the bracelet on Casey's hand suddenly glowed, and then quickly dimmed, but a powerful energy had already surrounded Casey, and then it burst out in an instant, and a visible light film spread outward with Casey as the center, covering Xiu's vicinity in just an instant.

The elves that were swept by the light film were directly stunned, some still maintained the previous action, and more sank directly into the water.

But Casey obviously would not let them go so easily, and pulled up those in the water and piled them all in front of Xiu.

"They are all children, and I don't know when their elders will come."

Only by luring all of them over and catching them all in one fell swoop, so that there will be bargaining chips in hand.

If he had just counterattacked casually, if he accidentally killed a few people, it would be a fight to the death.

Now is the right time, Xiu is not afraid that the opponent will not come.

"Human~" A long cry echoed in the passage.

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