Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 802 The fight begins

And he also made an extremely bold idea, preparing to blow down the first three floors and only keep the last two floors.

He thought about this decision for a long time, and only in this way could he deceive everyone.

"Thank you for trusting me, it's their business next."


"Why haven't they arrived yet? It's been two days, and if they don't come, they will run away." The strong man was sitting on the bow and talking to himself.

Waiting on the boat for two days is not an easy thing, and it is even more tormenting for him.

And at this time, the sound of howling wind came, and he got up quickly to find the source of the sound.

Until he saw the black helicopter hovering in the sky in the distance.

And the woman also ran out of the cabin at this time, and when she saw the helicopter, her face showed a different expression.

"The organization is coming!"

"Let's go, let's go quickly." The strong man jumped off the boat impatiently, walked to the beach and waved and shouted to the distance.

Seeing this, the woman could only follow.

The helicopter landed here, and four people came out of it, three men and one woman, all of whom were in their prime.

However, their faces are not clear, because they all wear masks.

Their masks are strange, with a white background and some twisted black lines on them, forming numbers.

17, 21, 33, 48

These are probably the positions represented by these four people.

"Tell me what is going on now, both of you? And tell me in detail what happened to you down there."

No. 17 spoke, his voice was emotionless, as cold as ice.

"We..." The strong man didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly repeated the information he and the woman had discussed, but it was conceivable how much processing was involved.

The woman listened to the strong man putting the blame on the dead people, and she was more or less unhappy, but she knew that she was not much better, so she could only acquiesce.

"We definitely saw it! That little bird-like elf froze her Ma-la with one mouth, definitely..." The strong man became more and more excited, but the next second he flew out without any sound.

The woman was stunned, and then she saw No. 21 slowly retract his thick thighs.

"Waste, you can't even do this, what's the use of you." A female voice appeared, it was No. 33.

"Let me do it~" A slightly sinister voice appeared, it was No. 48.

He threw a Poké Ball, and a very strange Pokémon appeared in front of the two people.

It was a standing squid, with eight purple-black tentacles on its head like hair, but it looked very strange when it squirmed.

Two long tentacles grew on both sides of the body like hands, and there were snow-white blades at the end of the tentacles, which looked extremely sharp and could easily cut the enemy.

Even more weird were the strange luminous bodies in the middle of its body, which were flashing at this time.

If Xiu was there, he would definitely know that this thing was the Squid King, and the most powerful ability of this Pokémon was hypnosis. Once you encounter it, don't stare at the luminous bodies on its body.

It's a pity that the woman didn't know this rare Pokémon like Xiu did. She saw the glowing body on the squid king after it came out.

In other words, she was hypnotized.

But before those people had more time to react, a pillar of fire that was concentrated to the extreme was falling from the sky.

It directly blew up the ship next to it, and it fell into the sea before it burned.

"Here it comes." No. 17 looked up at the sky, threw a Poké Ball with his backhand, and a Tyrannosaurus appeared in the sky.

"Hmph!" No. 21 shouted, threw a Poké Ball with his backhand, and a huge Boskodora appeared on the island.

No. 33 also released his own Pokémon, a strange-looking Dragon King Scorpion.

The fire dissipated, and several people stood in the air, but disappeared from everyone's sight the next second, and appeared on the beach again the next moment.

It was not until now that the hunters could see the situation of the newcomers clearly.

An old man in mountaineering clothes and three middle-aged men in uniforms.

It can be seen from the icon of the clothes that it is Junsha's men's uniform.

"Big Gold Tooth~" No. 17's tone became strange when he saw Baoba among them, "Since when did you Junsha take care of these things on the sea?"

Baoba smiled and responded: "You guys are big shots, how can I receive you if I don't come."

After that, several people on Baoba's side also released their own Pokémon.

Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur.

Directly showed their origins in the Kanto region.

"Tsk!" No. 48 complained disdainfully, "There is not even a person from the Junsha family, you look down on us too much~"

Just as he finished speaking, a fist-sized fireball hit the helicopter parked on the side at an extremely fast speed.

A fierce explosion sounded, stirring up a cloud of dust, the flames were constantly churning, and billowing smoke rose.

"Are you looking for me?" A person slowly walked out from the other side of the mountain, followed by a signature Pokémon - Windy Dog.

“Hahaha~ I didn’t expect to be discovered.” There was a sudden sound from the helicopter that exploded here, and a man walked out from the flames. The most striking thing about him was of course the number ‘9’ on his mask.

There was also a little elf with three strange heads following him.

Three-headed dragon, another quasi-god.

Seeing this, Baobab released his little elf, a Tanabata Bluebird.

Several quasi-gods that were rarely seen in the past appeared here, which was really outrageous. Is this a high-end game?

Xiu, who was hiding below and watching the game, was watching the battle with the help of Casey's perspective.

The players on both sides arrived and started fighting directly.

Charizard VS Flying Dragon

Venusaur VS Squidward

Blastoise VS Boskodora

Arcanine VS Dragonite

Tanabata Bluebird VS Three-headed Dragon

Both sides directly brought out their main forces, and all of them were fatal damage as soon as they attacked. There was no comparison with the battles on TV.

Listening to the continuous explosions and various vibrations above, Xiu felt that he was completely overthinking. Even if he didn't do anything, he would be defeated by them.

"Is this the current strength of humans?" Articuno, who was watching the live broadcast together, was also a little shocked to see this level of melee.

It just took a nap, how come humans are so powerful when they wake up?

"After so many years of accumulation, coupled with the relative stability of the environment, humans have deepened their research on elves, and various breeding methods and training methods are even more bizarre, so it is normal for this situation to occur, not to mention that these people are all top-notch, and there are only a few in the world."

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