Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 805 Demonstrating Strength

As for the Sandshrew, it was still a little worse, but it was almost there.

This Hao Li actually wanted to catch the Sandshrew with his hands. The situation can be imagined. If it hadn't run fast, the Sandshrew would have finished the battle now.

No. 48 guessed correctly. These two people were really overwhelming for Xiu.

No. 48 was in a critical situation here, and the other few people could only look after this side. Among them, No. 21 even released a Nidoking to help him.

But something unexpected happened. The Squid King, who was lying dead, suddenly jumped up, and the hypnosis that had been brewing for a long time attacked Xiu.

And Xiu, who was relaxed and casual just now, seemed to be sluggish, and his eyes were expressionless.

Baoba found this situation and couldn't help but look back slightly, but No. 9 seemed to have noticed a flaw and rushed to attack, even at the cost of injury to delay him.

Just now, this was the trick. If it happened again, it would be a big problem, because there was no "divine soldiers descending from the sky" this time.

Of course, No. 48 would not miss this opportunity. He gave up rescuing Heracross and threw another Poké Ball.

A huge red and black Pokémon appeared on the field.

Xiu recognized it as the Centipede King at a glance.

The Centipede King looked like a centipede with its front half standing upright, but the difference from the centipede was that it had four particularly long claws, like limbs, and two long horns on its head and tail.

The front and back horns were poisonous. Once the enemy's skin was pierced, the toxins could penetrate through the wound and kill the enemy.

If you were only attracted by the long horns, it meant that the Centipede King had evolved smoothly, because this thing liked not to use the horns on its head and tail, but to run in front of the opponent, then hug the enemy with the sharp claws on its neck, and then inject venom.

And despite its huge body, the Centipede King was very agile. When it rushed towards Xiu, it was ridiculously fast, leaving Nidoking behind.

I don't know why, Xiu, who was standing there stupidly, suddenly had a little more expression on his face.

His mouth curled up slowly.

No. 48 was staring at Xiu with full concentration, and of course he saw his change at the first time, but before he could react, the squid king who was trying so hard to control Xiu suddenly fell to the ground, and the flashing light on his body gradually dimmed.

Obviously there was an invisible confrontation just now, and it was obvious who the winner was.

But even if the squid king had fallen to the ground, the centipede king went up!

"Go! Kill it!" No. 48 roared, as if he wanted to rush up himself.

"Huh! Dare to play this with me?" Xiu's eyes became smart again, and he looked up at Casey who was floating on the side, and said: "Don't play~"

As soon as he said this, the bracelet on Casey's hand began to emit flickering light, and finally gradually dissipated and turned into an ordinary object.

Casey, who had been expressionless, suddenly opened his eyes, and the blue light in them almost overflowed. The surrounding space trembled on a small scale, but soon calmed down.

[Casey·Liberated Form]

A high-energy reaction suddenly appeared on the field, attracting the attention of almost all people and elves, not to mention No. 48 who had been paying attention to Xiu.

For some reason, he was a little panicked.

The centipede king that was rushing over did not have more reactions. Even though it had felt the horror from Casey, running fast was sometimes not a good thing.

Casey, who was in the liberated state, just glanced at the centipede king, and its huge body exploded directly. There was no process to speak of, just in an instant.

This directly scared Nidoking, who was on his way, and he turned around and ran back, but his movements attracted Casey's attention. Before he could get far, he was caught and then shot out to sea like a cannonball.

As soon as this side fell into the water, the black shadows swimming in the shallow sea immediately moved, and after a splash of water, they calmed down again.

But Nidoking never had a chance to go ashore again.

And at this moment, a very outrageous thing happened. The Squid King who had just fallen to the ground stood up again.

But this time it did not attack Xiu or Casey, but instead used [Hypnosis] on its trainer, No. 48.

This directly disarmed the defenseless No. 48, and it took its Poké Ball and said something to Casey.

Xiu could understand what it said, which meant that it would not fight anymore, surrender and beg for mercy, and as for the trainer, it would sell it.

To be honest, Xiu was a little surprised for a while.

He had seen this kind of situation of changing sides at the last minute, but it was definitely not in such a high-end game. After all, as an old hunter who had been in the game for so many years, how could he not know his own Pokémon?

But this scene did happen today.

"Interesting~" Xiu raised his hand and the Poké Ball belonging to the Squid King fell into Xiu's hands.

He didn't hesitate and put it into the Poké Ball.

As for No. 48, he was still in hypnosis.

The energy fluctuations on Casey began to converge, and No. 48 fell to the ground and fainted at this time.

"Report to the director! The enemy has been eliminated." Xiu shouted to Bao Oba.

He said this not to show off, but to interfere with the psychology of those hunters and put pressure on them.

Now one of them fell, and Bao Oba had an extra force like Xiu, the result can be imagined.


Seeing that things were going nowhere, No. 9, who was fighting with Baoba, shouted when he saw this situation, raised his hand and threw a Poké Ball, and a brown humanoid Pokémon appeared in the air.

This Pokémon looked strange, with a head like a bell, and there were depressions on both sides, black lines on the forehead, and a thin line connecting the two green eyes.

It looked like it was wearing a robe with a collar, and there were four protrusions like buttons on it.

There were three glowing organs on its palm, flashing red, yellow and green.

Xiu knew this Pokémon, but even Professor Oak's research on it was vague.

The Big Monster, with a mysterious origin, seemed to have its own civilization and culture, and was a social creature. It communicated with its own kind through the changes in the light spots on its hands, and was often considered an alien.

This Pokémon was too rare, and there were not many witnesses. I didn't expect to see it in his hand.

Sure enough, there were all kinds of things in the Hunter Organization.

When I saw this Xiu, I knew they were going to run away.

It would be nice if it was that easy~

Xiu looked at those people with a strange look in his eyes, and didn't even try to stop them.

Thanks to Meng Chongmei and Lanling? Xiaoxiaosheng for the reward!

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