Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 815: Giving Up and New Goals

Two days later, Xiu appeared on the Twin Islands again.

At this time, after treatment and nutrition, both the Flame Queen Lizard and the Squid King have returned to normal.

Xiu looked at the two for a while, and then waved to the Flame Queen Lizard.

"Come here."

The Flame Queen Lizard heard the words and quickly twisted its body to come over. At this time, the skin on its body had completely faded, showing the rare albinism symptoms that Xiu saw it for the first time.

"Don't move~" Xiu stretched out his hand to the Flame Queen Lizard, and then closed his eyes. The ceremony different from the Squid King took place on it.

Because there was no resistance, the process was particularly smooth and it took only a little time to complete.

When the lines disappeared, Xiu opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Very good, this is your first step to turn evil back to the right path, and you must work hard in the future."

The Flame Queen Lizard, who was recognized by Xiu, seemed very excited, and its slender eyes were almost narrowed into a line.

Xiu reached out and touched its head in encouragement. It felt smooth, just like touching a snake, but the difference was that its surface temperature was higher, so it was a little warm.

"As for you~" Xiu turned his head to look at the Squid King who had already recovered, and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone: "It seems that it is no longer useful."

The Squid King was tormented by these words.

Didn't you say that I survived not long ago?

Why did you mess with me again today?

However, the Squid King was still very smart. He quickly came to be a licking dog and showed his loyalty.

"Okay~" Xiu glanced at it, and his tone became normal. "I'll give you a chance to help me do something. If you do well, I can consider giving you a way out."

"Sir, just say it, I will do it!"

"It's not the time yet..." Xiu didn't mean to explain, and put it into the Poké Ball with his backhand.

The same was true for the Flame Queen Lizard.

After this was completed, Xiu spoke to the void: "It's OK."

The next moment, Articuno appeared out of thin air beside him.

"Fly in this direction, just be careful to avoid humans." Xiu raised his hand and pointed to the northwest.

Here, Articuno combed its feathers with its beak, then pulled off a transparent feather from its body and handed it to Xiu.

"This will be a testimony of our friendship."

"It's an honor."

Xiu was not polite, raised his hand to take it, and carefully placed it in a box.

"You know?" Articuno looked at Xiu with some curiosity, it felt that Xiu guessed that it was going to do this.

Xiu smiled and nodded slightly, "You said it."

Articuno was slightly stunned, but soon reacted, but it didn't mean to continue the topic. Instead, it spread its wings and easily took off, then circled over the Twin Islands for a few circles before flying away.

And the ice crystals scattered by Articuno were still in the air.

At this time, there was a disturbance on the water surface near the sea, and some black shadows all surfaced, which were Lao Chenglong and others.

Maybe it was agreed upon a few days ago, so they didn't say anything, just silently watching the figure of Articuno.

Xiu looked at the flying Articuno,

"See you again if we're lucky!" Xiu shouted to the sky, but the figure of Articuno had already disappeared into the horizon.

With the departure of Articuno, the elves' attitude towards Xiu changed a little after losing such a medium.

After all, he had brought people to blow up their hometown. Although he made amends afterwards, they were not familiar with each other in the first place, and with Lao Chenglong as the leader...

Anyway, Xiu knew there was nothing to say, so he shouted to them.

"There will definitely be humans coming, and you just need to go into the sea when the time comes."

Lao Chenglong looked at him from a distance, and then led the elves into the water and disappeared on the sea.

"Let's go, there's nothing to miss."

Xiu said to the side, and then disappeared on the Twin Island.

The next second, he was back in the hotel on Honglian Island.

After all the hard work these days, Xiu didn't mind taking a day off and sorting out the itinerary later.

Xiu lay lazily in the hot spring like a salted fish, communicating with Casey through telepathy.

"Where should we go next?"

The offshore sea map of the Kanto region appeared in his mind. From this point of view, there are quite a lot of places, especially large and small islands. This is just the ones that have been recorded. There must be quite a few that are not recorded or too small.

"Forget it~ It is not a very rational thing to track down Mewtwo with our current strength." Casey said faintly.

Others don't know what Xiu is thinking, but doesn't it know?

He must be unwilling to get back at Mewtwo after suffering such a big loss.

But as it said, it really can't beat him now...

Xiu didn't respond to this, but was silent for a moment and took the initiative to erase the sea map in his mind and replaced it with a map around the city of Qianhong.

"Then let's go back. The matter of Xiaoyuan should also be dealt with."

After that, he closed his eyes and sank into the water.


Over the sea near Kanto, a rainbow light instantly cut through the sky, and only after it disappeared did bursts of roars come.

Xiu did not choose to leave Honglian Island by boat, but chose to test the stability of Casey's energy.

And the maximum speed.

There is no place more empty and deserted than here.

After a while, the speed of the water droplets slowed down, and Xiu and Casey broke away from it and floated on the sea.

But it seems that both of them are not in good condition.

Xiu took off the oxygen mask on his face, his face turned livid, and his eyes were bloodshot, which looked very strange.

"I can't stand it~ This speed is fatal whether you have superpower protection or not."

Xiu took a long time to recover temporarily, overlooking the entire sea, and found the outline of land at one end of the skyline.

"Let's go, slow down this time."

The superpowers emanating from Casey instantly wrapped Xiu, and then flew up again.

But this time there was no sound.

Stepping on the solid ground again, Xiu's whole body relaxed for a short time. This long-distance flight is really torturous.

However, it also tested the extreme strength that Casey can exert with the limiter, which is also a gain.

Xiu observed the surrounding environment and found that this was an ordinary coast.

Looking outside, you can see some flying elves such as long-winged gulls.

"It shouldn't be too far away."

He turned his head to look at Casey, communicated with him telepathically for a while, and then took it back to the elf ball to rest.

It must be said that after putting on the limiter, Casey no longer needs to suppress himself, and the way to use energy is much simpler, so he can focus more on details.

In simple terms, the limiter not only did not weaken its strength, but enhanced it to some extent, because it was impossible for it to fully release its superpowers.

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