Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 82 Relationship

"Yeah~" Xiu agreed casually. Of course, such an important place as the research area has no connection with him, a person he just met. Some of the research results inside are estimated to be worth thousands of gold, but Xiu didn't pay too much attention to it.

A person must be self-aware.

"Next, I'll take you to where you live." Dr. Omu opened the door and walked out.

Only then did Xiu realize that he had been wandering around for so long and didn’t even know where he lived. But where would he be if he wasn’t in the institute?

Xiu followed Dr. Omu, looking at the road ahead, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Because the road he led was not towards the town, but towards the back mountain.

Even if Xiu doesn't know where exactly Dr. Ohmu's family is, it's definitely not in the back mountain.

"Where are we going?" Xiu asked, taking two quick steps.

"Go to the warehouse, you will live there from now on." Dr. Omu pointed to the warehouse not far away and said with a smile.

A wry smile flashed across Xiu's face, but disappeared in an instant, and he quickly followed.

Warehouses were warehouses, and he had lived in worse places.

What's more, the environment here is not bad.

Although the gap was a bit bigger than expected, Xiu quickly adjusted.

He had gone into the warehouse just now, and to be honest, the environment was really nice.

There were boxes of rations and various materials placed inside. The location was quite empty, and there was nothing strange except for a faint smell similar to medicinal materials.

It’s just that there are no beds inside!

That's the trouble.

"Now, you will live here from now on." Dr. Omu pushed open the door of the warehouse and threw the key to him.

Xiu took the key and didn't think much about what Dr. Ohmu said again.

"Don't be afraid if there is movement at night."

"Huh? Are there any ghost-type elves here?" Xiu is not afraid of things like ghosts. The unknown is scary. When he found out they were elves, Xiu even wanted to play with them.

"No! Why would I have that kind of thing here?" Dr. Omu shook his head casually, "I'm talking about some elves coming to eat at night. Just don't be scared."


"Okay, you clean up first. I will come over later to take you to familiarize yourself with the elves here. We will officially go to work tomorrow."


After Dr. Omu left, Xiu looked at the huge warehouse with great pride in his heart. He originally wanted to shout, but in the end it turned into a sigh.


Thinking of what happened to Cathy, Xiu felt as if a big stone was weighing down his heart.

He is not yet completely sure of Dr. Ohki's purpose in leaving him behind.

"Forget it. At least we have a place to stay now. Let's live in the present."

Xiu was not swayed by his emotions, he quickly adjusted and released the elves casually.

Casey, Flying Mantis, and Little Lucky Egg appeared one after another.

"We will be living here temporarily starting from today. Let's get used to it."

Xiu waved to the elves and walked in first.



After a busy tone, the screen began to flicker, and bits and pieces of pictures began to appear on the screen, but before the picture stabilized, a sound came out.

"How's it going? People are coming to your place?"

"You're in such a hurry, why don't I have a chat with you~" Dr. Ohmu's voice sounded next, but his tone was a little subtle.

If Xiu was present, he would definitely be able to hear whose voice it was. Isn't it Baobaba's voice?

The originally intermittent scene suddenly stabilized. Judging from the background, it should be an office in the park. I saw Baoba sitting on the boss's chair.

"You and I have nothing to talk about. You are the famous Dr. Oak, and I am just a businessman."

Dr. Omu didn't pay attention to Baoba's words at all, but continued the topic just now.

"The person has arrived, but he is in a lot of troubles. And I asked you why you are such a good person and introduced me to a good assistant. Isn't that something you dare not accept~"

Baoba on the other side of the screen heard Dr. Omu's teasing and said half-jokingly: "Bullshit, if I can stay, he will still take your turn. Who told you that Dr. Omu has such a great reputation? He insists on finding you. I I can’t keep it even if I want to.”

"I only took him in because of your face. If not..." Dr. Omu smiled after hearing this. He was about to defend something, but Baoba was faster.

"How many years have we known each other? Isn't it interesting what you are saying? You are looking at my face. My face is worthless in front of you. It is no more than the paper you throw away casually."

"Haha! You are still like this." Dr. Omu laughed twice, but immediately became serious and said: "To be honest, are you so sure that I will accept him?"

"What do you think~" Baobaba on the other side of the screen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't think you will let go of such a rare research object after seeing that Casey, and I checked the park's records, that one The flying mantis is also problematic."

"Hahaha! You still understand me."

Baobaba ignored Dr. Oak who was laughing on the other side of the screen, but said to himself: "Be careful, that Casey is very dangerous."

"I know, so I threw him in the warehouse." Dr. Omu said casually without paying attention at all.

"By the way, do you know? A while ago, a Haxorus came to the park. Xiu had a chance to capture it, but he gave up directly without even hesitating. I find it incredible that he was so decisive."

"Oh! There are actually people like this?" Dr. Oak was a little surprised. He knew that Baobab would not lie, but this showed that this was true. The kid outside actually rejected a Haxorus!

"If you knew his reason, you would find it even more incredible. That's why people are different."

"You are still like this~" Dr. Oak did not refute, nor did he ask Xiu what his reason was. He just had a meaningful smile on his face.

"Don't talk about this. No one could convince each other in the dispute of ideas back then. Now you can forget about it." Baobab saw what he meant, but he didn't want to debate. Instead, he cut off the topic first.

"That's right..." Dr. Oak was silent for a moment before smiling and saying, "You could have chosen to join the alliance, but you refused and went back to open a wilderness area... haha... otherwise the whole level... no, the whole world..."

"You know... I don't care about these." Baoba suddenly interrupted Dr. Oak, "I climbed up from the bottom, without the class baggage of your wealthy families, I only do what I think is right."

"Ah~" Dr. Oak seemed to remember something and sighed, "This is why I admire you so much, you did what I wanted to do but didn't dare to do..."

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