Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 822 Problems and Solutions

It’s just that gradually there are more and more factories, and many of them are heavy industries. The pollution generated spreads because it is not treated correctly.

It wasn't until a leak caused serious illness in more than forty people that locals took notice.

The alliance also tried to intervene when signs of the problem were discovered, but in the end the rectification failed.

Because she was studying outside at the time and didn't know the specific situation here, anyway, the result was that Joey Junsha quit one after another.

And after the supervision was lost here, the pollution became more serious, and it expanded rapidly until it became what it is now.

"Where's your mother?"

Miss Joy paused and was silent for a moment before speaking:

"Due to the change in the environment at that time, a large number of elves here showed strong signs of poisoning, and the elf center was overloaded. My mother was overworked during the treatment, and she eventually died of illness due to too much exposure to toxic substances. "

Miss Joy was also expressing her emotions as she spoke, as if she was recalling something, and then added another sentence.

"I rushed back from school after she fell ill. At that time, she was lying on the hospital bed and worried about whether the elves had been treated. It was because of this that I ended my studies and came back here."

Hearing this, Xiu couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration.

"My condolences~"

After saying this, Xiu also noticed that something was not right about her mood, and left after a few words of comfort.

When I returned to my room, Xiu didn't take a shower as usual. Instead, I sat in front of the computer looking thoughtful.

After a while, I turned on the computer and found Obara, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.


"Long time no see." Xiu smiled and said hello.

But Xiaoyuan didn't appreciate it at all and asked directly: "There must be something that can make our busy man find me. Tell me."

Xiuya could only smile helplessly at this, but he was not in a hurry to talk about the matter here. Instead, he asked about the Snow Mountain Tourist Area and the photography competition.

"Don't worry, these are all small things, I have already arranged them."

As she said this, she asked a little strangely.

"Who is that girl? Worthy of you treating her like this?"

"Nanami is the granddaughter of Dr. Ohki, what do you think~" Xiu doesn't care about Nanami's identity. The two will come into contact sooner or later, so it's better to explain it here.

"Serve her well for the sake of our relationship with Dr. Omu, and we can't let her know that she has the advantage because of her identity. Also, you'd better not meet her, because she can read minds."

"Hey! Read minds?"

"Is it weird?" Xiu didn't really care. Not to mention mind-reading, he could do even more outrageous things.

Xiaoyuan didn't follow Xiu's weird words, and became more and more curious, asking: "Then how can I contact her?"

"Then wouldn't it be enough to find someone to be indirect? Even if you keep calm when you meet, don't think about things related to her identity. The simplest thing is to think silently in your heart that she is so beautiful."

"According to you, this would have been perverted by me~ He said this crazily as soon as we met~"

"Forget it, this is not important, I have something to tell you."

Xiu didn't care much about Nanami, so he took out his camera and started operating it to send some photos to Obara.

Then while explaining what happened in Heiyun City.

Seeing the miserable situation of the residents, Obara gradually became serious, no longer as casual as before.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want you to find a professional news team to come here to collect materials, and then report it to reveal the truth here to the Kanto region and even the world!"

"This is not good~" However, after hearing Xiu's words, Xiaoyuan did not agree immediately. Instead, he frowned slightly as if he was thinking about something.

Xiu did not urge her, but silently waited for her response.

"Heiyun City is a port city and has the largest power plant in Guandu. After years of development, the corresponding industrial supporting facilities are also very complete. It is a famous heavy industrial zone in Guandu and has a lot of cooperation with our logistics business. .

If we report these things, we may offend them and affect our business. "

"Very good~Very good~" Xiu nodded slightly and said calmly, his face expressionless, and he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

Xiaoyuan fell silent immediately. She didn't know why she felt a strange emotion spreading in her heart.

The hairs on his body stood up one after another, and a heat emanated from his body.

That's fear and nervousness~

She has been in a high position for a long time since she took control of the company, and she has almost forgotten this feeling that has been with her for a long time.

"Don't be controlled by emotions, be able to look at problems rationally, and put the company's interests at the highest level. You have done what I asked you to do, and you are now a qualified manager."

At this time, Xiu did not stop, but continued to speak, but instead of blaming Xiao Yuan, he affirmed her choice.

However, it sounded indescribably awkward to Xiao Yuan.

"Are you short of money now?"

"No shortage~" Xiao Yuan was stunned for two seconds before shaking his head in denial.

"Since you are not short of money, then why do you work?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuan fell into thinking.

Yes! I have no financial pressure for a long time, but why...

Xiaoyuan didn't know what he thought of, and gradually raised his head to look at Xiu.

Xiu didn't pay attention to Xiaoyuan's eyes, but asked another question.

"Remember the night we met? We both had nothing at that time."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuan was in a trance. Looking at the man on the screen, she seemed to be back to that night again.

Xiu looked at him and said slowly: "When you are freed from suffering, please don't forget that there are still many people in need of help in the world. Now that you have experienced what it feels like to be a capitalist, I hope you can find someone again later. Return to your own humanity.”

"I understand." Xiao Yuan naturally understood what Xiu meant and nodded solemnly in agreement.

"But you have to remember one thing, take a long-term view, don't just look at the immediate interests, and do things within your own abilities, don't be blind."

Xiu said and took the initiative to explain his understanding of this matter.

"I asked you to report this matter, which will definitely damage some interests of the logistics direction, but you did not consider several other issues.

First of all, most of our profits come from materials, and we can completely bear the loss of logistics.

Also, our mediocre media industry needs a big news to gain popularity. Reporting this matter will not only help the people of Heiyun City, but also make more people remember our newspapers and magazines. The benefits it brings are completely more than Logistics losses are more valuable.

As for the logistics industry, after losing some business, we can just transform and invest excess resources in the postal industry. "

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