Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 824 Distortion and Pathology

It's interesting to say that, because humans can easily pass by the river, and the little elves like the stinky mud are not smart, but tend to survive by instinct.

So the patrolling humans can easily deal with all the stinky mud in the river.

But it is difficult to pass through places like sewers and estuaries, so a large number of them remain there.

Xiu walked along the river, originally wanting to find the figure of the Gotha duck, but he didn't find it until he came to the estuary.

And the shallow beach mentioned by Miss Joy Xiu also came.

Xiu looked around, the river collected the sewage discharged by those factories and was gray-brown, with oil on it.

And some stinky muds were swimming in the wastewater, looking very happy.

If you look over, you can see a tidal flat formed by alluvial deposits in the middle of the estuary.

You can see all kinds of garbage and dirt piled up on it, and there are countless stinky muds and their evolutions lying densely.

In fact, it is just a bunch of purple-black mud.

Moreover, these stinking muds were still wriggling.

Seeing this scene, Xiu couldn't help but feel a little nauseous, and got goose bumps.

"This scene...really, even R'lyeh isn't this bad~"

Maybe it's because the stench from this place is too unbearable, and there are few people here.

Xiu was also a little overwhelmed, and took out two gas masks and put them on before daring to float over.

After getting a little closer, Xiu also saw a lot of corpses and skeletons on the island, among which he recognized the big head of Magikarp at a glance.

There was also a small Rada skull with a pair of big front teeth, these two were the most.

The remaining messy bones Xiu couldn't tell for a while, anyway, it looked like they were washed out of the river and sewer, plus those in the sea.

It seems that these stinking muds not only like wastewater, but also eat meat.

As soon as Xiu approached, he attracted the attention of the stinking muds, and they gathered here, then piled up and kept wriggling and climbing. When they reached a certain height, they could no longer support and collapsed, and the stinking muds were all scattered on the ground.

But they had no intention of giving up, and continued to repeat the scene of stacking and then collapsing.

This scene looked as weird as the sacrifice of the evil god.

Xiu didn't even dare to land on the ground, but just looked down from the air.

Originally, he wanted to come over and talk to those stinky muds, but now it seems that they don't have wisdom at all.

Xiu and Casey used their superpowers to sweep below, and at this moment an attack came, and Casey blocked the sludge with his hand.

Xiu turned his head and found that the entire garbage island was shaking slightly. It seemed that something was secreted on the ground. Some black sticky substances flowed out from the cracks, and soon a small mountain gradually took shape.

Xiu was also surprised when he saw the scene below.

This size is not what a normal stinky mud can have, and this big guy was just sucking toxins directly below~

Obviously, Xiu's behavior angered it, and now it attacked Xiu as soon as it came up, spitting out some messy things from its mouth, and the stinky muds couldn't avoid it when they fell on the ground.

"No, this guy can't communicate at all." Casey deployed super powers to block the poison.

When the splashing poison stuck to the stinky muds, they actually reacted strongly. Some of them could not withstand it and turned into a pool of sewage and dissolved into the garbage.

Even the evolved stinky muds looked very painful, but they were not dead.

And the super powers that had just been in contact with the liquid also changed. This thing could spread along the super powers, forcing Casey to abandon that part of the super powers.

"Fuck! This poison is so strong that even the stinky mud can't stop it, and it can also penetrate energy."

Xiu originally wanted to leave, but after seeing this scene, he still lured the giant stinky mud to launch the poison and collected some of it.

Then he flashed away from above and reappeared in the sky.

Xiu looked at the bottle of purple-black sticky liquid with a little flash in his hand. This thing could easily poison the people in the whole city~

And those trainers who didn't clear that side were likely to be unable to beat the stinky mud.

Xiu put the things in place, and then set his sights on the tall chimney in the distance.

The next flash appeared there.

Standing in the air, the chimney here is emitting waste all day long, attracting a large number of gas bombs and its evolved double-bomb gas.

These Pokémon float around the chimneys and constantly absorb the exhaust gas emitted.

And when they are blocked, they will be driven away by the trainer.

However, due to the height problem, this thing is not a threat to humans.

However, Xiu's appearance still attracted their attention. Some gas bombs tried to attack him, but they were easily resolved.

This Pokémon has a better IQ than Stinky Mud. After realizing that Xiu is not a threat, they ignored him and immersed themselves in puffing clouds again.

Xiu tried to communicate with them, but often returned in vain. No Pokémon paid attention to him at all.

This was a bit embarrassing, and at this time Xiu made a very special discovery.

He actually saw a Pokémon among these gas bombs, which was also an evolved form of gas bombs, but was obviously different from ordinary double-bomb gas.

Because this guy has three bullets, or rather, all three bullets have developed, and the three heads are basically the same size, presenting a triangular shape, and the expressions on each head are different.

Three-bullet gas, Xiu temporarily called it that.

Another mutant, it seems that the harsh environment here has spawned many elves that are different from normal ones.

Xiu tried to communicate with it, but the other party directly spit out a cloud of black smoke, and when the smoke dissipated, no one knew where it went.

Xiu also had a general understanding of the elves here, and the next second he returned to the old city and talked to those who were troubled by illness.

One of them had lung cancer due to long-term inhalation of exhaust gas, and now he can only lie in bed and live a difficult life.

A female worker gave birth to a deformed child because of pollution in the factory.

One became mentally retarded because he fell into the river when he was young.

One was covered with abscesses because of exposure to pollution at work, and was wrapped in medicine and bandages all day long.


There are many such people in this city, but after learning more about them, Xiu found that they did not receive any compensation at all. Even if they did, the amount was not much, and they were handed over to the hospital.

As for more serious cases?

Of course they would have died long ago~

Xiu visited them and left some money for each family, and those who were inconvenient also left some supplies.

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