Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 831 Return to Qianhong City

Xiu couldn't help but set his sights on Daiwu.

He now doubted that there really was any luck.

He has visited many markets, but he has never tried to pick up missing items, but when he went shopping with Dawu, he picked up thousands of pieces.

Is this a novice benefit or a child of luck?

"What's wrong?" Dawu saw Xiu looking at him a little strangely.

"It's nothing~ It's just that I've been to so many markets, and this is the first time I missed something. As expected, you guys are more professional."

Next, the two of them walked around the market. Dawu was also a smart person and quickly understood the gameplay. Xiu just followed and watched Dawu buy things.

I have to say, as far as Daigo is concerned, there are still a lot of good things here, but those people don't understand this.

When the two came out, Daigo looked very happy. Obviously, the harvest just now greatly satisfied his hobby of minerals.

The two of them were walking back.

"I gained a lot today." Dawu held up the stone the size of a human head in his hand. "I didn't expect to see this kind of metal. The smelted piece should weigh dozens of grams and can be used to cast several rings."

"People here are all here for the evolution stones. No one cares about these metal minerals. It's normal. It's not like you didn't see the expression on the boss's face when he sold it. You don't know how long it was there." Xiu said regretfully. He said, "It's a pity that I didn't see the original evolution stone."

"It's impossible for that kind of thing to stay here, and the chance of gambling on stones is even less likely."

This is a mining town, and stone gambling is also very prosperous here.

It's just that neither of them is interested, so I understand that this thing is a scam.

After returning to the town, they went back to their respective homes and made an appointment to meet tomorrow morning.

Have a peaceful night~

Xiu came to a restaurant early in the morning as agreed. Originally he was relatively early, but to his surprise, Daigo was already seated and playing with some stones on the table.


"Morning, I've already ordered food. Sit down and wait for a while." Daigo nodded towards Xiu, with the standard smile he always had on his face.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xiu told him about several big cities in Kanto and some interesting attractions, and then took out a box and handed it over.

"This is……"

Daigo took the box with some strangeness, opened it and found a machine inside.

Xiu stood aside and introduced him to the corresponding functions of the illustrated book and showed him the data he had collected.

"The map of the Kanto area above will be more convenient for you to move around here, and it also has online functions..."

Daigo tried playing with this novel thing and found it quite interesting. The idea was very interesting.

After breakfast, the two walked towards the outskirts of the town together.

The way Dawu wants to go to Nibi City is to cross the bridge in the northwest direction to Sunshine Town and then pass through Rainbow City.

Xiu, on the other hand, was heading northeast to Qianhong City.

Xiu originally recommended that he take the waterway to Honglian Island to Ashwood Town and then take a car all the way up, which was much faster.

But he plans to go to a few more cities to visit the local markets, and maybe gain new insights.

I have to say, it was a bit fun to turn into a garbage man and "pick up garbage" last night.

Xiu didn't care about this, and told him how to find the hidden black markets, and also told him several black market locations he knew.

Explain to him the rules of those places again to avoid any problems.

"I've been to those auctions once, and I've seen a lot of good things. But if I don't have money, I just want to watch the excitement. If you want to go in, you probably have to find some connections to get an invitation."

"I've heard of this. I'll go check it out if I get the chance."

Daigo's eyes were shining when he heard about the complete fossil mentioned in Xiu's mouth.

I'm afraid that thing attracts him more than women.

The two were separated when they left the town, but they exchanged contact information with each other, so there would naturally be opportunities to meet in the future.

I have to say that there is really nothing to say about Daigo's character, and I don't know what kind of family can cultivate such a perfect person.

After leaving the human gathering place, we quickly entered the wild area. The vegetation here is not as lush as the Viridian Forest, and the density of elves is not as high. They are all common elves, and there are no special circumstances.

Anyway, it was back to his familiar rhythm. After walking slowly for a few days, Xiu returned to the place where the dream began.

"Light Red City..." Xiu looked at the silhouette appearing in the distance and whispered to himself, then turned to look at Casey and said: "We are back again~"

After saying that, Xiu and Casey disappeared and appeared in a place in the suburbs the next second.

Stepping into it, Xiu suddenly felt that everything in front of him was strange.

Xiu didn't actually know much about this city at the beginning.

He spent most of the time huddled in one place, and then was sent directly to Zhenxin Town.

So it’s hard to describe what it’s like to practice in this place.

He entered from the southwest corner of the city. Xiu was not in a hurry to enter the center. Instead, he headed east to the southeast corner, where the director's house was.

Looking at the familiar place in front of him, Xiu couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

However, there seemed to be no one in the house. Xiu also knew that Baoba and the others were not at home at this time, so he did not go in to disturb them, but turned and left.

Walking all the way, Xiu quickly found the small park in his memory and the convenience store not far from the park.

"Welcome!" The doorbell rang with a familiar mechanical sound.

The receptionist was a very ordinary person, nothing surprising.

Xiu picked up a bottle of drink and then checked out. Looking at the scene, he murmured: "Everything has changed, but it hasn't changed~"

He started to walk outside...

The sun set in the west, and the sky gradually darkened. A couple of parents were picking up their children from get off work. The parents agreed to some requests from the children. The family could hear a very happy atmosphere in their laughter.

But they didn't notice that there was a person looking at this side not far behind them.

Xiu slowly raised his head and looked at the man. He remembered that it was the uncle who swallowed up Xiao Yuan's property.

Then he slowly lowered his head as if thinking about something.

He had been to several places today and roughly figured out what was going on with Xiao Yuan's parents.

In short, the research institute where her parents worked involved some illegal projects, and then her parents said they didn't want to quit, but it was not so easy to quit. The boss was afraid that they would report him and directly find a dump truck to hit them to death.

As for the family property and this uncle, they were also the means of those people. They were afraid that Xiao Yuan would continue to entangle in this matter, so they directly cut off the source of the trouble.

There are quite a lot of people involved in this matter, and some of them are from the Qianhong Municipal Government. It takes some skills to deal with it.

Now let's start with this "kind" uncle~

Xiu disappeared in a flash, and the people around him seemed not to see him.

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