Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 833: Revisiting the old place

"Good evening, Director!"

Seeing the car parked in front of the door, Xiuya, who was squatting at the door, slowly stood up and greeted the visitor.

"Why are you here, kid?" Baoba got out of the car and was a little surprised when he saw Xiu, "Why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming?"

"I just came back here, and I just planned to visit your old man. I didn't expect Yuto and the others didn't come back, and you have been working overtime until now."

"It's annoying to talk about it. A big problem occurred for no reason. A government employee committed suicide, but before he died, a reporting letter was sent to the superior. It was not a big deal in the first place, but the content of this letter involved many people. We are so annoyed~"

With that said, Baoba opened the door and shouted to Xiu: "Come in quickly and talk about it, don't stand outside."

Entering inside, it was still a familiar environment. Listening to Baoba's complaints, I knew that he hadn't eaten yet.

He might as well go straight to the hotpot, since Xiu had a lot of ingredients with him anyway.

The two chatted while eating, while Xiu listened to Baoba's complaints.

Originally, these matters had nothing to do with them, but because the alliance's international police stationed in Qianhong City were also involved, they could only entrust Junsha to control the situation until the alliance transferred people from other places.

"It's been really uneasy recently. Just the day before yesterday, a woman and her child were caught in a rape. Who knew that the man was beaten and then stabbed his wife with a knife. He even killed the child who went to break up the fight. Then he himself He also committed suicide. When the police arrived, the mistress was the only one alive in the family. "

"Director, do you think it's possible that the mistress and the man teamed up to kill the first wife and get the upper hand, but she didn't expect the mistress to be more ruthless, and finally killed the man with the intention of monopolizing the family property?"

"Your kid's idea is very imaginative." Baoba agreed with a smile and moved his chopsticks in the pot.

Seeing that Baoba didn't care and didn't continue the topic, Xiu asked about other things.

"Where are Yuto and the others? Why haven't they come back?"

"Yuto went on a trip, and Shirley went to a closed trainer school to study. Anyway, this is the first time I heard her request. It seems that she was very concerned about you leaving without saying goodbye."

"Hahaha~" Xiu said haha ​​and skipped this, but talked about Casey's situation and showed him the effect of the limiter.

"At that time, I thought you were dead, so I sent you to Big Wood Pain. I didn't expect you to succeed. Now it's my turn to regret it." Baoba teased Xiu with a smile.

The two ate and drank and talked for a long time. Xiu took out his collection on the road and shared it with Baoba.

Baoba had no interest in anything else, but he only liked the sculpture that Big Rock Snake made for Xiu.

"This one has special meaning to me, so I can't give it to the director. Next time I see it, I'll have it custom-made for the director."

"Hahaha! I won't win anyone's love, as long as you are willing."

Next, Xiu took out the red meteorite for him to identify, but he still couldn't find any problem.

I'm not too worried about this.

Xiu was too lazy to take care of it and just spent the night in the living room.

Xiu prepared breakfast for Baoba early in the morning, because he had to go to Junsha, and Xiu had to go to the park, so they separated.

Of course, Xiu didn't just walk over stupidly, but found a tourist bus going there.

Convenient and fast.

But this time you have to buy a ticket to repair it.

I spent some money to buy a sightseeing ticket, and then I walked around very familiarly without being guided by the staff.

In fact, Xiu doesn’t know many people here, and he is familiar with them only at the rescue station where he often goes.

When we went there, it was still the same as before. Busyness was the theme here, and many staff were taking care of and wilding the little elves.

Xiu went to the office inside to find his original mentor.

"Hello, webmaster!" Xiu walked over to say hello.

The old man who was doing his work looked up at Xiu and was stunned for a while before he remembered who this person was.

"It's Xiu! I haven't seen you for a long time~" A happy smile appeared on the old man's face, and it was obvious that he still had a deep impression on Xiu.

"It's been two years since I've seen the stationmaster still look so strong."

Xiu put aside the gifts he had prepared in advance.

"Come here, kid. Do you want to bring any gifts? You can save some money to buy some books and read. It would be better if you get admitted to be a cultivator as soon as possible."

The old man directly proposed to Xiu Er, but Xiu Er could only bear it with a smile.

If he hadn't been supported by the webmaster so that he could come here to do odd jobs, I might not have been able to gain access to elf knowledge so easily, let alone take off later.

Compared to Baoba and Dr. Oak, who are somewhat lucky.

The webmaster is the most practical one.

"Webmaster, I have been admitted as a cultivator and my conditions are much better now. You don't have to worry about me."

"Passed the exam!"


After chatting with the old stationmaster for a while, Xiu started walking around here. He could recognize that the elves here were the ones he had rescued from the Pearl.

It appears that they are undergoing rewilding in preparation for release into their original habitat.

Xiu didn't pay much attention to this. He was doing this professionally, so he didn't need to worry about anything.

Wandering inside, Xiu and Cathy walked through some of the scenes they experienced at that time.

When he came to the hut, there were almost no tourists, so he simply released the auspicious eggs and the giant mantis, and then went back to their old place with them.

"That's where I first encountered the giant mantis."

"You were just an egg at that time, and I don't know why you were floating in the water. If I hadn't found you in time, you would have been eaten by Magikarp."

"It seems that there are already people in the house we lived in. Don't go over to disturb them."

Then they came to the cave of the bag dragon.

It was still the same as two years ago. The bag dragon was watching the little bag dragon playing.

Only now did Xiu clearly sense that this bag dragon was definitely not simple, and the giant mantis might not be able to take it down in a fight.

As soon as he approached, the bag dragon looked at him vigilantly. Xiu understood that Casey's methods still needed to be improved for the sensitive elves.

For example, smell, sound, energy fluctuations, etc.

Xiu simply removed the interference and approached the bag dragon directly.

"Remember me?"

The bag dragon looked at it for a while before remembering who Xiu was. It no longer had the resistance just now, but looked a little happy.

But the little bag dragon didn't recognize them and carefully hid beside its mother.

Xiu sat down very simply, then took out some food and started chatting with the bag dragon.

It seemed that something happened after he left here, but it was obvious that Director Baoba handled it.

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