It is neither to resist the invasion of foreign enemies nor to hunt for survival, it just wants to have fun.

And once you encounter someone who is stronger or has the ability to kill them, immediately get away.

Anyway, these little elves bully the weak and fear the strong, and are full of bad taste.

That's right! What's even more annoying is that these things live in groups, usually a dozen, and sometimes there are more than thirty.

Xiu has observed and studied their situation before, and this is the character of this elf.

Their diet is very wide, and they eat fruits, young leaves, and meat. However, the most likely thing they can catch is green caterpillars. They are considered omnivorous elves.

However, Xiu still saw a very shocking predator scene when he was in Viridian Forest.

It's just that the protagonist is not the long-tailed monster, it is the prey.

It was an eagle that could be called the apex predator in the Viridian Forest.

That was when we were in Viridian Forest. On the previous section of the road, Xiu accidentally encountered a group of about ten. Xiu had already taken a detour to avoid them as soon as they met, but a few of them still chased them out.

At that time, Xiu Xiu was being chased by those monkeys. Suddenly, for some reason, all the long-tailed monsters who had been cheering and throwing various things at him stopped chasing him and became alert.

Even Xiu noticed something was wrong and stopped.

But before they could react, the forest was swept by a strong wind. The next second, a shrill wail was heard. Following the sound, Xiu saw a long-tailed monster's hand being clamped by the figure's claws. high altitude.

The remaining monkeys dispersed in a hurry, all focused on escaping for their own lives and had no intention of saving their companions.

Or maybe they know they are incapable of saving, or...

Xiu saw the eagle spinning around and then landed on the tree. He directly pressed the long-tailed monster's hand on the tree, and then pecked through its skull. No matter how strong the elf's vitality was, it would be killed on the spot. .

Xiu watched the eagle eat its brains, then began to peck open the chest and abdomen to eat the internal organs, and finally tore out strips of meat from the body and started eating.

Even when it was eating, it didn't forget to be alert to its surroundings, and the glance it glanced at was so profound.

Just looking at it, it feels like a sharp sword is piercing it. It's really the kind of sharp-sword-like eyes in martial arts novels!

Xiu's reverence for wild elves was not due to their bloody cruelty.

That was a description forced on them by humans. What really made him like this was his wild nature.

This is why he is very opposed to novices coming into contact with those wild carnivorous elves.

This is simply not something that ordinary people can handle.

And the character developed is difficult to change.

However, being wild also has its advantages. For example, under the same conditions, the combat effectiveness is definitely better than those of the same kind who have not seen much blood.

Of course, some special types need to be excluded here. For example, the cultivation method of Xiuzao is completely for actual combat.

It's better to raise an elf yourself from an early age, unless you can suppress that wild nature.

Xiu stood under the tree and looked at the long-tailed monsters, but now he was not so afraid of those guys. If he really wanted to bother him, he would just use them to practice with the elves.

Bully the weak and be afraid of the strong. If you blindly dodge, it will only make them take advantage of them. The best way to deal with these guys is to fight them and be afraid of them.

It's just that the long-tailed monsters didn't notice him at this time, but were playing a ball-throwing game on the tree, except that their ball was a green chrysalis.

The body is crescent-shaped, with eyes on both sides and a small protrusion on its back. There are some gaps between the carapace that allow it to have a weak ability to move.

Xiu recognized it at a glance, wasn't it the evolved armored pupa of the green caterpillar?

But now it seems that the armored pupa being played with has not opened its eyes, and Xiu doesn't know whether it is dead or alive.

However, it was at this time that Xiu discovered that the green caterpillars in the forest seemed to be much less common, and instead, many armored pupae could be seen hanging on the trees.

Xiu didn't pay much attention to this little episode and moved on.

After walking through the forest, Xiu smelled the fishy smell of the sea.

Xiu, who noticed something, quickened his pace and soon came to the edge of a cliff.

Looking out, you can see the endless sea in front of you, and there are some elves flying on the sea in the distance.

And the sound of the crashing waves could be heard all over my ears. The turbulent waves hit the rock wall and scattered countless sprays. Before they completely receded, the next wave ushered in.

Continuous and endless.

"The end of the world~" Xiu stood on the cliff, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

After starting from Qianhong City, he did not choose to go up to Kuye City, but went straight east through forest valleys, various cities and towns, and finally came to the southeast corner of the entire Kanto region.

The long coastline is not all sunny beaches and coconut trees. A larger proportion is made up of various cliffs or silted tidal flats and swamps, which are very difficult to deal with.

Of course, this also makes the beach even more precious. Basically, many coastal tourist cities are built behind the environment of the beach.

Xiu didn't bother to worry about it anymore. He took off his clothes when he saw Dahai, and then released Casey with his backhand.

"Let's go! Let's go into the water and play."

Xiu came to the edge and moved his body a little, then jumped off the cliff, which was at least thirty meters high, and plunged straight into the water.

Casey glanced at it lightly, and then with a wave of his hand, those things were taken down and stopped on a ledge not high from the sea.

And Xiu was fighting the waves, having a lot of fun.

Casey had no intention of going into the water, but sat on the stone platform to meditate.

Soon Xiu emerged from the water, climbed the edge of the stone platform and shouted to Casey: "Let's release them all, just in time to test the waterproof performance of this guy, Sandshrew."

After saying that, he dived into the sea, and emerged again in another place a moment later.

Seeing Xiu so happy, Casey also smiled slightly, and released a few elves with a slight thought.

As soon as the elves came out, Xiu emerged from the water again, waving and shouting at them.

"Come down and play!"

Then he swam towards them.

Jigglypuff jumped into the water without much hesitation and adapted his body in the sea.

And the giant claw mantis and the Sandshrew just took a look and didn't react much.

Jigglypuff naturally needs no introduction, its water ability is also very good, especially because it has long physical strength and can move in the water for a long time.

Although the giant mantis is not afraid of water, its body is too heavy. If it enters the water directly, it will probably sink to the bottom, so it can only move in shallow waters two meters below.

This guy, the Sandsand King, is afraid of water, there is nothing to say.

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