The training of Giant Pincer Mantis is basically an ability that needs to be developed reasonably and combined with long-term practice to master.

Now I don’t know whether it is limited by physical condition or talent, but it is also beneficial to energy control if practiced more, so it is still included in the training content.

However, when the temperature control enters the overload state, it has progressed rapidly, because it has been training related to body control for a long time, and until now, the control of the body has already reached a very powerful level.

The core of overload is actually to increase the temperature through limbs or energy activities, so that the body reaches the optimal state, and then maintains it, so as to obtain the fastest speed, the fastest energy mobilization, the keenest perception, and the most powerful power.

To put it simply, it means improving your status in all aspects.

Xiu has also verified it through experiments and found that this state seems to be unique to the Giant Pincer Mantis. At least the Sand King, who also has steel-type energy, does not have much positive feedback after the temperature rises.

Xiu guessed that this might be a [characteristic], or a characteristic manifested by the combination of steel type and insect type energy.

It is a very interesting and researchable topic.

As for the [characteristics] of elves, there is no such statement in the academic world. No one has proposed it or summarized it.

I'm afraid only the prophetic practitioners in the whole world have this concept.

At the same time, after a lot of observation and research, he found that the concept of [Characteristics] cannot be simply defined like attribute restraint.

This is a combination of comprehensive factors such as the elf's personality, energy, and body.

At present, he is simply recording and collecting these, and there is still a long way to go before it takes shape.

Observe, record, witness...this is his adventure.


Heiyun City Elf Center.

At this time, the main door of the Elf Center has been closed and is not open as usual.

The reason is that a large group of people have gathered outside the door and are besieging the elf center.

There are workers and trainers here, and the ingredients are so mixed that it’s hard to tell.

But at this moment, they were all full of anger and were shouting various slogans.

"Get out of Heiyun City!"

"We don't need you!"

"Nosy, what does it have to do with you!"


The people trapped in the Elf Center are the members that Obara arranged to investigate, and Nanami can be seen among them.

At this time, these people did not dare to go back to their rooms, but chose to stay in the lobby.

They were not trying to compete with those people, but were worried that those people would suddenly rush in, so they subconsciously gathered together.

Not all of these people are staff, there are also five trainers. Those are the trainers and bodyguards that Obara specially hired to protect the team because he was worried that there would be problems with the team.

The fact that these people were chosen by Obara was naturally quite reliable, which also meant that a lot of money was spent.

Of course, their role has also been shown. They were the ones who found a few people who failed to come back immediately.

They deserve the most credit for the team not having any problems now.

But facing the surging crowd outside, he also looked embarrassed.

Once so many people pour in, it's not something they and a few elves can stop.

Several girls in the team have been frightened by the people outside, and are surrounding Nanami, the only normal person.

But the strange thing about Nanami is that she is caught in a strange situation.

She looked blankly at the people outside, doubts in her eyes.

Although he was obviously here to help them, why did they defend those who hurt them and drive him away?

The behavior of those people became extremely distorted under the contrast between before and after.

And at this moment, I don't know who was attacking the glass door of the Elf Center, or the glass door couldn't stop these people, and it shattered with a crisp sound and turned into debris all over the ground.

Those people were stunned for a moment, but they didn't know who shouted the first sound, and then they rushed towards the interior of the Elf Center.

"Come on!"

Upon seeing this, the five trainers looked at the leader and waited for orders.

Is it an attack? Or retreat?

Just as the scene was about to get out of control, a red light shot out from behind, and Bulbasaur's huge figure appeared in the middle of the hall.

And it was followed by a loud roar.

"Let's see who dares to step into the elf center!"

As if feeling the trainer's anger, Bulbasaur let out a low roar and looked at the crowd with a dangerous gaze.

Everyone looked over and saw the frosty-faced Miss Joy walking out of the background.

Those people who were extremely excited just now all looked at the visitor blankly as if they were dumbfounded.

There are many trainers in the crowd. They have been here many times, and most of them know this lazy Ms. Joy.

But it wasn't until today that they remembered that this was an elf center, and that person was Joey.

The more people know about Joey, the more frightened they become. Just now, some of the top trainers have begun to want to leave.

Although money is good, you have to have life to spend it~

But Nanami, who was still standing stupidly, suddenly stood up and walked to Miss Joy, looked at the crowd and whispered a few words.

"Paralyzing powder release." Miss Joy looked at those people indifferently and said this in a cold tone.

The Venusaur shook its back after receiving the order, and the pale yellow pollen took shape instantly, covering the crowd under its control.


"Miss Joy killed someone!"


At this time, the crowd began to panic, thinking about how to rush out just now.

However, the crowd was densely packed, so how could it be faster than the pollen of Venusaur, and they fell down in pieces like mowing the grass.

And the few trainers inside wanted the Pokémon to resist when they saw this situation.

They all commanded the Pokémon to rush inside.

However, Venusaur stood in the middle, so how could it let those Pokémon like trash go, and casually stretched out the vine whip to whip them out.

Those Pokémon who came into contact with Venusaur actually fell to the ground and their lives were unknown, and they had no ability to stand up at all.

The two people in the corridor on the second floor watched the farce below without any tension, but talked casually.

"It seems that those people know we are here."

"She has been here for several years and has not regressed~"

"But she doesn't take us seriously at all. Why did she always ask these people to come here?"

"If only she hadn't been so stubborn~"

The two people said completely different things, but it was very natural and seemed particularly strange.

As if noticing something, Nanami turned her head and saw the two people who appeared at some point.

And Miss Joy looked over, her expression showed a hint of surprise, and she couldn't help but whispered: "Teacher!"

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