Until the establishment of the alliance, the eastern city began to develop rapidly. Although he was in a good location, the mountains in the northwest of the town still blocked the development, and then he was restricted here.

To be honest, no one expected that the mountains that once brought irrigation water and a large amount of resources would become a shackle.

The young people in the town went to places like Cerulean City and Golden City to seek a way out, and the town has gone from a large town of 3,000 people to less than 400 people now, and even fewer people are still here.

If this was not an entrance to the mountains, and trainers would pass by here on weekdays, I am afraid that the Pokémon Center would also evacuate.

Hearing this, Xiu thought about it for a while and understood that the reason for the decline in the role of the mountains was that the alliance developed the Evergreen Forest, and the resources of food, materials and Pokémons were better than here.

Moreover, they are plain forests, and the road construction is simple. You are naturally eliminated because of your low efficiency in exchanging resources from the mountains.

"But the town once had a short period of revival, that was when the power plant was located here..."

As expected, as the topic deepened, the mayor gradually talked about the power plant here.

Xiu knew all about the cause of the power plant, but the mayor told the story from the perspective of the town, and Xiu got another answer.

First, the three-year construction gave young people in the town job opportunities, and they didn't need to go out. After it was completed, the power plant, as the newest and largest power plant in Kanto, directly supplied three super cities and countless towns in the surrounding area.

There were thousands of employees alone, and apart from those technical positions, a large number of jobs were provided to the local area. During that period, the population of the town once recovered to a thousand people.

Originally, the old man thought that he had ended the decline of the town, and everything was developing towards prosperity. The town would soon revive and then become a city.

But reality seemed to play a joke on him.

The power plant had only been in operation for two years before problems occurred, and the town was also implicated.

After the power plant was closed, a large number of unemployed townspeople left directly, and the town was immediately beaten back to its original form.

Even those townspeople who came into contact with the outside world no longer wanted to stay here and left one after another.

The town has also been declining all the way until now.

"What is the reason for the closure of the power plant?"

"If it was before, I would definitely not talk about this, but now that the town is like this, it doesn't matter..." The old man looked a little dazed, as if he was recalling something, and he continued to speak after a moment.

"The reason for the closure of the power plant was not due to a lack of coal or a design flaw, but because of a little elf."

"Oh!" Xiu became interested after hearing this.

"That's a legend among the mountains." The old man's expression began to become solemn, and his eyes looked into the distance.

"We live in the coastal area. In previous years, typhoons often come and stir up storms, and when the rainstorms approach the mountains, thunderstorms will definitely occur.

That kind of natural disaster is very terrible, but our town has always had an ancient legend, that is, every time a thunderstorm approaches, the guardian of the mountains will disperse the lightning, so the thunderstorm never crosses the mountains.

I didn't believe this at first, until that night when dark clouds like ink appeared out of thin air and blocked the moon. The whole town seemed to have entered another space with lightning and thunder, and there was an illusory figure in the dense lightning."

As he said this, the old man's eyes condensed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Xiu and emphasized: "It must be it! At that time, the figure was above the power plant, but soon the figure disappeared in the dark clouds."

Xiu nodded calmly without much reaction.

"Later, I asked those who worked at the power plant. They said that someone saw several people being carried out that night. The official explanation was that someone misoperated the equipment in extreme weather, causing several people to be electrocuted.

That's all I know. I don't know what really happened there, but it is a real fact that the power plant was shut down shortly afterwards."

The mayor suddenly muttered to himself helplessly.

"Maybe this is God's will. The construction of the power plant disturbed the gods..."

It can be seen that the mayor did not blame the inexplicable figure for the closure of the power plant.

It should be that the powerful force did not make him feel more than awe.

After hearing this, Xiu no longer cared about the closure of the power plant. He was more concerned about the mysterious elf mentioned by the mayor.

Based on the description, it should be the lightning bird. It can create a lightning world including the town with the power plant as the center. What a terrifying power it is!

It's just that he has seen Articuno, and its ability to freeze the five-layer cave just by breathing is real.

Xiu was a little confused about this but didn't care too much. The information he got now was obvious, there was a lightning bird in the mountains.

But Xiu didn't get impatient, but continued to talk to the mayor about this legend in detail...

After leaving the mayor's house, Xiu seemed a little distracted.

Based on the previous inspection at the power plant and the conversation just now, he basically concluded that the lightning bird was in the mountains.

But why did the lightning bird attack the power plant at that time?

And why did the storm turn into a thunderstorm when it passed here?

It can't be that the lightning bird has the ability to affect natural disasters, right?

Xiu didn't believe it. It's not like he hadn't seen Articuno before. Although it was very strong, it wasn't that strong.

It seemed that the only way to know the answer was to go to the mountains.

Xiu stopped and looked up. The mountains that stretched as far as the eye could see were endless.

The town's Pokémon Center was right on the main road into the mountains.

But there was something strange in that a Pokémon Center in a town of this size shouldn't be too big, but this one was oversized.

"It should be a trace of the prosperity in the past..."

Xiu muttered and walked in. After a quick glance, he didn't expect that there were actually quite a few trainers waiting for treatment here, and they didn't seem to be novices, and they were all in a team, and there was basically no one alone.

Some even had the style of hunters~

But Xiu didn't care too much and went directly to the front desk to book a room.

The resources in the mountains were not as rich as those in the Evergreen Forest, which meant that the survival of the Pokémon was more difficult and the competition was more intense, so the Pokémon that survived must be stronger.

If divided by game area, it is obvious that the challenge difficulty of the mountains is greater than that of the Evergreen Forest.

The difficulty here not only refers to the strength of the elves, but also the harsh environment.

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