Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 862 Mutation

The blue giant was still not satisfied, so he threw it away, and then came to the front, pressing one hand on Gyarados' head, while the other hand was already clenched into a fist.

"Are you convinced?"


Gyarados is not a guy who will give in so easily, even if he is so embarrassed, he will roar.

"Not convinced, right!" The blue giant threw a heavy punch without hesitation, and each punch was smashed on its head.

Gyarados wanted to struggle and resist, but it didn't even have the strength to swing its tail, and it wanted to twist its head but was clamped by the other hand.

All it could do was roar, but now it was no longer as fierce as before, instead it was more like a dying wail.

The blue giant put his fist on Gyarados' head again and asked again: "Are you convinced?"

Gyarados couldn't even open his eyelids now, but he still shuddered when he heard this voice.

Listening to the familiar words and looking at the huge fist, it was a bit like the scene just now.

But it was itself that changed.

The unyielding roar was stuck in its throat, and a strange emotion spread in its heart.

That was fear!

It was powerless against its own weakness!

Gyarados's mind seemed to wander in the long river of history.

It was born in a daze, and then drifted with the flow, all the way from rivers and lakes to the sea.

In the sea, it withstood the test of nature, and then walked the road of life again under the call of fate.

Along the way, it has forgotten how many companions stopped halfway, and this stop is often forever.

It is unwilling to succumb to the route planned by fate, and climbs all the way to here.

Facing despair, it bursts out with a power far more powerful than ordinary companions, which is the power for it to escape from the teeth of the Megalodon.

However, this difficulty does not seem to be overcome by hard work.

Even though it has squeezed out the last bit of strength in its body, it still cannot cross the obstacles set by fate.


It never succumbs to fate, even if aging gradually deprives it of its power over a long period of time, it still jumps towards the waterfall again and again.

Even if I die, I will die on the way forward~

Gyarados will never be a slave!!!

Gyarados was about to roar and fight to the death, but the next punch was merciless.

"I'm asking you a question, why are you distracted?"

This punch directly broke its last courage and became the last straw that overwhelmed Gyarados.

Gyarados stopped struggling and just lay down to wait for death.

Wuwuwu~I didn't feel so aggrieved when I was chased by Megalodon. If you want to kill me, just kill me. Is there such a bully...

Seemingly sensing Gyarados's surrender, Xiu also put down his fist, and his superpowers began to become thinner, until they disappeared completely, and he sat on Gyarados.

Fighting Gyarados is not a simple matter. He also needs a highly tense mental state to control the actions of the construct, which is also a mind-consuming matter.

The tense nerves just after the fight were briefly relaxed, and it was obvious that something wanted to take this opportunity to rush out!

Xiu's face became more and more ugly, his eyes were full of bloodshot, his expression gradually became ferocious as if frozen, but he could feel his breathing gradually becoming heavier, and his chest and abdomen rose and fell more and more slowly.

The desire for killing hidden under the flesh seemed to be condensed into substance.

This situation became more and more obvious, even the Gyarados lying on the ground was awakened by the terrifying fluctuations, but it did not dare to move at all, as if the one sitting on it was not a human but a pure embodiment of killing.

Compared with this human, his violent emotions were completely a younger brother.

At this time, Gyarados only felt that he had returned to the moment of life and death pursuit, and he had become a fragile prey again. The breath that the sharp-toothed giant beast accidentally emitted could crush him, and he could only flee and dared not have the desire to fight back.

On this side, Casey did not have any extra reaction, just watching Xiu silently.

It was not until he was about to be occupied by madness that it floated slowly, and the floating backpack was opened with a slight movement of his mind, and then an egg in the container was taken out and floated towards Xiu.

As soon as he approached Xiu, he seemed to feel an inexplicable attraction.

In Casey's sight, he could see wisps of energy emanating from Xiu's body and then merging into the elf egg, but this was a scene that could not be seen by the naked eye.

Xiu's eyes regained a trace of clarity, and he reached out to take the egg.

In an instant, the attraction increased a little bit, and it seemed that something was peeled off from his body, and then a crisp cracking sound was heard, and a dazzling light burst out from the crack of the elf egg, but it soon converged.

An almost transparent figure appeared in front of Xiu.

And after this figure came out, it seemed to penetrate the mold and directly plunged into Xiu's body, while Casey on the side did not react at all.

The phantom went straight through Xiu's chest, and then brought out a red and black sticky thing.

This thing kept wriggling as if it had life.

However, an even more bizarre scene appeared. The red and black thing actually turned into strands of blood and left Xiu's body and merged into the skeleton phantom.

As the skeleton continued to devour, its body became more solid, and slowly it could be seen clearly.

And the red and black things on Xiu's body gradually became thinner, until they finally disappeared.

And this guy didn't stop. After devouring Xiu's body, he looked at the Gyarados lying next to Xiu.

The Gyarados was startled and was about to resist, but Xiu raised his hand to hold it down.

After a short recovery, Gyarados could easily resist, but at this moment, it was difficult for it to raise such emotions in front of this man, and it didn't move.

But the skeleton ghost didn't care about the communication between the two and went straight into the body of Gyarados.

Gyarados could feel that strange feeling and began to feel restless.

Xiu seemed to have noticed something, and the hand holding it down patted it lightly, smiling and explaining lightly.

"Be good~ This is good for you."

Sure enough, the skeleton ghost came out of Gyarados and pulled out a strand of light red thick lines, and then sucked it into its mouth.

The body of the skeleton ghost became more and more solid, and gradually it had a physical texture.

But after just a short while, the things on Gyarados were swallowed up, and the appearance of the skeleton stopped changing.

Xiu has stabilized here, looking a little weak, but no longer the same as before.

He is looking at the skull face.

"Sure enough, it feeds on negative energy." Xiu looked at this guy and smiled bitterly: "Night Patrol Spirit, I have put a lot of thought into you~"

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