Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 871 Group Interests

Xiu is now on the mountainside. Looking out, he can see a fairly large area. Originally, Xiu thought that the number of Butterfree would be much less after being robbed by those elves. However, when more and more Butterfree flew out of the forest, Xiu was still a little shocked.

This number is too terrifying!

Xiu realized that the scene just now was not limited to his side, but the whole mountain, or even further, to the mountains.

But Xiu could not see farther, because his vision was covered by those flying Butterfree.

They were constantly gathering together and flying in groups in the sky.

The whole sky was occupied by Butterfree. At least, there was nothing more to see except this.

The situation of covering the sky and the earth lasted for about half an hour, and then Xiu saw those Butterfree slowly dispersed and then disappeared into the mountains.

Xiu, who had almost watched the whole ceremony, gradually recovered from that scene.

He did not expect that Butterfree would evolve collectively, and the scene was so spectacular.

Originally, he had no interest in this thing, but the scene just now gave him a different feeling.

Sure enough, life is full of miracles!

But when Xiu retracted his gaze from the sky, he found some interesting phenomena.

It was the still hanging iron pupa, but the difference was that its body was covered with cracks, and some dark green juice was oozing out of it, pulling out a long thread and dripping on the ground.

Xiu approached and observed carefully, and found that there were still signs of life, but it was very weak and was still rapidly declining.

It was determined that there was basically no hope, so Xiu used his superpowers to scan the material inside the broken shell.

It was a collection of broken meat and blood, and there was more of a sticky jelly inside.

This immediately attracted his attention, and he silently observed for a moment until it died completely, and the material under the shell basically dripped on the ground.

Xiu carefully collected a little, looking at the slightly disgusting sticky liquid in the container in his hand, he already had some ideas, but this still needs more in-depth research.

Turning back and taking a quick look, there were many similar Metapods that failed to evolve. It seemed that not all evolutions would succeed, and the price of failure was very heavy~


Xiu squatted down and used his superpowers to poke the little Rattata lying on the ground. It was now covered with a layer of gray-white scales. Although there were still signs of life, it was more of a pain.

It was dead.

After taking back his superpowers, Xiu gave its evaluation directly.

Xiu did not stay for too long. After packing up his things, he headed towards the target.

It was just that he rarely paid attention to the green caterpillar, Metapod and Butterfree along the way.


"So that's it~"

Xiu wrote the last word and closed the notebook.

During this period, he conducted in-depth observations and research on the situation of Metapods. He checked hundreds of Metapods along the way and tracked Butterfree.

After collecting all the information, he roughly understood why they had such habits.

The reason was still on the issue of [Survival Strategy].

Green caterpillars are basically the backup food for most elves, but after evolving into iron shell pupa, they have a certain degree of defense, which can reduce the interest of most predators in them.

It's not because the shell is so strong that no elves can break it, but even if they break it and eat it, it's not worth the loss.

Because the energy you replenish after eating may not be as much as the energy consumed by breaking the shell.

All elves are for survival, and they are very clear about this account.

Of course, there will be some elves who are full and will not take the usual path, but this is not within the scope of research.

So in simple terms, when green caterpillars desperately eat and rely on their own kind to fight for the capital to continue to survive.

But after evolution, they still can't get rid of their embarrassing identity, and can only continue to lie dormant on the tree and wait for the opportunity.

And this is the scene that Xiu saw before. Their evolution is not the conventional evolution of accumulating enough energy or meeting some special conditions.

Instead, they wait. Even if they have the capital to evolve, they will still lie dormant on the tree.

What they are waiting for is not anything else, but waiting for more green caterpillars around them to evolve into iron shell pupa, and then waiting for more iron shell pupa to complete the transformation and step into the ranks of evolution.

In order to wait for this opportunity, some Metapods will even remain motionless for several months until there are enough companions in the surrounding area.

At this time, they will be ready to evolve, but before that, there is usually a secondary condition, that is, the surrounding environment must be relatively safe.

And it is obvious that the previous rainstorm is a very suitable time. After all, most of the elves are hiding from the rain, and the density of predators is much reduced.

Of course, this condition is not necessary. If there is no other way, they will take the risk to evolve.

And that day, it was indeed Xiu's appearance that alarmed them, making them mistakenly think that the elves who took refuge had returned, and then they began to evolve.

And the evolutionary conditions they prepared for so long were soon used in the subsequent evolution process.

The reason is that the evolution of Metapods requires the active breaking of the shell, and when cracks appear in their shells, they will attract countless predators who want to share a piece of the pie.

This time they don't need to waste their energy, they can just eat the meat along the gap.

You should know that the Metapods are not protected by Beedrills like the Iron Shell Pupa, so they can only face those Pokémons directly.

The [Survival Strategy] from the Caterpillar period is activated, using the lives of their companions to buy time for evolution.

It's a bit tragic to say, which is why they wait for their companions to evolve collectively.

However, it is obvious that the overwhelming scene of the Butterfree that Xiu saw at that time indirectly shows that this is really useful.

And when the first evolution is completed and becomes Butterfree, it will use the release of scale powder to disperse those Pokémons and provide protection for subsequent companions.

That's why Xiu saw that the hatched Butterfrees did not leave immediately, but instead hovered around, and consumed precious energy to sprinkle scale powder.

Soon the second and third ones repeated the behavior of the first one, spreading the scale powder, until the number of them was enough, and they could even directly cover the entire area.

Generally, most predators who have experienced this scene will retreat, after all, if they are caught, they may become food for other hunters.

As for those who are greedy and have no restraint, they can only wait for death under the scales.

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