Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 876 Immunity and Restraint

Electric Beast's fingers flashed with lightning, and an arc of electricity instantly pierced through the air and touched Sandslash.

Sandslash was already nervous, and after being attacked, his body subconsciously resisted. The scales on his body suddenly stood up, like countless overlapping blades, which gave people a very sharp feeling just by looking at them.

Electic Beast didn't expect Sandslash to react so strongly. His body instantly retreated and distanced himself, showing a strong desire to attack.

Xiu slowly opened his eyes and stopped the two, and then slowly recalled the feeling just now.

Unfortunately, it was too fast, and Sandslash's reaction was so intense that it directly covered up that feeling.

Xiu gave up this and looked at Sandslash and asked: "Did you feel anything just now? Or pain or something?"

Sandslash had calmed down and found that he was really not injured. He thought about it and didn't feel anything just now.

"Do it again." Xiu waved to Electic Beast, and he took out a metal wire for the two of them to hold.

Doing experiments and research is never an easy thing...

After a series of research, Xiu finally stopped the test, and Electabuzz and Sandsang looked a little tired, and there was an extra Mantis next to them.

Xiu didn't rush to summarize his thoughts, but put down his notes and took out food to give them.

By the way, he also put out the Jigglypuff and everyone started eating.

Because it's already evening.

Electabuzz should have never been in contact with humans before, so it's natural that it has a little rejection of artificial food.

On the contrary, Electabuzz has a strong acceptance ability as a child, so he tried to eat it.

Of course, it is also possible that Electabuzz is still on guard against him and dare not eat what he gives.

"I don't need these means to catch you. I just consumed a lot. Even if you have a problem with me, you have to eat first."

After Xiu finished speaking, he made dinner by himself, without paying too much attention to it.

Unless wild Pokémon are gregarious, most of them prefer to be alone. Being with strangers will only cause them stress. Although they don't show it directly, they can't relax in this state, and some even have a reaction to guard their food.

Eating represents relaxation for most creatures, so they need a space that makes them feel safe to relax.

Xiu actively keeps a distance to give it this sense of security.

In fact, Xiu also has this, that is, in places like restaurants and canteens, he often subconsciously looks for corners with few people, and he is most afraid of strangers sitting nearby.

Basically, all creatures will try to choose a safe place before eating.

After Xiu let it go, the tentacles on the head of the electric beast jumped out of small arcs, as if communicating with the electric monster in a unique way.

Then it waited until the electric monster was full before it started to eat Xiu's food.

It must be said that it was the first time it tried that strange taste and taste.

Because it was late, Xiu didn't mean to continue the journey, but planned to stay here for one night and then continue to set off tomorrow.

So after eating, he let the elf move, and he began to sort out the information that he had just verified through a large number of experiments.

First of all, pure electric system is indeed useless to Sandslash King, but just like it is afraid of water, its essence still has to return to the characteristics of energy.

And Xiu finally understood why it was called the ground system instead of the earth system.

When the electric current enters the body of Sandshrew, it will be directly transmitted to the earth, which is equivalent to grounding.

However, this is different from humans standing on the ground with a wire in their hands. That thing is dead.

So Xiu said that it was an energy characteristic, because when the ground system energy is in the body of the elf, when the current enters it, it does not flow on the muscles and blood vessels, but is conducted in the ground system energy, which is equivalent to the current being connected to the ground by another wire, not passing through the body, that is, the body is in an insulated state.

In depth, it is similar to the characteristic that the ground system energy is easily soluble in water. The electric system energy is very easy to dissolve in the ground system energy.

So when a ground system elf's body is filled with energy and stands on the ground, it is equivalent to being directly connected to the entire earth.

As long as the current does not exceed the threshold, it is immune to a certain extent.

But there are also a few interesting details here.

That is, the channel composed of the ground system energy also has a limit like the wire. Once it exceeds the limit, it is very likely to cause damage.

However, because of the danger, Xiu did not dare to joke with Sandslash's life, but this limit does exist, but it is very large in theory.

Another thing is that if Sandslash is isolated from the ground, this immunity still exists, but it will be greatly discounted.

Because the electric energy cannot be transmitted, flowing in its body will consume the ground energy to offset it.

Although the offset ratio is very high, the consumption is real, and once the energy is consumed and no complete channel is built, the current will pass through its body and cause damage.

In fact, it is not completely harmless, because the arc will generate huge power when it touches the organism, such as the pits struck by lightning everywhere on the ground, and the feedback to the flesh is burns.

This damage depends on the physical condition of the Pokémon. For example, Geodude is not very afraid of this. Their bodies are covered with a thick layer of rocks, plus the energy in their bodies.

Unless there is thunder, the electric shock of these ordinary Pokémon will not work at all.

And Sandsang King has a body of scales, which is quite resistant to this.

But in this process, Xiu discovered another very interesting situation.

That is the characteristic influence between steel energy and electric energy.

For this reason, he also found Mantis and Sandsang King to conduct a comparative experiment.

Steel energy also has a certain conductivity, but it is not as exaggerated as the ground energy to form a non-diffusion channel. A considerable part of it will still pass through the body and cause damage.

Even because of this conductivity, the electric energy can infect the whole body faster, which is equivalent to a wet body electric shock for humans, causing greater damage.

The more important point is that the electric energy flowing in the steel energy cannot be directly introduced into the ground, which is the key problem.

Moreover, the offset ratio of steel and electric energy is relatively poor, and the loss is too large, so the previous fight between Mantis and Du's Dragonite used insect energy to disperse the electric energy that invaded the body.

In general, the ground system resists the electric system, and the electric system restrains the steel system.

An interesting point is that the steel energy on Sandsang King not only does not weaken its ability to avoid electricity, but on the contrary strengthens it. The better conductivity makes the current stay on it for less time.

This combination is very interesting to some extent.

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