A minivan drove into the city, then slowly slowed down and finally stopped on the side of the road.

Someone got out of the car and turned around to wave, "Thank you, brother!"

"It's okay, it's all on the way." The driver said with a smile and drove away.

And the person standing on the roadside also focused on this strange city.

"Hualan City~"

This person passed through the mountains and walked in the mountains for almost a month before returning to the area of ​​human activity.

In fact, the main time-consuming part is dealing with various elves in the early stage and observing and recording research.

After seeing the Lightning Bird, I didn't know whether it was because of the Lightning Bird's aura or whether the feather had special powers. Anyway, the road was smooth and no elves came to harass him.

The records and research on the mountains were almost collected in the early stage, and they were basically the same later so I didn’t spend too much time there.

Most of the time I was on the road, but it took me almost ten days to get out of the mountains and reach a small town.

That edge town happened to have trucks coming and going, so he stopped by.

There was no way. There was no computer in that town connected to the outside world. Xiu, who had been offline for more than a month, urgently needed to get online to confirm the change in the situation.

Don't come back then and see that your home is gone.

Fatigue was about to swallow up his sanity, Xiu had no choice but to quickly find a room at the elf center here.

After a brief cleaning, he lay down his body directly.

It took me half a day to wake up from this sleep.

It's just that he seems to be resurrected, full of energy, and not as sluggish as before.

It must be said that the power at that time not only repaired the damage to his body, but also enhanced his physical fitness, and the energy recovery speed increased significantly.

It's just that that power still cannot be used by him, and will only play a role at critical moments.

But if you practice not to be greedy, this is already good.

It was still afternoon, after lunch time but not yet dinner time, and there was probably nothing to eat in the restaurant below. Xiu could only find some snacks to make do with, and then turned on the computer to see what happened during this period.

The mailbox is full of letters, just deal with the interpersonal ones briefly, and then the main situation comes.

Obara has launched dual express and logistics businesses.

The company's fragmented media industries have also been adjusted and integrated to form many new departments. Now they are considering whether to create a TV station or acquire established ones.

The Heiyun City incident is not over yet. The company has arranged a whole team to fight for compensation for local residents, and this accident has the support of Joey.

This is not because Xiu is kind-hearted, but if he doesn't drag all those factories to death, how could he get involved?

Therefore, those sweatshops must go bankrupt, and they must be destroyed if they are not destroyed.

Anyway, some people continued to talk about this, Xiu didn't pay much attention to it.

There wasn't much going on with Shiori, it was basically just a report on the situation.

For example, the situation of Qian Yang and Xiao Chun, the joining of Dr. Akihabara and Dr. Fuji, the recent situation of the research institute and the company, etc.

Of course there is also the personal matter, namely the situation with the elf.

Her unicorn beetle has evolved into an iron-shelled pupa.

There is one thing Xiu is more concerned about, and that is the investigation team he arranged in advance in Heiyun City.

Sure enough, some factories could no longer bear the temptation to run away, taking away the wages of factory employees. Anyway, Heiyun City is in an extremely chaotic situation right now.

Xiu naturally knew that this was a vacuum period, and Alliance, Joey, and Junsha were all re-entering, and this would take time, so there was room for maneuver during the free period.

And after looking through the recent statements, the amounts are millions and millions of output. If it weren't for his strong foundation, he would have been completely wiped out.

Fortunately, the company's profitability has recovered after the integration.

But Shaozhi still has some strength and manages the company well. At least it looks good on the books, which can alleviate some of the pressure.

Although more money is still being spent now, this is all paving the way, as long as it is spent meaningfully.

It is a pity that under this situation, it is impossible to start the power plant project in a short period of time, but there is nothing that can be done.

Xiuwo sat in front of the computer to handle the matter. In fact, there was nothing to deal with. All he had to do was reply and give instructions, and the remaining subordinates would arrange it.

Then I sorted out the harvest from the mountains from my notebook.

I have to say that the mountains are really rich in harvest.

You can observe some elves that are rarely seen in other places, as well as various materials that are rare outside.

At the same time, we also encountered rare scenes such as the migration of the Magikarp, the evolution of the Gyarados, and the evolution of the armored pupa group.

Unrecorded elf electric beasts and electric monsters were also discovered.

At the same time, he conducted an in-depth study of the capabilities and characteristics of the electric system and the ground system, and learned about the special properties of the steel system.

Not to mention the most important thing, coming into contact with the legendary elves, and seeing the lightning bird digesting.

It can be said that this trip is well worth it.

Xiu sorted out some of his gains from his notes and sent them to Dr. Omu in encrypted form.

He still has a lot of unopened illustrations on hand, so it is very simple to take out a spare one.

I seemed to have remembered something. After finishing these things, I logged into the forum and found that there were many more posts.

The illustrated guide began to be tested, and the number of users increased.

And Xiu also gave away a lot, and the ones that can get illustrated books now are basically related to elves.

With Professor Oak's connections, the posts were either trainers, researchers, or doctors.

So the quality of the posts was very high. Xiu looked at them and picked some that he knew to answer.

Xiu knew that the forum might become chaotic as the number of people increased, so he had to prepare in advance to divide some sections and add restrictions, otherwise it would become very chaotic.

Poor management is often the reason why the forum becomes a trash can. What he wants to do is to be a professional communication forum, so he must control it well.

Of course, Xiu was unwilling to give up those traffic, so he took the approach of adding restrictions to separate the crowd instead of eliminating them.

Xiu also found some help posts, so he planned to open another task platform to accept tasks and transfer rewards.

That is, someone needs to post a task directly online, and the person who accepts the task can enter to view and accept the task he needs.

You can transfer the rewards and task items offline or online through the forum.

This is estimated to have many problems, not to mention how to adjust the conflict of interests between the person who posts the task and the person who accepts the task, and this is the interest of the Pokémon Center.

You should know that Joey also charges a proportionate amount when you post tasks at the Pokémon Center. If all trainers post tasks online, then...

It is certain that there will be resistance, but this is also the prototype of online shopping. Xiu must seize the opportunity and transfer directly after accumulating enough experience.

Of course, the tasks must be reviewed. Some anti-human ones can be returned to the black market. That thing is the trash can.

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