Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 892: Figure in the Mist

"Then why are you staying here?" Xiu smiled and raised the chopsticks in his hand to point at the equipment, "Don't tell me that I am learning from Dr. Oak."

Speaking of this, Zhenghui could only shake his head helplessly.

"I am here to learn from the teacher~ I am just trapped by a research."

"Then wouldn't it be better for you to go to my place? I will give you the greatest degree of freedom, the latest equipment, sufficient funds, and I also have several very powerful doctors there, so there will be topics for you to talk about."

"Oh~ What other talents are there in your junior brother's place?" Zhenghui smiled and looked quite curious.

"You have to wait for you to find out, but Dr. Akihabara should have common topics with you, he also studies computers."

"The guy from Akihabara?" Zhenghui looked a little strange.

Originally, he just wanted to tease him, but he didn't expect that this junior brother really had some ability.

He also knew Akihabara, who was as popular as himself back then, but later he heard that he was involved in a project and there was no news.

But he was no different~

"How about it? Are you interested in coming?" Xiu reminded him when he saw him suddenly stunned.

"No~" Zhenghui shook his head slowly, "I can only do my research here."

"What research? Maybe I can help you."

"Hahaha!" Zhenghui suddenly laughed and said half-jokingly: "If you can help me solve it, I will agree to help you."

"You'd better tell me first." Xiu didn't rush to boast.

Prudence and humility are virtues.

But the expression on his face became more and more weird when he heard Zhenghui's words.

Xiu understood why Zhenghui stayed here and lived alone and didn't want to leave.

It's not that he was withdrawn or suffered any blows, but simply because he came here for sightseeing by chance that year.

Generally, the sunset here is very beautiful, so there will be many people waiting for the arrival of the sunset here. Normal people will go back after watching it when it gets dark.

But he found some elf wreckage washed ashore on the beach and was studying it. Anyway, when he reacted, it was already dark, and there was no one in the whole cape.

And on this night, he saw a very strange scene at the cape, which even directly changed the trajectory of his life.

At that time, the sun had already set into the sea, and the entire coast was surrounded by the rising sea fog. The weak sea breeze was difficult to disperse. On the contrary, as the night deepened, the entire cape was in the fog.

"Fortunately, the moon was particularly bright that night, and even the thick fog could not completely cover it..."

Zhenghui seemed to have returned to that night, with an extremely focused expression, as if he had completely ignored Xiu's existence.

As he told the story, Xiu seemed to follow him back to that night.

On that night, ordinary people would definitely find a way to leave, and Zhenghui was the same, but there were no cars at that time, and it was even more impossible to walk back.

Fortunately, he still remembered the lighthouse he had visited during the day, and he groped forward in the mist with his memory, and soon came to the ruins of the lighthouse.

At that time, the lighthouse had been in disrepair for a long time, and the gate was locked, and the old house next to it was also extremely dilapidated, but the gate was still strong, directly blocking him who had no means outside.

So he was forced to wait under the lighthouse to spend the long night.

Fortunately, there were often people coming here, so there were no wild elves, and as a believer in science, he was fearless.

It was only until late at night that some noises woke him up.

According to Zhenghui, "The low roar was accompanied by the ups and downs of the waves."

Anyway, when he opened his eyes, he saw a huge black shadow in the distance on the seashore. Although it was in the thick fog, the outline could be vaguely seen.

Because the figure was so huge that it could not be covered by fog at all.

"That's Dragonite!" Zhenghui's emotions suddenly became excited, and he seemed to be afraid that Xiu would not believe it, so he kept repeating to him.

"I must be right, that's Dragonite!"

"That's definitely Dragonite."

"This is the first time I've seen such a big Dragonite."


Looking at Zhenghui who was a little crazy, Xiu didn't mean to deny it, but asked a question.

"So you stayed here to find that Dragonite?"

Zhenghui paused, and seemed to realize that he was a little out of control. His emotions gradually subsided, and he nodded slightly to admit it.

"Yes, I've been waiting for it to appear again."

"Hmm~" Xiu didn't react much, as if he was lost in thought.

Xiu knew that for a fanatical Pokémon lover like Zhenghui, that super-large Pokémon was indeed shocking, not to mention that it was a Dragonite.

It was precisely because of that fanatical love that he could wait here boringly for the arrival of the Dragonite~

"Don't you believe me either?"

Zhenghui saw Xiu in a daze and realized something, and could only smile bitterly with a little helplessness.

He said these words to many people, but most people didn't understand him. The only one who could really support and understand him was his grandfather.

"No, no, no~" Xiu woke up from his thoughts and raised his hand and waved, "I think giant Pokémon do exist."

Zhenghui heard Xiu's words and a perfunctory smile appeared on his face.

Many people say this, but how many people really believe it?

But Xiu's next sentence surprised him.

"Because I have also come into contact with many giant Pokémon."


"I have some more information in my hand." Xiu ignored Zhenghui who looked surprised, and put down his bowl and chopsticks to start looking through the illustrated book.

After a while, he handed over the photo.

"I have come across more than one Pokémon that is larger than my companions during my journey. This is a photo of me and a giant Onix."

Xiu was not lying. He had seen quite a few large Pokémon along the way.

Giant Onix, Overlord Venusaur, three super ancient Pokémon, and the mutant Slime from Black Cloud City.

Zhenghui also reacted and hurriedly took the illustrated book. He was so excited that he almost jumped up when he saw the giant Onix that was far larger than its kind.

He fell into a kind of madness.

Xiu quickly took the illustrated book back and pressed it down with one hand.

"Calm down. In fact, individual differences are very common among Pokémon, just like some people can grow to two meters tall, while others are dwarfs. They are rare, but not non-existent."

"That means that Giant Dragonite really exists!" Zhenghui seemed to not understand what Xiu said and fell into a strange state.

Xiu understood this. The evidence in his hand could prove the rationality of Giant Dragonite's existence from the side.

But it was only limited to rationality.

It could not be used as evidence to prove the existence of Giant Dragonite.

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