Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 895 Golden City

Xiu sat in the corner of the bus, ignoring the noisy carriage, but slightly turned his head to look outside the bus.

From Hualan City to Jinhuang City, you only need to go south. The mountains are not here, but you can see the mountains in the distance from the bus.

It took me a month to cross this distance, but now it only takes less than half a day to drive on the flat road.

"Tourists! We will soon arrive in Jinhuang City. Jinhuang City is the most prosperous city in the Kanto region. There are..."

A shout sounded, and then some attractions in Jinhuang City began to be explained.

It was a tour group. Every day, a large number of such tourists came from different places just to see the prosperity of Jinhuang City.

However, listening to the guide's introduction, Xiu felt a strange emotion.

Everyone only saw the prosperity and splendor outside Jinhuang City, but could not see the ugliest twisted desire hidden deep inside.

Don't forget that he escaped from Golden City...

Golden City is indeed of great significance to him~

The memories from his previous life revived in his mind, and Xiu's eyes gradually turned cold as he looked outside.

The vehicle quickly drove into the suburbs, and the horror of Golden City could be seen from here alone.

No matter how prosperous the urban areas of other cities are, there are usually few people in the suburbs, because it is a buffer zone between the city and the wild, and it is easy to encounter elves.

But here in the suburbs, you can still see many buildings and people coming and going.

Another point is the scale of the city. Although it is generally called a city, its scale is nothing compared to those in his previous life.

For example, Hualan City actually has a permanent population of only 200,000, which was the level of a county in the past.

As far as he knows, Golden City is the only city in the Kanto region with a population of one million.

Of course, this includes a large number of floating population, but it is undeniable that it is indeed exaggerated and rare in the world.

No wonder he felt the oppression brought by the super giant city in Golden City today.

A flesh-and-blood machine that drained countless lives to feed itself, but more people threw themselves on it without hesitation, vying to be squeezed and then eliminated.

And it was obvious that he had been drained once, so he always had a certain aversion to this kind of city.

Coupled with the memories of the orphanage, Xiu also understood why he had always been resisting this city.

Fear of meeting Xiaoyuan was just an excuse...

The car stopped at the station in the suburbs. After several expansions, Jinhuang City has five stations located around the city with huge passenger traffic every day.

Xiu got off the bus with the crowded crowd and looked at everything around him.

Just looking up, you can see the huge buildings towering in the city. Among the tall buildings, there is one that stands out and is much taller than the surrounding ones.

Xiu didn't need to guess that it was the headquarters of Silver Company, the most famous Silver Building in Jinhuang City.

But when he glanced around, he found that he didn't know anything else except that.

How strange it was~

In his memory, the only thing about Golden City was the crowded and dark room in the orphanage. The only time he saw Golden City was when he escaped on a rainy night.

But that night, he was afraid of being caught up, so he didn't see anything and went into the suburbs until he fell there.

Fortunately, the exaggerated size of Golden City made there were no elves in the surrounding suburbs, otherwise he would have been torn apart by the little Rada.

Xiu looked around indifferently.

Not only tourists but also many dreamers came out of the station. They were eager to gain a foothold in this big city and make a name for themselves.

But most of them probably left sadly and waited for the next batch of moths to continue to fly over.

Xiu didn't care about these, just found a direction and walked.

Golden City was prosperous, but it didn't give him too many surprises. He had seen too many cities, and this one still couldn't escape that circle.

Walking on the street, Xiu felt a little out of place, which reminded him of the uneasiness and uneasiness when he first came to a big city in his previous life.

Or maybe the energy in his body was rejecting these unnatural creations.

But since I'm here, why not take a walk~


"Sister Yuan! I'm leaving first~"

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, and the door of the office opened a crack, and a girl stretched out half of her body and shouted inside.

Xiao Yuan, who was working at her desk, looked up slightly and nodded in response.

"Well~ Go ahead."

After sending the secretary away, Xiao Yuan realized that it was already time to get off work.

However, the company has been developing steadily during this period, and there is not much work on hand, so there is no need to work overtime or even take work home to deal with.

"Ah~" Xiao Yuan stretched her waist, and then gently rubbed her neck with her hand.

Although the workload has been reduced, the company's affairs of all sizes still make her physically and mentally exhausted.

After packing up and picking up her things, she can see that most of the employees outside have already left.

This is the rule of their company. Basically, overtime is not allowed, and everyone leaves when the time is off.

"Hello, Miss Yuan."

"Boss Yuan, we're leaving first."


"Okay, be careful on the road."

Listening to the greetings from the employees along the way, Xiao Yuan basically responded with a smile, or talked about some light topics, looking very harmonious.

But soon everyone separated, because she had to go to the underground garage to pick up the car, and most ordinary employees commute by public transportation.

But at this time, a strangely dressed person appeared from nowhere and followed her into the deserted garage, and at this time the person quickened his pace.

Xiao Yuan, who was walking in front, seemed to have noticed something and quickened his pace. The dense footsteps echoed in the empty garage.

But the distance between the two was still shrinking, and soon Xiao Yuan heard the sound behind him.

She knew very well that she had touched the interests of many people in the affairs of Heiyun City. Some time ago, the newspaper director under her was beaten by thugs. If the police had not come quickly, it would be troublesome!

Knowing that she could not avoid it, she suddenly pulled out her hand in the bag, and a Poké Ball was brought out.

A red light flashed, and Pichu appeared beside her.

Before Xiao Yuan could react more, the Pichu rushed directly towards the figure, and then Xiao Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed.


Hurryingly turned around to find Pichu's figure.

Then I saw...

Pichu actually jumped on the person and rubbed his face with his cheek very intimately.

When Xiaoyuan saw the face of the person clearly in the dark environment, her expression suddenly changed and she exclaimed: "Xiu!"

Xiu supported Pichu with one hand, and only looked over when he heard her words, and smiled: "Long time no see~"

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