Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 904: A monkey in human form

The old man didn't care about so much at this moment. He fell to the ground and stretched out his trembling hand towards the medicine. However, the distance that was within reach on weekdays was like a chasm at this moment.

Finally, the hand that was stretched out stopped, and the distance between the fingertips and the pills was only two or three centimeters.

"Help him recall before his death."

Xiu's expression became calm, as if the appearance just now was not him.

Xiu flipped through the memory of this person and learned some things about this family.

This guy is a very pure capitalist. He will do anything for money. He has directly or indirectly harmed many people. It is not a pity to die.

The so-called Okamoto family is actually not worthy of the name. They are neither a surname passed down from ancient times like Dr. Oak, nor a group of new nobles that appeared when the alliance was established.

He just created a company called Okamoto and took it as his surname.

And his wish is to consolidate the foundation and then truly develop the Okamoto family.

Otherwise, he would not give up designating an heir, but let his children compete for it, just to decide the heir who is more beneficial to the family.

But his surname is not only meaningless, but also the object of ridicule by the real nobles.

A monkey in a human costume only adds to the laughter.

After getting the things in his memory, Xiu turned to look at the wall behind him, which opened automatically before he approached. It was a secret compartment, and every piece of information placed in it was related to the life and death of the Okamoto family.

Most of them were his own drug formulas and research results, as well as some messy contracts, official documents, reports, etc.

Only he knew these things, and only the heir was qualified to know them.

Those formulas only need to be photographed, there is no need to take them away, and those contracts are useless to him.

Xiu sorted the things, leaving the drug formulas and contracts, and taking the rest away.

The secret compartment closed automatically, Xiu glanced at the salted fish, and disappeared in the next second, and the originally quiet room gradually heard slight noises from the outside world.

It was only a little after ten o'clock when Xiu returned to the room of the Elf Center, but he had no intention of stopping, and turned on the computer to find Shiori.


"I received a message..."

Xiu changed the subject and told Xiaoyuan about the dilemma she was facing.

"What do you want to do, boss?"

"Don't we also have a pharmaceutical division? Let them go to that company and tell them that we are cooperating, claiming to purchase a large amount of materials, and then find a more secretive channel to get a batch of their drugs and put them on the market with our brand.

They will definitely buy materials again if the market is occupied, and then we will work together to raise the price of the materials. At that time, the company's money will be returned in full, and we will share the money of several major drug dealers."

"But now we take the opportunity to lower the price and buy up that kind of material in large quantities, and then eat both sides, isn't it good?"

Shiori's words made Xiu pause for a second.

Good guy! You want all~

"This matter requires the cooperation of both parties to withstand the pressure from the other party. You don't really think those drug dealers are simple, do you?

Even if you make a lot of money by eating the two companies this time, what about the next time? Our pharmaceutical factory also needs materials to develop better, and they have almost monopolized the channels.

Making money this time is secondary. The main purpose is to fight those drug dealers to gain development space for ourselves. The second is to establish a good relationship with that company for win-win cooperation."

"Understood." Shiori didn't say much, just nodded calmly.

"I will send you some information later. You can find a few professionals to see if our pharmaceutical factory can do it, or improve it to become our product."

It is very simple to break the situation. It must be done from both inside and outside.

Inside, Xiu provoked the internal fight of the Okamoto family. At this moment, they probably don't have time to take care of this matter.

Outside, launch a triple offensive to seize the market, monopolize materials, and manipulate prices. When their own interests are damaged, the so-called covenant of the drug dealers can be broken at the touch of a finger.

He has arranged everything without Obara knowing.

Difficulties are only relative in front of different people.

After finishing these things, Xiu seemed to be more relaxed and chatted with Shiori.

It was already late at night when the call was disconnected, but Xiu did not want to rest. He sat on the chair and pondered for a while before getting up.

But he soon disappeared into the room again.

The next morning, Xiu sent Xiaoyuan to the parking lot downstairs of the company as he did yesterday.

"I'll go to work first."

"Wait!" Xiu stopped Xiaoyuan who wanted to get off the car and handed her a document, "You can deal with this when you have time."

"What is this?" Xiaoyuan opened it directly, but after a few glances, she could vaguely feel anger in her eyes.

"I'll take care of it."

After saying that, she got up and walked out of the car. It was just that she looked completely different from the happiness at the beginning. Instead, she had a stern face and her eyes were full of anger.

When Xiaoyuan entered the office, her appearance caused discussion among the employees.

"What's wrong with the boss today?"

"It was fine yesterday, why is it like this today?"

"I don't know~ Anyway, I know it's best not to cause trouble today."


Soon a man appeared in the company and entered the office, and the employees understood what happened.

"It's that guy Shota."

"Someone must have touched that line~"

"Deserve it!"

"It's just that the company's treatment is pretty good, but there are still people who have misguided ideas."

Good sound insulation in the office blocks outside discussions and also blocks the sounds inside.

"Look at this." Xiao Yuan, who was sitting on the boss's chair, threw the document out casually.

At this moment, she was as cold as ice, and her whole body exuded the aura of a superior person.

The young man named Shota stood opposite the desk, picking up the document and reading it.

When he saw the situation recorded above, Shota's expression changed and he lowered his head towards the boss.

"I was derelict in my duties and failed to live up to my boss's expectations of me."

"You go and control these people, and then act according to the contract." Obara didn't mean to talk nonsense at all, and directly gave a solution.

Xiang Tai hesitated for a moment and asked carefully: "Should we investigate first? After all, the situation above is a bit serious, and the recent situation in the company..."

Of course Obara could hear what he meant. It was simply that the spread of this kind of news would have a great impact on the company, especially at this time.

"You don't have to worry about this, just do as I say."

"Yes!" Xiang Tai agreed directly without any further nonsense.

Just when he was about to leave, Xiao Yuan suddenly said something incomprehensible.

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