Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 914 I am Order

"But it shouldn't be... Xiu why..." Du said and got stuck. Shouldn't this kind of thing be investigated by the police system?

"Xiu grew up in this orphanage and escaped. It's normal for him to investigate this."

As he spoke, Senmu also had some enlightenment, and said to himself: "No wonder the information I wanted to find Xiu was cut off over there. It turned out that there was a pair of big hands blocking it~"

"Teacher, why don't we deal with it instead of waiting for Xiu to negotiate terms with us?"

Du's words brought Morimu's attention back. He knew his student's personality well, so he didn't blame him for his words, but explained.

"Because we cannot represent the alliance, this matter involves the Adams family. Although the information he gave is not detailed, my intuition tells me that this matter cannot be so simple. Do you think ordinary people can afford those things?"

"Noble?" Du asked tentatively.

However, Morimu had no intention of explaining, and instead said: "This matter may cause an uproar in the entire Golden City or even Kanto. Although we don't want to admit it, we do not have the strength to bear it."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Du had been with Morimu for so long, so he knew something about it.

"Another thing is that the role of the police is to maintain order, and you should know who established this order. If we act blindly, we will face attacks from most seats.

Don’t you know what happened some time ago? If this kid Xiu hadn't blocked it for you, you would probably be the one who died. "

"But the Adams family can't even get a seat. Even if he has connections, he can only get one seat at most. Why are we afraid of him?"

"Interests!" Morimu stressed, "The alliance is connected through interests. Those seats don't care what Adams did. They are safeguarding their own power. We can deal with Adams today, and we can deal with them tomorrow. So what we need to deal with is all the seats, got it?”

Du suddenly felt a huge pressure, and even his breathing became suppressed, as if there was a big stone pressing on his chest.

The anger just now seemed to be annihilated, along with courage, but what followed was sadness, anger and powerlessness.

This is the life of tens of thousands of children! How dare they...

Looking at Du's appearance, Morimu frowned slightly, slapped the table and shouted angrily at Du:

"Remember, we are the police! The maintainers of order! Backing down has never been our creed. We are not afraid of death. Have you forgotten your oath?"

Morimu's words woke Du from his trance. Thinking of his original oath, Du's expression began to become firm.

"I didn't forget!"

Morimu nodded slowly in agreement, then resumed his calm tone and continued speaking.

“I’m not saying this to make you flinch, I just want you to know who our enemy is and where it is.

The power of order is too small compared to chaos, so we must be more cautious when facing things. We must learn to preserve our strength, strengthen the power of order, and use our power in the most reasonable place. We must not become those people. tool.

If you want to be a good person, you must be more cunning and cunning than the bad people, otherwise you will not be a good person, but a dead person. "

“Students understand.”

"No, you don't understand~" Morimu shook his head slowly, "Xiu clearly wants to use us. Although Joey Junsha is stronger than us, they don't have many manpower, and they won't be evil, so they want to We have to control the situation, that’s why Xiu came to us.”

After hearing this, Du fell into thinking.

Joey Junsha's influence is mainly concentrated on trainers. Among the people, it is basically the police who maintain order. Of course, this reputation is not very good.

There's no way around it, it will definitely become complicated when there are more people.

"So we conserve our strength?" Du asked tentatively.

"No, preserving strength does not mean that you can escape, but that you must flexibly change according to the situation. I didn't agree before because this matter involves too much and we are not capable of handling it. If we have to do it, we will damage our own strength.

Now that Joey Junsha is on our side, the power of order is sufficient. Even if those people fight back, there will be someone to help us share the pressure, so I agreed. "

Du didn't expect that there was so much detail in it.

But before Watanabe could even think about Morimu, he shouted lowly.



"Things like orphanages are no longer disruptive to order, but against humanity. We cannot give in when faced with this kind of thing. We must let the public see that our police have done something to rescue the victims and let the criminals go away. Go inside the prison."


"I will give you the maximum authority to call the police, but according to Xiu, everything in Golden City is probably in ruins, so your actions must be kept secret first. After you find Xiu, you can discuss it with him. It depends on his reaction. When making a decision, you should just observe him, this guy is calm and calm, and you should learn from it."


"Don't be so nervous. You just need to be bold and let go. Show your enthusiasm! I will help you with other problems. If you except me, no one else has to worry about it."

After making simple arrangements, Du hurriedly left here and rushed to Jinhuang City.

Mori Mu was the only one left in the office.

But at this moment, he was no longer as calm as before. Instead, he seemed a little excited. He didn't know what he remembered. His expression changed several times. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"I am order!"

After saying this, he quickly calmed down again, but a hint of old age emerged, and he sat down on the chair dejectedly.

To be honest, he had climbed all the way up until he sat in this position for decades. He had seen a lot of anti-human things.

From the beginning of being filled with righteous indignation and rushing around, to being able to deal with it calmly now, only he knew what price he paid.

Anger can't solve anything, but it will become a weakness.

And he can't have weaknesses, because there are countless policemen behind him. They are everyone who contributes to social order. They are living lives, not a card in his hand.

Every decision he makes is a bet on the lives of those brothers and sisters, so he must abandon personal emotions.

Senmu got up and walked outside. He must take advantage of this time to prepare and provide shelter for the police who participated in the action.

In the face of crime, we respond, as always.

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