"The orphanage is in front of us. I believe you are very clear about it. Wait..."

Xiu was making the final arrangements on the car, and the target was a six-man team of Junsha. Junsha only gave him these few people except the two leaders.

However, they were all elite trainers trained by Junsha. The three Poké Balls on their bodies explained everything, so there was no need to worry about whether they could be controlled.

"Okay! Everyone, wait for my signal." Xiu said without hiding it, and left the car directly.

Everyone did not have any strange reactions when they saw this, but waited for time with a calm face.

According to the plan, Xiu would control the people inside first, and then they would take control of the follow-up.

Xiu climbed to the top floor of the orphanage, and then opened his hands. A super power that ordinary people could not detect spread from Casey and then surrounded the entire building.

And in the next second, Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and the frenzied super power exploded in the orphanage.

An indiscriminate soul shock made all the people in the orphanage fall to the ground without any signs, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

The people lying on the ground stood up again under the control of super powers, moving strangely like puppets.

All the victims walked to the open space in front by themselves, and the perpetrators were all locked up on the big bunk bed.

The cage that originally imprisoned the children became theirs.

The core members of the orphanage were locked up on the second floor, and the director was imprisoned alone.

Under Xiu's control, the door slowly opened. Seeing the signal, the people immediately took action. A disguised van drove in, and the six people who got out of it quickly controlled the entire building according to the plan.

Then several buses drove out and entered the orphanage to pick up the children.

They will be sent to the rescue station, and Joey will provide treatment and ensure their safety.

Xiu raised his hand to check the time. I'm afraid Du has already started.

It's good to cooperate with reliable teammates, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

And he will start to do his business next.

Xiu threw a Poké Ball, and a Hu Di appeared beside him.

This is what he borrowed from Bao Oba. Although Casey can catch those people alone, it will definitely take more time.

Delay will lead to changes!

"Let's do it." As soon as Xiu finished speaking, both of them disappeared from the spot, and several more people appeared in the cells inside the orphanage, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Starting from the single room on the fourth floor and going down, the upper floors of the orphanage will soon be filled. Fortunately, the design capacity of the large bunk bed is sufficient, otherwise they will have to find a place to arrange it.

This is to start from the upper floor to prevent those people from running away.

Xiu is responsible for capturing all people with status and position. After screening, there are more than 300 people on the list. The rest are in charge of the miscellaneous fish.

Casey is responsible for going directly to grab people, while Alakazam rescues the victims.

The power of [Teleportation] was demonstrated today. There is basically no way to resist without preparation. As soon as they meet, they will be hit by a superpower, lose consciousness and be caught here. Even if they are prepared, it is useless.

Who the hell can beat Casey and Alakazam together?

Except for a few exceptions, all the people who can fight in Jinhuang City now stand on his side.

Xiu's order is carefully calculated and has been scouted, so each one is basically about three seconds, and even if there is an error, it is only a few seconds more.

Even the Junsha elite who have seen the world is a little surprised to see this scene.

This ability is too powerful, and the capture efficiency is not at the same level at all.

In less than half an hour, all the targets were captured.

And the overloaded Casey and Alakazam also returned to Xiu's side.

Jigglypuff restored their status, and Xiu also fed them some special nutrients.

In fact, Casey is still in good condition. Its superpowers are unfathomable, and it can completely withstand this consumption.

But Alakazam is a little worse. The quality may be more stable than Casey, but the difference in quantity is a bit large.

"Please say hello to the director for me." Xiu handed over its Poké Ball.

As Bao Ouba's Pokémon, Alakazam should not show its face too much. The most difficult thing has been solved, so there is no need for it to stay.

However, Alakazam did not leave, but went directly into the Poké Ball.

Xiu could only smile bitterly.

The dean was still worried about his own mess, and also worried about others' mess.

Alakazam stayed to protect him and to watch him.

Xiu did not care too much, and put away the Poké Ball instead.

He still had a lot of things to solve.

Walking down, those Junsha people were checking the entire building and then assigning defense tasks.

They just wanted to guard this place so that Xiu could go out and deal with things with peace of mind.

Xiu flashed away and appeared in the rescue station the next second.

This is a warehouse conversion. Xiu arranged enough food, water, clothes and sleeping bags to ensure their survival conditions.

Several large tents were also built here, and the patterns on them indicated that they were Joey's.

And now Joey's people are helping the rescued children to check their bodies and provide treatment.

As for safety~

Xiu looked at the plainclothes girl who did not participate in the treatment. Joey played the nuclear bomb style, and one person was enough.

"I'll go help with the checkup and treatment, you go over there."

After Xiu and Casey talked, they split up.

It is useless for Xiu to go over there, and he would have to waste his superpowers to take him with him. It is most practical to stay here and use his own strength.

Xiu asked Joey's people for a set of professional equipment, and then joined them.

These children rescued from the orphanage usually have various negative conditions.

Malnutrition is basically common, because the food they eat does not contain meat at all, and only those supervisors who are selected are qualified to eat meat once a week.

But in fact, the meat is also pitifully small.

The harsh environment of the big bunk bed caused many children to have some injuries, the difference is the severity.

Xiu still controlled the force at that time. The child was awakened not long after coming here, and then began to go through the process under the guidance of Joey and others.

Before the inspection, the first thing to do is to go to the bathroom that was temporarily converted from the toilet, divided into men and women.

After cleaning, it will be disinfected by staff wearing full body protective equipment.

Except for special patients, they all need to be cleaned and disinfected to prevent infection in the rescue station.

Fortunately, these are basically bald, which is much more convenient.

After the disinfection is completed, you can get a set of clothes and a number, come out of the bathroom and enter the inspection.

Doctors will examine and register their bodies and arrange for them to be placed in different areas according to their conditions.

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