Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 923 Quasi-God

For a Pokémon like Commander Slash, the axe on his head is a symbol of strength that is more important than his life.

This made the giant claw mantis go crazy and rushed towards it.

Seeing this, Xiu just shook his head slowly and whispered: "You can't beat me with this~"

But before he finished speaking, he seemed to have discovered something and turned his head to look to the side.

Because the speed was too fast and the scene was dim, he could only see a shadow and couldn't even see what it was.

And this shadow was constantly approaching.

At the same time, a crow cried in the sky, and the crow leader took off and attacked it at some point.

Xiu didn't react much to the double-sided situation, but just took out a bag from his pocket and opened it.

Inside were twelve knives made of Lada's teeth, which were props used by Casey in his early practice.

Casey opened his eyes and looked at the crow leader. Without much hesitation, he stood up and flew over, and the knives in the bag also flew up under the control of superpowers, and then surrounded Casey.

Casey flew fast and easily caught up with the crow leader. He used his mind to drive his superpowers and stabbed it with a knife.

The crow leader would not surrender. He opened his mouth and sent out an energy shock wave that blended perfectly with the night.

And it actually washed away Casey's superpowers attached to it, and even knocked the knife away.

But the next second Casey took over the knife again and pulled it back. He found that it was not damaged except for a little black.

Rada's teeth are still hard enough.

Casey focused his attention on the "cackle" crow leader again, raised his hand and pointed at it, and a small beam of light instantly formed and penetrated the night sky.

However, this attack was dodged by the constantly moving crow leader, and it seemed to sense the power of this attack. A strange black mist suddenly emanated from its body, and it disappeared in the black mist.

Casey actually lost his target.

The next second, the figure of the crow leader flew out of the black fog, with a strange purple-black energy wrapped around his whole body, and was approaching Casey at a high speed.

[Secret attack on vital points]

Casey made light of this, and waved his hand and the knives flew towards the attacking crow leader.

Xiu looked at the battle above and knew that the opponent must have investigated him and used the restraint of the evil type on the psychic type to some extent.

However, due to the lack of samples, Xiu did not know the details of the situation, so for the sake of insurance, he asked Casey to bring those props that had not been used for a long time.

If he really lost in the energy confrontation, he could still use physical attacks to cause damage.

In the final analysis, there was still a lack of samples for him to study, and this person who came seemed to be a trainer specializing in the evil type.

No wonder Casey was testing and had no intention of going all out.

But... neither Xiu nor Casey seemed to care about the figure that was approaching quickly just now.

And the other side seemed to have discovered something. Just now, he was busy looking at that Casey, and when he reacted, why did the Ma-La he sent out disappear?

After his search, he soon found some traces, and there was a sound of metal collision underground.

But before he could think about it, the disappeared Ma-la reappeared, but it jumped out from the ground, and its condition was a bit bad at this time. The lower body seemed to be cut into pieces, and there was almost no good meat. It was all skin and flesh turned outward, and there were many silver-white needles mixed in it.

People who saw it had an inexplicable fear.

And following Ma-la crawling out was a small elf that was extremely conspicuous at night. The man didn't recognize it for a while, and stared at it for a long time before he realized that it was a sandalwood king.

Another alien species, why are all this person's elves so strange?

But he also wanted to understand why Ma-la disappeared just now. It should have been dragged underground, and then escaped after a struggle.

But he could also see that Ma-la was useless. With the injury to the lower body, it had lost its most commendable speed, and it was only a matter of time before it was defeated.

As expected, after a few slashes with the Sandshrew, he was already exhausted. If he hadn't been worried about the cold wind it blew, the Sandshrew would have killed him long ago.

However, the man didn't care about Ma'la's situation. As long as he could hold back the elf, the money from this mission was enough for him to make up for the loss.

Because his mission was to involve, the real attack was not him.

At this moment, something strange happened. A strange figure with three heads appeared in the sky.

The next second, three light spots condensed and shot towards Xiu.

Xiu, who was still watching Casey playing with the bird, reacted immediately, turned around and flew to the side and rolled to avoid the attack.

Xiu, who was shrinking on the ground, could hear the explosion behind him, and the flying sand and gravel hit him.


Xiu quickly got up and re-identified the figure of the three-headed dragon to predict the next attack to avoid being attacked again.

Xiu was attacked, and the elves didn't want to continue playing.

The giant mantis used its claws to cut the commander's neck short, and then rushed towards the man.

The Sandshrew suddenly glowed, and it withstood the claws of the Ma'la, so it had to chop it directly in front of it.

Without waiting for Ma'la to react, the Sandshrew turned and ran towards Xiu, and before it took a few steps, Ma'la fell to the ground.

It looked like he was "confidently putting away his knives".

Casey was too lazy to bother with the crow leader. He just moved his mind slightly and the knives around him disappeared. The next second, they appeared around the crow leader. The twelve knives instantly formed a dense cross network.

The crow leader would not wait to die. He opened his mouth and spit out a shock wave of energy that hit the two knives. It was just a dying struggle.

The knives passed through and flew back to Casey, leaving only a few drops of blood on the blade.

Casey set his sights on the three-headed dragon and appeared in front of it in a flash.

The three-headed dragon was mainly blue in color. This elf had three heads, just like its name, all growing from the torso. It had a long neck and a circle of purple feathers around its head.

The head in the middle was larger and more fully developed than the two next to it. Even the feathers on its head were more gorgeous and expanded.

The three pairs of wings on the neck and back were covered with black feathers, the end of the tail was also black feathers, and there were two rows of lines on the abdomen.

The three-headed dragon roared when it saw Casey, and was not afraid at all.

Casey was not polite, he raised his hand and pointed, and the energy gathered at the fingertips and shot towards it.

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