Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 925 I'm waiting for you

Geng Gui!

At this moment, the elves were not around Xiu, but as a human, he could not fight against the weird elves of the ghost type.

But Xiu did not show any nervousness or fear at this time, on the contrary, he smiled.

The smile on his face even made Gengar pause for a moment.

This person smiled happier than me?

"I've been waiting for you for a long time~" Xiu said with a smile, and directly activated the crystal in his hand.

A strange energy wave came and directly woke up Gengar. It had lived for more than a hundred years and had never been afraid of anything.

The attack was launched, and Gengar opened his mouth and licked Xiu's tongue, trying to control it with the paralysis effect.

But the crystal was activated, and an energy vortex appeared in front of Xiu.

When Gengar licked over, a big hand stretched out from the vortex and grabbed his tongue directly.

What's going on?

Gengar couldn't help but panic. Its body structure is not a solid, how could it be caught?

But before it could think about it, a huge force came from the hand, and it was pulled out of Xiu's shadow directly.

Gengar struggled hard, but still couldn't resist the big hand, and was directly pulled into the vortex with a scream.

The Night Demon didn't even show his face, and he solved a century-old old Gengar with just one hand?

This situation was a bit weird. Xiu originally thought that the Night Demon would come out to fight, but he didn't expect it to be solved casually.

Xiu knew very well that even Casey couldn't solve it so easily. It can only be said that the strength of the Night Demon is a bit abnormal~

Before Xiu thought about it, the crystal in his hand made a tiny sound. Xiu looked down and saw that there were tiny cracks on it, and at the same time, it lost the energy fluctuations before use.

In other words, the energy stored in it was used up?

Xiu subconsciously looked up at the vortex, and it was shrinking.

In other words, this thing is disposable?

Before Xiu thought about it, a fist-sized irregular black substance fell out of the shrinking vortex.

The vortex disappeared without giving Xiu time to ask, and he was a little helpless about it.

What this great god meant was not something he could guess. However, Xiu picked up the thing on the ground. He did not expect that such a large piece of it was so light, but it felt like glass.

Feeling the desire conveyed by the Night Watcher, Xiu also roughly understood that this thing was a highly condensed product of ghost energy.

It should be the product of the Night Demon Spirit refining Gengar just now, used as a snack for its son.

After comforting the Night Watcher, Xiu suppressed it and turned to look at the chasing figure in the sky.

The people on the opposite side must have been secretly observing him somewhere. When they saw Xiu easily solve Gengar, the three-headed evil dragon changed its previous strong attack and kept pulling away.

But how could Casey let it go?

The strength of this three-headed evil dragon is still good, much stronger than the crow head. The most intuitive manifestation is that most of the twelve knives have been consumed in the previous battle, and only two shields are left around Casey.

Also, in the area where they just fought, the abandoned buildings underground have been destroyed by various powerful skills, leaving only ruins.

Fortunately, he chose this as the battle site, otherwise, if the city was in chaos, I don’t know how many people would die~

Of course, if they dared to do this in the city, Junsha, Joey and the Alliance would definitely take action. Not only these killers, but also the ones behind would be in trouble.

The three-headed dragon was soon disgusted by Casey’s entanglement.

Casey didn’t get close to give him a chance, but hung beside him and used consumables such as a knife to exchange for his breath. Either you don’t block it and let me stab you, or you can spit out energy to intercept it.

Compared with the superpowers attached to the knife and the energy consumed by it spitting once, Casey made a huge profit with this exchange ratio.

Not to mention Casey’s superpowers that seemed to never run out.

In this tactic, the three-headed dragon’s state was much weaker than at the beginning, and defeat was only a matter of time.

But there was no rush for this matter~

Xiu turned his eyes, and the young man fell into the ground and his life or death was unknown.

As for the blocking Houndoom, it had already had its head smashed by Mantis, and like most of the Pokémon on the field, only its body was left lying on the side.

Suddenly, a colorful beam of light shot out from the ruins of the underground building and rushed straight towards Casey.

This [Illusion Beam] indirectly interrupted Casey's rhythm, and the three-headed dragon wanted to take this opportunity to escape.

But how could Casey not pay attention to the surrounding environment?

It had no intention of hiding, and directly raised its hand and pointed in the direction of the attack.

The small beam of light did not show strong destructive power, but it showed extreme penetrating power, and it defeated the [Illusion Beam] in an instant, and even shot into the building with the remaining force.

And as its little hand swung, the whole building was cut apart.

Just when Casey launched the attack, Mantis also rushed there, and crashed into the building without any hesitation.

The chain reaction caused the entire building to collapse directly.

But this is not the most terrible thing.

Casey stopped pretending and did two things at once. With a wave of his hand, the remaining four knives disappeared from its side and appeared on top of the three-headed dragon the next second. With his fingers closed, the knives suddenly burst out with great speed and stabbed directly into the back of the three-headed dragon.


A tragic wail sounded, and the three evil dragons that were escaping here were shaking left and right as if they were uncontrollable, because all four knives were pierced into the connection between the wings and the body.

Soon it was struggling and falling. It was frantically expressing its various abilities, but to no avail, it only destroyed the surrounding environment.

Then it fell into the ruins of those buildings, directly smashing some of the buildings. However, the intensity of the struggle did not weaken, but became more intense.

Casey just glanced at it and ignored it, and returned to Xiu's side.

"I originally wanted to catch the intact one~"

"It's okay. I've always been very casual with experimental materials, as long as they can be used."

The two seemed to be chatting, but the next second they both appeared in the hole where the young man fell.

It was found that his body had been swallowed by the soil, and the Chuanshan King was beside him.

Xiu just glanced at him lightly, and the man immediately fainted.

After a while, Xiu opened his eyes and said calmly: "A hunter of high level, Junsha should be useful, so let's keep it for now."

Next Xiu came to the ruins. The brick wall that had just collapsed was no threat to the Giant Pincer Mantis. It was holding two things in its hands.

One is a middle-aged man, and the other is only half of the dream-inducing tapir.

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