Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 94 Fragments

"Well, does the doctor have any books to recommend to me?" Xiu asked with a smile. He certainly knew that most of the books in the study were not suitable for him, but the problem was that he didn't know what books beginners should learn.

Unlike the bookshelves in Baoba's house, the books in the study of the research institute were not classified at all, just placed like that.

"Wait for me." Dr. Oak could also see what Xiu wanted to do, and left a word and re-entered the research institute.

Sitting at the door, Xiu wanted to get up and see what Dr. Oak was doing, but before he walked in, Dr. Oak came towards him, and he was holding something in his hand.

"Hey, it just so happens that I haven't sorted out the books in the study for a long time. Go and sort them out when you have time."

"Thank you, doctor!" Xiu took the several reference books handed over by Dr. Oak with surprise.

"You can read books, but don't delay your business!" Dr. Oak couldn't help but pour a basin of cold water on Xiu's joy.

"Yes! Please rest assured, doctor, I will definitely feed the elves on time." Xiu immediately answered seriously.

"What else?"

"Also ensure the doctor's three meals a day."

"What else?"

"What else?" Xiu looked at Dr. Oak in confusion. When he saw him looking at him, he quickly raised the key and said, "And organize the library."

"I'm talking about the experiment of Scyther!" Dr. Oak looked helpless. Why did he feel that his decision was too rash?

"Doctor, you're talking about this~" Xiu put down his raised arm and put away the key casually. At this time, he continued, "Isn't this waiting for your plan, Doctor? I have no problem here."

"The materials I ordered haven't arrived yet, but some experiments can be carried out tomorrow." Dr. Oak said casually, as if he didn't care much about Xiu's question.

"Materials?" Xiu was very curious about the materials mentioned by Dr. Oak. What materials were he going to prepare?

Dr. Oak smiled when he saw Xiu like this: "Yes, I ordered a batch of metals, all kinds of metals."

Xiu could clearly hear Dr. Oak emphasize the word "all kinds". There must be something wrong.

Dr. Oak didn't let him wait for long and then explained.

"I found that the metal elements that exceeded the standard in Scyther's body were not just 'iron'. Although iron accounted for the largest proportion, reaching more than 90%, there were also some other metal elements found.

So I want to test the difference in Scyther's affinity for different metals to see if it is only affinity for iron."

"Does this make any difference to Scyther?"

Xiu is still quite concerned about this issue. Although ordinary metals may not cause any serious problems to Scyther, after all, there is a big difference between the bodies of humans and elves.

But some special metals may not be certain, after all, heavy metal poisoning is not a very strange thing.

"This difference is huge!" Dr. Oak smiled and asked casually: "Do you know the weakness of Giant Claw Mantis?"

"Can't fly?" Xiu thought for a while and said.

"..." Dr. Oak was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Although this is also one, it is not the most important one."

"It's fire and physical strength." Xiu was just joking just now, but the fun was gone when he faced Dr. Oak, a native who didn't understand him at all. He certainly knew that the biggest weakness of the giant claw mantis was fire and that it couldn't fight for a long time.

However, compared with the many attribute weaknesses of Scyther, the giant claw mantis only has one, which is considered good.

Seeing that Xiu finally said it, Dr. Oak continued to ask, "Then do you know what the root cause is?"

Xiu's first reaction was: What reason can there be for this? It's just attribute restraint.

However, there is no such statement yet, and he doesn't think Dr. Oak's question will be so simple. Xiu didn't rush to answer, but thought about the keyword "metal" for a while before speaking.

"The doctor said before that the iron content in modern evolutionary materials is 80%. Is it because of this?"

"Hmm~" Dr. Oak nodded, which was considered to be an approval of his answer, and then continued to ask: "Then do you know why evolutionary materials choose iron instead of other metals?"

"I don't know." Xiu answered very straightforwardly. This was indeed beyond his ability.

"Because this is the simplest, it has been verified in ancient times. This is the metal with the highest success rate."

Xiu suddenly said: "I think it is better to say that this has the least impact on Scyther. No matter what the affinity is, the body can still accept a part of the iron element, and the rejection reaction is not so strong."

Xiu suddenly felt that this experiment was not so simple. He seemed to have been set up. He didn't say anything about metal when he said it at the beginning.

The old man is still the best, this old guy~

Although he knew that he was cheated, Xiu didn't cry and scream at the first time, but calmed down to think about this problem.

"Doctor, is it possible to change a method to verify it instead of directly letting Scyther absorb various metals?"

"Then what do you have?" Dr. Oak looked at him strangely, as if wondering why he said such a thing.

After a brief thought, Xiu asked, "Doctor, you want to verify Scyther's absorption of different metals, right?"

"This is just one point. There is also the effect of this metal on Scyther. This is the foundation of the subsequent experiments. What? Do you have any good methods?" Dr. Oak looked at him with interest when he saw him like this, because he knew that if he didn't have any ideas, Xiu would not ask such questions.

Since he asked, it means that he has ideas.

Xiu didn't say it directly, but threw out another question.

"Maybe, but I want to ask whether the absorption of metal by Scyther is an active or passive process? Is it related to its current physical signs?"

"This..." Dr. Oak didn't understand why Xiu asked this question that had nothing to do with it, but still answered: "Although this cannot be said for sure, it should be passive absorption based on the current situation. As for the relationship with the physical signs of Scyther, it is hard to say, because I don't have any research on this."

"Then you can try it." Xiu said to himself, and then ran to the warehouse after leaving a sentence.

"Doctor, wait for me first!"

Looking at Xiu's back as he left, Dr. Oak was thinking about what method he would use to replace this experiment.

Xiu went and came back quickly. It took less than three minutes for him to come back from the warehouse, and he had something in his hand.

"What is this?" Professor Oak asked, looking at the small bag in his hand.

Xiu opened the bag and handed it over, saying, "This is the sickle fragment I collected before. If possible, it seems better to use this. There is no need for complicated inspections. Just start with the weight to get accurate data."

"But yours is already..."

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